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FHSW Tournament Theater (r)
What theater should we use for our first tournament.
1. Western Front (Early) [ 1 ] [3.70%]
2. Western Front (Post D-Day) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
3. Eastern Front (Early 41-43) [ 5 ] [18.52%]
4. Eastern Front (44-45) [ 10 ] [37.04%]
5. North Africa [ 3 ] [11.11%]
6. Pacific Early (40-42) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
7. Pacific Late (43-45) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
Answers total: 27
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 1:58 AM | Message # 41
Group: Admins
Messages: 453
Awards: 13
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Quote Mr_J ()
1. How are we gonna force stubborn players to join the specific team? Admins can't do that afaik. 2. What is the reason of removing push? Besides this, I guess we'll need custom vehicles and weapons SSM, right?

3. EVERY player MUST follow the orders of his leader, as well as MUST report current situation with radio commands or chat (if not on TS)

4. We need master admins with full rights on TS. I can't imagine efficient voice communication of random strangers crowd, though. So, joining TS would be highly recommended but not necessary, commanders could give their orders by chat as well;

5. Do people have to confirm their attendance in advance?

6. I truly support the idea of disabling the timer, but it causes that 3 rounds seems to be too excessive. I guess people start leaving then. 2 is enough imo. Two Maps with 2 rounds then?

7. - Berlin 1945 crashes for many of people due to conflict with PFC maps. We must to throw it out.
- Earned in Blood is a poor map imo
- I'm not sure if Seelow Heights is "disconnection bug" free. It always worked fine for me, however I've seen players being constantly kicked out on Seelow.

8. Name tags should be easy to understand for everyone. I doubt if I could guess what @@ means if I were rookie (well, still I am)

9. I want to copy and paste fht rules here, s
 1. It usually isn't a problem, FHT never had a problem with this, people join sides they like, soviet union vs germany is a pretty fair fight, so its balanced, shouldn't be a problem.
2. I thought you didn't like push? I think we should keep the push maps like seelow, they're very fun.
3. Yep
4. Well in TS you break it down to the units, like the infantry division shall have an officer (leader) he shall have temporary admin rights on TS3 like "channel commander" so he can talk to other divison leaders and the main army commander. chat is good, but it takes too long to type things, trust me its a pain in the ass to type the orders.
5. yes, fht had an attendance per week, who was going to training and the battles.
6. NO, like fritzy said, the battles become so intense sometimes you will win by 1 ticket. people will stay because its fun, you make jokes with the people in your unit on teamspeak and it gets very intense.
7. Oh yeah...well there goes that, maybe we should test seelow out this weekend to see if it works.
8. Well we organize it on the site, it will show the army commander's rank sign like mine HQ|[DAK]@@Death and then it splits the army down into the divisions starting with officers for each unit for example. we can borrow fhts ranks. I'll send you them later.
9. hold on

Added (2013-10-16, 1:35 AM)
1 Implementation:

These rules are applied during FHT battles andpractices, they differ greatly from Public Server rules, or to the rules for
special events like CTF Competitions, Clanwars, Jeep-Races, etc. Ignorance is not anacceptable defense for the inability to follow the rules.

2 Chain of Command:

Definitions: Neutral Admin (Neutral), HQ(Headquarters of the Divisions), Division (everyone else, of all ranks)

2.1 Tournament (Site, Servers,Forums and Organization) Chain of Command:·        Downward: Admins [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Division HQs [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Company Commanders ·        Upward: CompanyCommanders [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Division HQs [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Admins ·        All members of FHT, atany time, should also feel free to address the Admins directly should they
believe that their chain of command is not properly handling their concern.
2.2 Battle Chain of Command:

