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Crete, Battle of Angaur & The bridge on the river Kwai (m)
DeathDate: Saturday, 2014-03-01, 7:21 PM | Message # 1
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Ok I'm hesitant to say this this, but Crete needs to be edited someway.
I literally can't remember the last time Axis even won on that bloody map. Unfortunately the new players we have on the server are more concerned about the stupid Giant than actually capping flags. Its getting really frustrating when you're axis and you have 3-4 people that actually try to capture the flags, while the rest of the stupid team spends the ENTIRE game playing with the giant and fighting over it.

I say remove the giant or something and just have the tanks spawn as you cap flags for axis. Its getting really annoying, I used to like Crete, but now axis don't do shit, they just play with the giant and the rest of the team gets screwed. Its no fun for players who actually try to win the map, idk maybe its just me, but I think something  has to be done, the map is like torture if you're axis.

LampoDate: Sunday, 2014-03-02, 1:06 AM | Message # 2
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Agree, maybe giant has to respawn when Axis capture the airport flag... meh, dunno, my 2 cents  yes

mayerDate: Sunday, 2014-03-02, 1:10 AM | Message # 3
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in my opinion, the gigant should only spawn occasionally and not all the time (so axis is still able to get some tank support on the ground)
while the air-spawn ju-52 is the backbone of axis transport.

Quote Lampo ()
maybe giant has to respawn when Axis capture the airport flag

this is also a neat idea
Korsakov829Date: Sunday, 2014-03-02, 3:31 AM | Message # 4
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Add air spawn points? Or radio to call in a plane that acts as a spawn point?
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2014-03-02, 11:07 AM | Message # 5
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Don't remove the ME 323! Just set the spawn time on 5 minutes. Set a Ju 52 in the air where the Axis can keep spawning inside the Ju52 and jump out the plane. And remove the heaviest tanks. No Stug and no Panzer IV. Same for the Matilde's. Make sure there are only tanks wich can be destroyed with AT Rifles.
DeathDate: Sunday, 2014-03-02, 7:49 PM | Message # 6
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Yeah increase the spawn time, having it spawn every damn second just distracts the axis noobs that want to play with it the entire round. 
I like the idea of having the giant respawn if the axis capture 1 flag. That way the team can be focused on capping a flag, instead of fighting over who gets to put a tank in the giant and how many fit.

SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 0:26 AM | Message # 7
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Why dont you make it so that the spawn on the island places you in the planes that are there, so that when all positions are filled up the spawn is disabled, forcing axis to use the air spawned paradrop plane, and whatever flags they have captured on the mainland..

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mardukDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 11:23 AM | Message # 8
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Regarding "Battle of Angaur":
Yesterday it became clear to me and some other players (including other admins) that the Battleship LION definitely has to be removed from the map because it leads to a massive pain in the ass for axis. Not, that axis can not win the map, but it is a pain in the ass to play that map as axis because LION will fire at the Island the whole time and axis got no chance to destroy it. Some other players and me attacked it several times with PT-boats and hit it with torpedoes about 20-25 times and about 25 times with the 20,3 cm coastel gun and at the end of the map it still was not destroyed.
I think LION should be replaced by a cruiser or several destroyers.

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Marduk aka Postduk
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 12:00 PM | Message # 9
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agree!!! victory

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
LampoDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 6:00 PM | Message # 10
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don't forget the infinite TK.  priest

Santa-AnnaDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 6:07 PM | Message # 11
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Nice idea =)
Korsakov829Date: Monday, 2014-03-03, 7:51 PM | Message # 12
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Collectively the Lion killed at least 70 people, perhaps more than 100 yesterday. But still, Axis won, and at the end we had about 50% health left. I don't agree with removing it however, not until it's on another map as I've yet to encounter it elsewhere.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 9:21 PM | Message # 13
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If it will be last on that map I always will leave server and don´t feel sad about it tongue

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2014-03-03, 10:59 PM | Message # 14
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Removing the Gigant is out of question but I like this idea:

Quote Lampo ()
Agree, maybe giant has to respawn when Axis capture the airport flag

I would like to test it first that when Axis cap 2 flags it doesn't respawn.

@Korsakov: She's on Kikusui Day2, though only static and with AA guns working.

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aka eYe.ris
Korsakov829Date: Tuesday, 2014-03-04, 7:09 AM | Message # 15
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One possible fix would be to decrease the range of the radar or disable it from detecting infantry. During that game I rarely used what could be considered indirect fire, instead of relying on artillery spots I just observed the map for anything that moved, fired some shots and looked on the map to see where the shells disappear (they too show on radar), adjusted fire, and eventual memorized elevation and distances to the point where I could change targets and be spot on in just seconds. Another fix that doesn't involve removing it entirely would be to add a barrier reef of sorts, maybe around the entire island or around where the ship spawns, at greater distances aiming artillery becomes more sensitive.
mardukDate: Thursday, 2014-06-19, 7:58 PM | Message # 16
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The bridge on the River Kwai crashes the server. I removed the map from the mapcircle.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
CanukAttakDate: Friday, 2014-06-20, 0:27 AM | Message # 17
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play with whats there and how it is, It only makes you better. Noobs are noobs you take away one thing they find something else, And its war its never fair. 

so dry up that river of tears and keep playing.
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2014-06-20, 11:09 AM | Message # 18
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Quote marduk ()
The bridge on the River Kwai crashes the server. I removed the map from the mapcircle.

Can't be, we have played it a couple of times in the past and no changes were made to this map. I did a quick test and it didn't crash. Maybe just a coincidence that you played this map and the server randomly crashed for whatever reason which happens at least once per week.

@Canuk: Some small changes are necessary because most maps are designed for the Japanese server which usually has 60 to 80 players.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Friday, 2014-06-20, 3:12 PM | Message # 19
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@Endless: Thats odd. I first joined the map and my game immediately crashed. I rejoined and waited for more players. Then another player tried to connect and the whole server crashed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
wewakDate: Friday, 2014-06-20, 3:34 PM | Message # 20
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I think Marduk is correct, I have also had this map crash on me a couple of times (last time was 1-2 months ago).
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