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Banned on -=PFC=- Server (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-11-24, 6:10 PM | Message # 41
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Please don't bring up this old stuff again.  mellow

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 0:37 AM | Message # 42
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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I was suprised that I was banned too, though I have never played on PFC before - preventive ban?
mayerDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 1:03 AM | Message # 43
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yes because you could mention FHSW on his server devil
which would undermine Grabbis absolute authority and control over the Forgotten Hope universe
It's his wall of silence, this mod simply doesn't exist and has to be treated as sth dysfunctional/broken when the information of its existence leaks to the public
RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 1:20 AM | Message # 44
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote mayer ()
yes because you could mention FHSW on his server devil
which would undermine Grabbis absolute authority and control over the Forgotten Hope universe
It's his wall of silence, this mod simply doesn't exist and has to be treated as sth dysfunctional/broken when the information of its existence leaks to the public

The thing is that I have never played on his server.
mayerDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 1:46 AM | Message # 45
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it's simple: everyone who played on this server lands on Grabbis ban list
PumiasekDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 3:00 PM | Message # 46
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I'm banned ^^ because I said Grabbi that he is a crook and he uses a hack to map

Message edited by Pumiasek - Tuesday, 2013-12-24, 10:48 PM
mayerDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-25, 1:29 AM | Message # 47
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Quote Pumiasek ()
I'm banned ^^ because I said Grabbi that he is a crook and he uses a hack to map

Well i didn't need to say anything to him, as soon as i was affilated with FHSW i couldn't join their server anymore.
But i don't care, they suck anyway and FHSW rules
PumiasekDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-25, 2:08 AM | Message # 48
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Honestly, for me FH is nothing compared to FHSW. Grabbi is a strange man may have some emotional problems or none of the close environment does not love him. Doing a strange bans use of the word FHSW chatting and insults at the players who are playing in FHSW. I failed also to the admin with the nick Aoi (pole, countryman) is, unfortunately, the so-called shoeshine boy and always protects and justifies Mr. G. ....
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-25, 5:08 AM | Message # 49
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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But how did he knew my CD-key hash then?
mayerDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-25, 6:02 AM | Message # 50
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But how did he knew my CD-key hash then?

traces on the internet
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-25, 10:25 AM | Message # 51
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Grabbi most likely got no real-life-friends. He is living out his ideas of power on his server. I suppose he also is depressive and got inferiority complexes. Potential fate: suicide.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
(HH)BenjaminDate: Saturday, 2014-01-04, 8:56 AM | Message # 52
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I think what you guys should do is invite Grabbi and all of his guys to a neutral server(vanilla or some other mod other then fh and fhsw). Then Marduk and all of his guys come on opposite team. Yell at each other over chat box, then curse each other out, start fighting or playing whichever one works out. The one that isn't mad at the other side and isn't affected by what happened is the winner. Otherwise, nothing will've changed if that happened anyways. Ha ha.
But seriously, you guys should go to a neutral mod or vanilla and rent a server and fight each other. Just an idea
SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2014-01-04, 12:11 PM | Message # 53
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This would never work, grabbi is too much of a little beyatch to ever agree to it,  and the second he would get killed he would start crying about how we are all war criminals... If anything is gonna be settled by any sort I fight I think our best bet is for entire fhsw crew to show up at his house and beat him up... :-P

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(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-01-05, 6:03 AM | Message # 54
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LampoDate: Monday, 2014-02-03, 6:06 PM | Message # 55
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Quote marduk ()
Potential fate: suicide.

DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 5:22 AM | Message # 56
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LOL Ben keep dreaming, that will never happen, Grabbi is too insane.

Simo you have NO IDEA how crazy grabbi can get, no idea mate.

best thing to do is leave pfc alone, the more people grabbi bans, the more players we get  tongue

mayerDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 9:29 PM | Message # 57
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You may have heard it already, that members of -=PFC=- banned players of this server and made various accusations against us
This thread has the purpose to show all actions of the pixel-fighter community which were/are aimed against the FHSW Europe Community

  • Charges of Nazism
    Most players of this community are banned on the pixel-fighter FH server for "Motivation - advertising of the National-Socialist server FHSW" (original statement from PFC banlist).Although these bans are not displayed anymore on the website, they are still in effect and members of the PFC community continue to refer to us as "Nazis".(If you had a pixel-fighter forum account , your personal information may be changed in a form to insult you. See here)While we can not condemn their banning methods because it's the right of the server owner to decide who is allowed to play on his server, we strongly oppose all allegations of us being "Nazis".The [FHSW]Europe community is a multi-national community which does not tolerate racism or similar discriminatory behaviour, therefore all imputations of us being supporters of nazism are baseless charges and are merely attempts to detroy our reputation.This already led to the end of cooperation between this community and the hslan gaming community due to lobbying of PFC via character assassination.

  • Pressure on Clans
    Styv Manns, a member of this community was threatened to follow in line of the [DPB]and quit playing on the FHSW Europe server or else he would be banned from pixel-fighter. He did not obey and was banned.When Optimus, member of xX*(D.I.E)*Xx was banned from pixel-fighter FH for playing on this server, several of his clanmates supported him. As response PFC banned the whole clan.

  • Attempts of direct Competition
    From december 2009 to november 2010 pixel-fighter hosted their own FHSW server with events on fridays (our old event day) which deliberately took place on the same time as ours.In the pixel-fighter forum were demonstrably dicussions how to surpass the playercount of FHSW Europe.Then officially of reasons of technical difficulties with the newer FHSW versions, the pixel-fighter FHSW server was shut down (It rather seems to be a change of tactics because overtaking the FHSW playerbase failed and was counterproductive in the sense of introducing new players to FHSW).

    Today the abbreviation 'FHSW' is erased from the pixel-fighter forum and its mention alone is a reason for ban.After the closure of the pfc FHSW server was a period of short runs of servers with different BF42 mods which was then abandoned and replaced with servers for different games (IL-2, CoD, MoH).Simultaneously they announced the making of a own FH 0.7 addon, called FHC (FH Commmunity addon) however they did not achieve much in the last 3 years and are probably just ripping features from FHSW.

    In February 2014 at the same time as Forgotten Honor hosts their first FHSW tournament "Blood and Iron" in cooperation with FHSW Europe, PFC responds by starting their own tournament set in the same theatre (Eastern Front)

From these aggressive actions one can only conclude that the leadership of the pixel-fighter community, in particular Grabbi, tries to have control over the whole FH1+addons playerbase and is especially infuriated that people who are banned by him can play on another popular server. His unsportmanslike behaviour as serveradmin also shows itself by reports of him using cheat-software.

Meanwhile the [FHSW]Europe community stands for fairplay and none of our admins ever cheated on the server and we never arbitrarily banned people. We also never attacked other gaming communities by lust for power.
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 9:58 PM | Message # 58
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Well put mayer..

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DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:29 PM | Message # 59
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just leave grabbi and his goonies alone. its not worth it mate, nor is it worth bringing it up.

Korsakov829Date: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:30 PM | Message # 60
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Personally I've never been a fan of PFC for reasons mentioned, but they more or less run the only FH 0.7 server so I'm going to hold back. In a way yes, it's believable that they do indeed try to control the player base, the only fix for that I can think of is the introduction of more popular servers but I don't see that happening any time soon.