·        Divisional HQs [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Company Commanders [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Company Officers [img]file:///C:/Users/John/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img] Company NCOs. Admins act as supervisors and referees. In alldisputes the Admins will have the FINAL decision on punishments and actions to
be taken. ·        HQs are responsiblefor setting the example, as well as training their officers to know and enforce
the rules of play established herein. ·        HQs are regarded asthe main witnesses to the Admins' decisions. ·        Participants shouldreport possible rule violations to their chain of command, beginning at their
Company Commanders, who will report it to the Division HQ, and so forth to the
Admins. ·        When reportingpossible rule violations, participants should take a screenshot, or a video
shot if able, as proof. ·        All participants atany time are allowed to appeal directly to an Admin, if they feel they have
been treated unjustly or they have witnessed irregularities that are not being
handled by their chain of command.
2.3 Absence of Admin during abattle or parts of a battle:

·        Irregularities have tobe recorded, but examined and dealt with only by the next return ofan Admin. ·        HQs should advise oneanother directly if a rules violation is suspected. Then HQs, CO, officers,
and/or senior ranking member should investigate and correct the problem if
2.4 Measures and Punishments:

·        HQs are allowed totake measures concerning its own division, but can be overruled by an Admin. ·        HQs are NEVER allowed to take measures against members of the opposite division. ·        OnlyHQs or an Admin is allowed to contactthe opposite HQ, to execute measures against members of the opposite division. ·        HQs are not allowed toaddress directly the lower ranked members of the opposite division.

3 Communication DuringBattles:

3.1 TS Usage:

·        No member of adivision is allowed in the other division's TS channels during battles or
practices. ·        If unsure if there's apractice going on? Identify yourself and ask the members of the channel.
3.2 All Chat, During Battles:

·        All chat is strictlyNOT allowed, except by HQs and Admins.
3.3 All Chat, During Breaks orPauses in Battle:

·        If friendly, All Chatis allowed. ·        Criticism of yourenemy, or your own team is not considered friendly. ·        If HQs or Adminsrequest a stop to All Chat, it must stop immediately.

4 Rules for CombatEngagement:

4.1 Air Force

·        Kamikaze is NOTallowed. ·        Bombing the oppositemain base is NOT allowed. ·        Strafing the oppositemain base is allowed, but ONLY for the purpose of taking out fixed gun positionsthat cannot be moved, such as artillery and/or AA. ·        Wing clipping is allowed. ·        Wing clipping withinthe perimeters of an enemy main base is NOT allowed. ·        Bailing out of a planeis NOT allowed. Landing a plane in order to repair it is an exception, and is
allowed. Transport planes that are meant to be used for parachuting are also an
exception to this rule. ·        Strafing ofparachutists is allowed. ·        Using a plane as ataxi (landing it behind enemy lines, then leaving it in order to attack enemy
flag on foot) is NOT allowed. However, landing a plane in order to repair it is
4.2 Infantry and Vehicles:

·        Kamikaze with vehicles(jeeps, kubels, tanks, etc.) is NOT allowed. ·        "Baseraping" is NOT allowed. ·        Using the "KnifeGlitch" while using any other weapon exceptantitank weapons is NOT allowed. ·        Shooting into enemybase for any reason is NOT allowed. ·        Firing at the enemywhile still in your own main base is NOT allowed, unless the player is using a
static/fixed gun that cannot be moved, such as artillery or AA. ·        Bunny-hopping (jumpingup and down repeatedly in order to avoid enemy fire) is NOT allowed. ·        Dolphin-diving(repeatedly diving and standing in order to avoid enemy fire and/or improve
aiming) is NOT allowed.
4.3 Presence in Enemy Mainbases:

·        Entering the enemymain base is NOT allowed. ·        Stealing vehicles orweapon kits from the enemy main base is NOT allowed. ·        Destroying equipmentwhile it is inside the enemy main base is NOT allowed.
4.4 Artillery

·        Firing fixed artillery(including AA) from the main base is allowed. Mobile artillery should be moved
outside the mainbase area. ·        Artillery inside themainbase can be taken out by strafing with planes. ·        AA guns, both mobileand fixed, can be used ONLY against enemy airplanes. ·        Shelling the main baseperimeter is NOT allowed. ·        Shelling any area of acapturable flag is allowed.
4.5 Sportsmanship

