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Server crash (m)
mardukDate: Saturday, 2017-04-22, 8:33 PM | Message # 1
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Report all server crashes here, so we can find if there is a pattern that can be fixed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

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Marduk aka Postduk

Message edited by sonikglight - Sunday, 2017-04-23, 10:38 AM
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2017-04-22, 9:35 PM | Message # 2
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Let's use this thread also to collect all baddy maps that ruin the server and the playerbase.

- Seelow Height seems to crash the server heavily
mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-04-23, 6:32 AM | Message # 3
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We should be more precise because there is a difference between maps that completely crash the server and others that (only) cause mass disconnections.

22nd of April, Seelow Heights:
-complete servercrash


Before 0.61 the following maps caused mass disconnections and kept disconnecting players during the round:
-Battle of Britain
-Korsun Pocket
-Omaha Charlie Sector

We should try out if this is still occuring with the new version.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

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Marduk aka Postduk
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2017-04-23, 11:28 AM | Message # 4
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Quote marduk ()
-Omaha Charlie Sector

As I said before, disconnects, or rather, crashes, were caused by the bug in S&T map file, which I had hopefully fixed.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 1:40 PM | Message # 5
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Kakazu Ridge
The map disconnects about 20-30% of the players at the beginning of the round.

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Marduk aka Postduk
slobodanDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 3:14 PM | Message # 6
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Maybe that was due to map is weak?  smile

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 6:34 PM | Message # 7
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I had awefull laggs on Kakazu and I was not the only one

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 6:58 PM | Message # 8
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Operation Hailstone is not in the mapcircle. Does it crash?

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Marduk aka Postduk
slobodanDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 8:51 PM | Message # 9
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Another server crash after Fall Gelb  - really starnge - drop from 38 to 28 players? Trust me, it is not onlymap pack popularity reason.

Added (2017-05-21, 7:51 PM)
Idk who was admin, but it was irresponsible behavior.

mardukDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 9:07 PM | Message # 10
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Quote Slobodan: "Trust me, it is not onlymap pack popularity reason. Idk who was admin, but it was irresponsible behavior. "

It was not me, but it seems you are just conjecturing. No admin knows if players will leave or stay with a certain map. Some days maps work and more players join, other days they leave on the same map. As an admin you never know what the majority wants. Even if you ask, most players remain silent. There always is risk, especially with many players.

But this is not the right thread to discuss this anyway.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 11:18 PM | Message # 11
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Simusyu To seems to have similiar problems like Kakazu Ridge (assuming there were really client crashes).

At least me and others can confirm that the game immediately crashes upon loading Simusyu To. We should avoid that map.

I agree with Marduk. Some maps once work, once not. It's extremely difficult sometimes to choose from this vast selection of maps for a appropiate number of players.

Also I must say one thing. If a map is played that is sooooo unpopular... do you really think regular players who only occasionally have the chance to experience a full server would say:
"Oh great 50 players! Awesome! But what..... the next map is (>insert map name<) What a bullshit map! I will NOT play this one! I'm disconnecting, BYE!"

Is that a realistic scenario to you? Many players at once are rare these days. So just acknowledge that there are different tastes in maps and give it a go... FHSW has so much gameplay variety that there is no need to ignore certain aspects of it because you are not a fan of it. Just stay on the server and keep the numbers high. If it's just unbearable then go afk... or take a backseat and use some mortars, arty, etc.. The next interesting map for you will certainly arrive next round.
Born-1942Date: Monday, 2017-05-22, 0:04 AM | Message # 12
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You are right, but we should define most of the maps that most players want and let new players choose and also sometimes choose a player to set a preference map, this would happen to all players. this is fair.

For me the map list is useful only if the vote for some map stays in draws and some administrator is needed to decide which map it would be, which would be the correct, I guess. Why get picking maps from the list and very annoying, very times.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht

Message edited by luiscarlosred - Monday, 2017-05-22, 0:26 AM
slobodanDate: Monday, 2017-05-22, 0:11 AM | Message # 13
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Maybe you are right Xena,

but in my opinion public asking players  (when 30+ on server) about next map is not a good idea. You should consult decision with rest of admins (not on public chat) or set what you personally believe that will work. First of all think to keep players on server - not only to play something rare. 

There are many popular (and some unpopular) maps where most of players have fun.

mardukDate: Monday, 2017-05-22, 7:44 AM | Message # 14
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Quote Slobodan: "First of all think to keep players on server - not only to play something rare."

If you never play something rare all good maps soon will be overplayed and nobody will join anymore.

Anyway, this is the server crash thread. Please discuss here: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/44-858-1

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 10:20 AM | Message # 15
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Simysu or what ever the fak it's called cause mass disconnect I guess on Sunday
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-06-26, 3:23 PM | Message # 16
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Just wanted to say that also Kharkov Outskirts got removed from the rotation since once I experienced a complete servercrash and other players also said that the map causes problems.
Really a shame, because we lost a nice non 1944/45 tank battle map.
mardukDate: Monday, 2017-06-26, 4:16 PM | Message # 17
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I put Kharkow Outskirts back in the map rotation because there were no problems at all when we played it several times lately.
Please do not remove maps from the circle only because they crashed once.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
RADIOSMERSHDate: Monday, 2017-06-26, 6:19 PM | Message # 18
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote marduk ()
I put Kharkow Outskirts back in the map rotation because there were no problems at all when we played it several times lately.

Yup, at least 3.
crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2017-06-26, 11:13 PM | Message # 19
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Quote marduk ()
Please do not remove maps from the circle only because they crashed once.

I really hope we apply this attitude to any other maps that have been removed so far, it really pains me when so many are removed  weep
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-06-26, 11:20 PM | Message # 20
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First of all I asked Bubu to remove the map AFTER I heard from trusted players that the map crashed prior to these recent events already.
Sorry, but if players tell me something like that I have to trust them in the first place.

It really sucks that a map crash can singlehandly ruin a whole fightnight if we risk too much. So if there are multiple messages about issues with a specific level we should assume the worst.

By the way: Have we already tested Battle of Britain with 0.61 ? On 0.6 it used to crash the server.
A local multiplay test I did with it was successful interestingly.
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