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Banned on -=PFC=- Server (m)
mayerDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:34 PM | Message # 61
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Quote Mr_J
WTF Mayer, why are you rubbing salt into the old wound?

This thread is a good opportunity to show the misbehaviour of -=PFC=-
also it is not "old", they are continuing with their policy
It is above all aimed at informing new players of the risks of punishment by the pixel-fighters for playing on FHSW Europe
Sth we can not prevent, and also to dispute the accusations (which has indeed ruined our reputation in the bf community, especially in germany)

Quote Korsakov829 ()
the only fix for that I can think of is the introduction of more popular servers but I don't see that happening any time soon.

We are still there and FHSW Europe is as popular as never, so Grabbi has clearly failed with his objective.
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 0:01 AM | Message # 62
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Mayer, you have just deleted my post, which is exactly the same thing that PFC crew is used to do, isn't it?

Again, make love not war, otherwise this silliness will never be gone
mayerDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 0:27 AM | Message # 63
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Quote Mr_J ()
Mayer, you have just deleted my post, which is exactly the same thing that PFC crew is used to do, isn't it?

No, PFC would have threatened you with ban for deviation from general line.
I deleted it because the blame on me for mentioniong the topic was unneeded as we need to clarify what is going on to new players who got involved in Grabbi's war.
This thread offers the information in a more orderly, complete and objective manner than the comments in the <pfc has banned me> threads.

Quote Mr_J ()
Again, make love not war, otherwise this silliness will never be gone

Ah yes? This community has in all its existence never attacked the playerbase of -=PFC=-, all aggressions came from their site.
This situation will probaby end only when one of the communities is defunct or Grabbi retires.
crazygameloverDate: Friday, 2014-02-07, 10:51 PM | Message # 64
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So...apparently I'm banned from the FH server too XD
LampoDate: Saturday, 2014-02-08, 11:06 AM | Message # 65
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Quote mayer ()
(If you had a pixel-fighter forum account , your personal information may be changed in a form to insult you. See here)

ehi, I know that ass   rolleyes
I can add that grabbi hates me because I had a game server, some years ago, Optimus and Stefan played in and others FHSW players did the same. Grabbi won his battle against me and now he is' trying to do the same with us... but.... that's impossible.   up
So, dear grabbi, keep calm, that's life.

Message edited by Lampo - Saturday, 2014-02-08, 11:07 AM
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-09, 10:04 PM | Message # 66
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Guys, I noticed this in the FHT forums, PFC up to their usual shit!

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DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-09, 11:32 PM | Message # 67
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I don't see anything, nor a thread?  death

SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-09, 11:41 PM | Message # 68
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ahahaha! that means it got deleted! excellent!

Is was some BULLSH*T PFC flyer saying that the gamespy shut down wont effect their servers and that everyone should go to them.

It was so ugly...

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DeathDate: Thursday, 2014-04-10, 3:39 AM | Message # 69
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facepalm yeah they probably got rid of it because everyone knows pfc is crazy.

SimoHayhaDate: Thursday, 2014-04-10, 3:54 AM | Message # 70
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but it did make me wonder how badly it is gonna affect us,

Are we gonna be able to play still after gamespy goes down?

I havent been able to find any info about whether bf1942 will conclusively be affected, or whether because or origin EA might keep it running..

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bubuDate: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 11:40 AM | Message # 71
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Grabbi is a like a really bad joke. It is like someone says it over and over and it really gets worse and worse everytime. 
When troubles began back in time, me and Optimus were called to TS as clanleaders of D.I.E (which by that time still played on both servers) and had to listen to his c**p about his ideology and his theories about this and that, but wow - he managed to talk 30 minutes without breathing like some kind of zombie mutant or whatever not human (Or maybe he has gills, who knows). xD biggrin
BUT seriously said, his mind is totally f****d, with no exceptions. Just f****d. No other word can describe that.
After that there were some troubles with DIE players playing on both servers. PFC didn't like this so they banned the half of the clan. You know, you just can't tell players where they should to play. That's just not even possible or polite. And then we were kind of torn up between both servers and blah blah, old and bad stuff which I really am not happy that has happened. :/

Then, after a lot of time, it looked like some admins from PFC are against him and he is close to being kicked out of PFC team but then all was left down so nothing happened. Some guys have seen how crazy he is and have supported his kick/ban but I don't recall what was next. It was pretty messed up.

So anyway, the best thing to do (in my opinion) is just to ignore both, him and PFC staff for now. Let's just wait, observe and ignore them like intelligent beings. wink

(Excuse me for bad words, it is impossible to write about Grabbi without them rolleyes .)

Santa-AnnaDate: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 1:14 PM | Message # 72
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Mentally ill person.
(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 5:10 PM | Message # 73
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Quote Death ()
just leave grabbi and his goonies alone. its not worth it mate, nor is it worth bringing it up.
I'm sorry Death but I have to take Mayer's side on this thing. I do believe it's worth bringing up because if we don't we have nothing to justify why we dislike them, just in case any of this ever comes to light. Now is Grabbi ever going to apologize? Probably not, but if it should ever come up in a public forum/viewing area, I think it's very important that we have our facts straight so that we can tell PFC exactly what they had done, when they had done it, and why they had done it. Otherwise, it's just our two communities throwing words back at each other, it's very difficult for Grabbi to come up with an excuse when fighting against facts that he knows and we know are true. Just my opinion though, it's not gospel. smile

Message edited by (HH)Benjamin - Sunday, 2014-08-31, 5:13 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 7:03 PM | Message # 74
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U are right, but Grabbi will never apologize, just like any government NEVER would agree that they had done false flagg operations ... dry it´s the same stupid mind wacko

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 7:12 PM | Message # 75
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I agree
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2014-08-31, 7:56 PM | Message # 76
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buddydogDate: Monday, 2014-09-01, 2:16 PM | Message # 77
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Wow. Never had that experience with PFC. But I know crazy how some gaming communities can be in regards to abuse, false accusations, and racism (in my case I was the recipient of the racism). 
Hopefully after these years, they have moved on, maybe?
(HH)BenjaminDate: Monday, 2014-09-01, 4:46 PM | Message # 78
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I'm sorry but I really don't see the FHSW and the PFC communities ever making amends.
mardukDate: Monday, 2014-09-01, 7:19 PM | Message # 79
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Hey guys, why are you still talking about PFC?
We have won the fight against PFC a long time ago. They tried to destroy us and our playerbase years ago. And we are still here. There is nothing to talk about left.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
JiangZhongzhengDate: Monday, 2014-09-01, 8:58 PM | Message # 80
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I don't know really. Maybe so we can have more players in SW, or so that 0.7 isn't ruled by a megalomaniac.