·        HQ's of both armiesare expected to conduct themselves and their armies in such a way as to ensure
that the majority of all players have a sporting chance during battles, thus
creating as much enjoyment as possible. ·        Neutral admins (matchreferees) will step in and intervene (at their discretion) if they feel that
actions taken by members of either division are not in the best interests and
traditions of the Forgotten Honor Tournament. ·        HQ's of both armiesare expected to come up with working solutions for any issues that are not
specifically covered in these rules but that may spoil the overall gaming
experience of the campaign members. ·        Punishment forunsportsmanlike conduct during a battle will be at the discretion of the
Admins, or the HQ of the offending player(s).
4.6 Severe Gameplay Disruption
Some offences are considered sodamaging/disruptive to the overall gameplay in the tournament that results in
immediate punishment without warning. Examples include, but are not limited to:

·        Entering an enemymainbase with a tank/mobile artillery while shooting at anything. ·        Driving towards andshooting into an enemy mainbase with tank/mobile artillery. ·        Offensive chat and/orTS usage that includes the usage of racial epithets, etc. ·        Offensive All Chatdirected to member(s) of the same or opposite team (examples:

5 Punishments (Typical)

·         ·        First Offense:Warning,(and possibly restriction from Artillery, Tanks, Air Force, etc). ·        Second Offense: ServerKick. ·        Repeated Offenses:Battle Ban, Multiple Battle Ban, Campaign Ban, and/or Tournament Ban. ·        Punishments may alsoinclude demotion in rank and removal from position of authority. ·        There are situationsthat dictate an immediate punishment without warning, please see Severe
Gameplay Disruption above in �4.5 for examples.

6 Terminology

Main Base and "Perimeter of the MainBase":

·        The uncapturable base/flag on a map, where the spawning and the majority ofdivision equipment is located and the immediate vicinity. ·        The perimeter of amainbase may be defined on the map by a red line if the Admins deem it
Capturable (Cappable) Base/Flag

·        The area that includes any capturable (cappable) flag. Main base rules and protectionsdo not apply

·        Parachutist statusends after a soldier has landed and advanced five steps.
All Chat

·        Typing and sending atext message in the game server to all players; a message that both your team
and the opposing team may read.
Battle Ban

·        Ban from the battleserver for the duration of a battle.
Campaign Ban

·        Ban from the battleserver for the remainder of the campaign.
Tournament Ban

·        Ban from the battleserver until the end of eternity. ·        This ban may beextended to our TS and website.
Knife Glitch

·        The act of overcomingthe widening of the aiming cursor by standing still till it's small (and thus
the weapon is very precise), switching to a knife, keeping the cursor small,
which enables you to quickly switch back to the other weapon when needed (with
a precise aiming cursor).

·        The act of flying verylow with an airplane so that you kill infantry with the wings of your airplane.

·        Your Headquarters,commander(s) of the division, direct supervisors of the Company Commanders and
all officers of the division. These are the top dogs of the division that
aren't members of a company, and lead the division both in-game as well on TS
and the website. ·        Responsible for thetraining, morale, and welfare of every single member of the division. ·        Responsible for thepromulgation, education, and enforcement of these rules to the members of their
division through the use of the chain of command.

·        The Admins with awhite color in the forums, that are considered to be completely neutral and
objective. ·        Final authority indisputes between the divisions, and FHT members themselves.

·        Teamspeak: thecommunication program we're using for all verbal communication between members
during practices and battles.

