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FHSW Tournament Theater (r)
What theater should we use for our first tournament.
1. Western Front (Early) [ 1 ] [3.70%]
2. Western Front (Post D-Day) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
3. Eastern Front (Early 41-43) [ 5 ] [18.52%]
4. Eastern Front (44-45) [ 10 ] [37.04%]
5. North Africa [ 3 ] [11.11%]
6. Pacific Early (40-42) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
7. Pacific Late (43-45) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
Answers total: 27
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:07 PM | Message # 21
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Unless, we somehow coordinate with fh, I know they said they're done with tournaments, but if we get their help we can have a tournament hosted by the fhsw community, it will boost players and attention for this mod. People will see how awesome it is, and an extra bonus take away from PFC  tongue

Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:07 PM | Message # 22
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TS is running now again!

but i dont know why gamtracker show the TS is offline?!

I would join a german or austrian team:)
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:07 PM | Message # 23
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Quote (Stefan1990)
TS is running now again!

and what about ftp?
Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:07 PM | Message # 24
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i can join FTP! you too?
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:07 PM | Message # 25
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I think we should get things rolling  tongue

mardukDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 26
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Yes, lets just try it out!

I join the German/Austrian team.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 27
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I say we focus on a small-medium sized tournament with the best front, and best maps. so it will be popular, then if things go well we can increase the tournament  tongue

slobodanDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 28
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@Deathy could you please work on tournament rules? I can't do everything, I'm working on banners and flyers.
btw We have our Polish Team, You can too create new thread in "Clan board" section about German/Austrian and talk about it there.

Message edited by slobodan - Saturday, 2013-10-12, 4:59 PM
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 29
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@Slobodan Im working on the tournament as we speak  tongue as soon as the last fht battle ends today i'll have plenty of time to work on rules.

Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 30
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where can I read and study the FHT rules?
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:08 PM | Message # 31
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FHT site. However, Juca said he's more than happy to help us with this. He said when we make rules send them to him so he can tell us if they are good or not.

Anyways I'll be working on rules. I think we should do a nice 1944-1945 eastern front tournament.

Added (2013-10-14, 2:13 AM)
I shall have a basic layout of the rules and stuff by the end of the week  smile

Added (2013-10-14, 5:38 AM)
CAMPAIGN LAYOUT Eastern Front 1944-19452 Armies: 10-12 maps. 800 tickets per Army, no time limit, 3Rounds.Possible Push Maps? Attacking Army starts with 1000 ticketsto compensate for bleed.Like FHT when you join an army you’re there the entirecampaign. So axis are always axis, allies are always allies. The teams won’t
switch what army they play as.Axis: Army Group VistulaAllies: 1st Belorussian FrontArmy Structure2 Infantry Divisions: (1 Language, 1 International)1 Armored Division: Half Tank Destroyers and Half Tanks1 Fighter ContingentMapsEastern Front Maps: Russian vs German, however I think we should add in the fewRomanian vs Russian Maps.TeamspeakCommunication using teamspeak is a must. No microphone noplay?AdminsI know for the last fht tournament rule breaking was a bitof a problem. So I think we should have 2 admins per team to keep an eye on

SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:09 PM | Message # 32
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Quote marduk ()
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Yes, lets just try it out!

I join the German/Austrian team.
Marduk, i want to be on whatever team you are on!

When is this tournament thing gonna happen, im looking forward to it, let me know if theres any way i can help, ive spoken to eye and im going to create an FHSW account in the official EA forum for bf1942, and create threads linking to fhsw moddb page and installation instructions, ill also put up any info you guys need about the tournaments just to maximise our chances of roping in more players.

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DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 7:09 PM | Message # 33
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Simo, I actually do need your help. I would love it if you and slobo could make the MOST EPIC, BADASS POSTER EVER MADE. eastern front 1944-1945

probably in a month, im still working on things, plus admins have to give it a go, which maps etc.

simo that would be great, but for now keep things hush hush, if pixel finds out about this before we finished, theyll make a tournament and beat us too it. i want to show this off and catch grabbi with his pants off.

Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:02 PM | Message # 34
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[Threads were merged]
Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:10 PM | Message # 35
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I see somewhere "clans". Don't do that. No clans! Each person who wantn to join, let them join the Tournement. I have 8 camp's at FHT! 8 times i did a campaign. I never saw that! NO Clans! You got my support. You need an officer? Fine, i will do it. Maybe its time to take a step higher. No NCO anymore. Time to get higher.

BTW: is this campaign via this forum or via the FHT board? Why not via FHT? We can use the TS, we have 2 servers and we can use the forum and the medals. People like me want to make a carreer at FHt and have a lot of medals. Those people will join! Believe me!

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:13 PM
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:15 PM | Message # 36
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CAMPAIGN LAYOUT Eastern Front 1944-1945
2 Armies: 10-12 maps.
800 tickets per Army, no time limit,
3Rounds.Possible Push Maps? Attacking Army startswith 1000 tickets to compensate for bleed.
Like FHT when you join an army you’re there theentire campaign. So axis are always axis, allies are always allies. The teams
switch what army they play as.

Axis: Army Group Vistula Allies: 1st BelorussianFront

Army Structure
2 Infantry Divisions: (1 Language, 1 International)
1 Armored Division: Half Tank Destroyers and HalfTanks
1 Fighter Contingent

Teamspeak Communication using teamspeak is amust. No microphone noplay?

Admins I know for the last fht tournamentrule breaking was a bit of a problem. So I think we should have 2 admins per
team to keep an eye on

Rules: Server Rules along with someForgotten Honor Tournament Rules (if you want, Jucabala said we can use them)

Maps: Mostly Soviet Union vs Germany, with like 1-2 Hungary vs Soviet Union (good maps)
Berlin 1945 (1945)
Berlin Streets (1945)
Earned In Blood?(1945)
Hungary Forest? (1944)
Korsun Pocket (1944)
Operation Spring Awakening (1945)
Seelow Heights (1945)
Spurning Fate (1945)
Stashuv Area (1944)
The Great Pursuit (1945)
The Storm (1944)
Transcarpathia (1944)

FHT Breakdown

Ok I'll explain in detail how FHT works.

1.Each Campaign is a specific theater (ours shall be eastern front 44-45)
2.Each campaign has 2 specific armies, example last campaign was africa so armies
with 8th army and afrika korp (for historical accuracy). I gave ours above.
3. 1Battle each week, 1 battle is 1 map. so the campaign will last 10 weeks? 1 day
a week, 3 rounds.
4.they try to keep balance together, example, if allies have too many we move
people to axis.
5.Army Structure: Each Army shall have a main general, to plan the battles, and
command, each army division shall have an officer and LT to lead that division,
and command those troops during battle.
6.Battles hosted every week, same day, same time like 20:00 GMT
7.armies usually have a training during the week, to practice together.
8.teamspeak 3 is a must, communication is a must
9.each team usually has a language regiment, we already said we need a german
speaking division, so depending on who join we might need another.
10.FHT usually designs special tags to wear ingame, mine for this last one was
HQ|[DAK]@@Death which bascially meant, I was in Headquaters for the afrika korp
army, the 2 @@s meant i was the second in command for the army. stuff like this
makes it easy to see who's in which unit and such.

1. Server capacity will need to be increased
2. Maps edited? like maybe change push maps to normal maps if possible?  cry

Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:31 PM | Message # 37
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Oh, so I can see that the engine has been ignited and is running well smile
My notices. (the numbers are not related to yours, Death)

1. How are we gonna force stubborn players to join the specific team? Admins can't do that afaik.

2. What is the reason of removing push? Besides this, I guess we'll need custom vehicles and weapons SSM, right?

3. EVERY player MUST follow the orders of his leader, as well as MUST report current situation with radio commands or chat (if not on TS)

4. We need master admins with full rights on TS. I can't imagine efficient voice communication of random strangers crowd, though. So, joining TS would be highly recommended but not necessary, commanders could give their orders by chat as well;

5. Do people have to confirm their attendance in advance?

6. I truly support the idea of disabling the timer, but it causes that 3 rounds seems to be too excessive. I guess people start leaving then. 2 is enough imo. Two Maps with 2 rounds then?

7. - Berlin 1945 crashes for many of people due to conflict with PFC maps. We must to throw it out.
- Earned in Blood is a poor map imo
- I'm not sure if Seelow Heights is "disconnection bug" free. It always worked fine for me, however I've seen players being constantly kicked out on Seelow.

8. Name tags should be easy to understand for everyone. I doubt if I could guess what @@ means if I were rookie (well, still I am)

9. I want to copy and paste fht rules here, so we could discuss and possibly adapt them for our own purposes. This is why I asked about it. The problem is that I can't find them listed on fht site.


Quote Endless_Nameless ()
Maybe it's also a good idea to send out a mail to all of the forum users now. Probably not everyone visits this place as often as we do. Would be great if you could do that MrJ, since you have them all saved already.

I don't know the purpose. Isn't it too early? Of course I can do that if you wrote some text.
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:39 PM | Message # 38
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Quote Mr_J ()
I don't know the purpose. Isn't it too early? Of course I can do that if you wrote some text.

For now I mean just a quick note with a link to this thread so they can chime in their opinion and also to see how many would attend. But yeah maybe it's too early I'll let it up to you.

As I said I don't have any expierence with tournaments, but I agree with what Mr J said: 3 times the same map with 800 tickets and no time? Sounds a bit too much.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 9:56 PM | Message # 39
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No guy's, that is not to much. Who have ever join an tournement? The tournement is very simple. There is one map with two army's with both their own weapons. The only purpose is to win the battle. FHT starts around 8-9 'O Clock and ends around midnight or after. I can remember Battlefield 1918.. One round, Mughar Ridge, ends around 2 'O Clock. That is FHT. If you can bring this inside FHT, you will have the people. 

And about the push. Each team want to do it on his own way. That's why there are a few people who doesn't fight and do only commanding. They follow the minimap and think about plans how they can attack.
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-15, 10:05 PM | Message # 40
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Actually I wanted to give up the newsletter since as you can see, I can't guarantee a regular mailing. But I don't wanna encumber you with that.