Added (2013-10-16, 1:37 AM)
Jucabala can help us set up our TS3 Channel and organize everything.  tongue

Added (2013-10-16, 1:58 AM)
With that being said, In FHT tournaments, there is several thread groups on their forums.
1. General Info, both sides have access to this, where they download maps, talk etc...
2. Officers Thread, where both axis and allied officers can chat, only they can chat, the lower level people can't see or post there.
3. Officers Thread per Army: each army gets a thread where only the officers of that army can talk, this is where they plan, talk, post ideas, etc...again no lower level people in the tournament can post or see here. ALLIES CAN ONLY SEE ALLIED THREAD, AXIS-AXIS.
4. Division Thread: its called regimental threads, so lets say we have 2 infantry divisions, 1 armored divisions, each division gets its own respective thread where their officer can talk to the men and stuff, ALL MEMBERS OF THAT TEAM can post there, like armored division can post in infantry division thread, but they usually don't. officers have access to all these threads as well.
5. General Thread: each army gets one, where all members of the army can post recon photos, ideas, comments, concerns etc...everyone can see these posts and anybody in the army can post these.

question is do you want to make the threads on this site? or would you like FHT to have the forums set up?
Jucabala is willing to help but its up to you.

we'll need 1 Army Group Commander maybe a 2nd in command, 4 divison commanders per army, with 4 LTs for each division commander. so in total 9-10 officers per army. everyone else who signs up to fight starts off as a lower rank, like fritzy said FHT has the award and medal system so its up to you if you want FHT to set the forum up or if you want to host the forums here?

Message edited by Death - Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 1:59 AM
JucabalaDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 2:19 AM | Message # 42
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ok, I'm here,

My suggestion is to work within F|H forums using our structure for tournaments and also a lot of F|H players would join this event for sure.
For start, you guys have to find two HQs to run the show. After you have two committed HQs, I can open a topic there where you guys will prepare everything, to divisions, maps, logos, ranks, medals, rules, barracks, server, etc. The tournament would use our servers and TS3, that is ready at any time.

This forum is more for you guys discuss the main issues within your organization, but to succeed this endeavor you have to concentrate in one place.
I can give you support to start, but will be up to you all to make this happen.

F|H tournaments works with two armies/divisions with 3 to 4 regiments where people will join to play. So the main structure needs 5 to 7 players for each side.
Maps are played following some historical accuracy at least for the theaters like western front, pacific, desert, Italy, etc .. This is a must. Don't know if you would have 2 strong divisions let alone 3. So don't make thing too complicated for start.

I can suggest you contact the language groups within F|H like French, Polishes, Germans, Brazilians I can talk for them if they want to be part of this. Another recipe for success is advertising, you must post the campaign announcement every single place you would believe you would recruit people to join. Bear in mind that with no players, won't be any battles no matter how much effort you put to prepare it. 

Regarding maps. I would recommend use small to medium size maps, because big maps with low numbers gets a bit senseless. Another issue when choosing maps is the balance, has someone the knowledge to edit those maps ? Push maps as Death mentioned, normally don't work well on tournaments. We had one last camp and it was a bit of frustration as the invasion team couldn't get on shore due to the defending team had all forces on the beach. Invasion would work in a map like Crete where invasion team use the paraplane to set foot inland. Maps then would be chosen/edit according to the numbers. Also you have to make an estimative of how much would be your player base, how many would join this tournament.

And a big issue is the experience with tournaments where you have to establish a strategy and follow to the rule. People involved has to be aware of that, they won't go wherever they want and do whatever they think is the right move. Tournaments have a chain of command and that must be followed by the rule.

So to sum up: find two motivated HQs and their will find their CO's. Theater of war is something that can be decided throughout the preparation. 

So you guys debate these points and decide if you want to go ahead with it.

F|H Jucabala
1942 Branch Manager
slobodanDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 2:28 PM | Message # 43
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I'v created poster:

Not really nice, sometimes I don't have artistic vein  dry
btw, we need to add date of tournament.

Message edited by slobodan - Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 2:29 PM
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 6:09 PM | Message # 44
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I was thinking about November/December possibly? since we're still working on this. We still need J, eye and marduk to decide on where the forums for this battle will be

Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 6:53 PM | Message # 45
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If Forgotten Honor supports it we should definitely do it on their site.

That's a lot of rules, if you (hopefully) don't need me as admin I'll gladly play as a grunt.

I guess Deathy you're one HQ (probably Allied)? Who wants to lead the other?

btw. I can do ssm if required and tell me what you want. Removing push mode should be an easy thing.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 8:05 PM | Message # 46
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I wanna lead the allied tankers   cool

ok so we'll have Forgotten Honor do this on their site, so a collaboration between fhsw and fht.

well, if we post in fht, then people will volunteer to lead axis HQ. I know one of my friends from FHT is interested in HQ for axis.

Yeah eye can you message everyone and tell them the event, whats going on, we'll be working with fht, fhsw and fht combined and tell them it'll be an eastern front campaign since i think we all agreed on this.

Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 8:12 PM | Message # 47
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Im ready to do Axis. With my experience in both FHT and FHSW, i want to take the challenge for be HQ member of Axis.

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 8:20 PM
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 8:59 PM | Message # 48
Accessory Admin
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Good one Slobo, add more redness though. After all, this is Ostfront, isn't it? smile

When are you going to start official signing up? Perhaps you should make a separate thread here so people can post their will of participating. Then we will send to registered people a condensated information with 'Sign me up' thread link.

FHT Regulations. That is really complex thing... they slightly differ from our regular gameplay habits, therefore I can't imagine executing the rule that prohibits people from plane attacking the main bases etc. I think we will be fine if there wil be the general, well known behaviour in effect.

Forum. I don't like to split things up. Personally I would have chosen our home forum for discussing tactics, however Stefan is the only admin who can deeply manage forums but he doesn't care, as we know. So there is no choice then.

Push mode. I can't imagine The Great Pursuit or Stashov as CTF . However I understand why Push is not a good option with large scale fights. Maybe don't touch push if we get less than hmm.. 30 players?

What if we could resurrect the "Berlin Outskirts" on occasion?

These are only my comments. I'm neither host nor the originator of this Tournament, so you will do whatever you want eventually. smile
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 9:06 PM | Message # 49
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Push Map systems are not good for FHT. Conquest is the only style of fighting on FHT.
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 10:10 PM | Message # 50
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@Fritz: Yes, that is what I thought from the beginning. The pushmap system does not work properly too often.

Axis team is (as far as I can see):
1. Stefan
2. Marduk
3. Simo
4. Fritz Kempf

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 10:57 PM | Message # 51
FHSW Wikia Admin
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I will do no Axis HQ. I want to lead a regiment. tank regiment of the Axis. My choise is: 27.Panzer-Regiment

Further, what i think for Axis.

-> 27.Panzer-Regiment (Tank Regiment)
-> 168th Infantry Division (Infantry Division)
-> 78.Panzerartillerie-Regiment (Artillery Regiment)
-> ....... (Luftwaffe)

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Wednesday, 2013-10-16, 11:08 PM
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 0:02 AM | Message # 52
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I'd gladly ride into battle as a fellow tanker with you, Fritz  biggrin
DeathDate: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 0:16 AM | Message # 53
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Thanks guys...leave me all alone on the allied side  angry angry

The thing is the great pursuit even if it it ctf, is such a fun map, it would be such a shame to see it left out. Thats why I put it in, its a good slugging match.
J, If you can get Stefan to edit the forums, we could do it here I think. If not fht will be easier.
I think we should host the battles on our own server.

Added (2013-10-17, 0:16 AM)
Army Group Vistula thats where you can choose from fritzy  tongue

to make things different instead of each army being a division like fht, we shall make each army an army group.
axis shall be army group vistula. just to change things up from the traditional tournament afterall this isn't fh, this IS FHSW

slobodanDate: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 0:54 AM | Message # 54
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YES I want to be on allied side, like my polish friends: Pum!, Tomek tls, J, maybe Vau...

SimoHayhaDate: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 0:59 AM | Message # 55
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Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
19.Panzer-Division-> 27.Panzer-Regiment (Tank Regiment)
-> 168th Infantry Division (Infantry Division)
-> 78.Panzerartillerie-Regiment (Artillery Regiment)
-> ....... (Luftwaffe)
Would anti-tank infantry fall under infantry or armor command? I also think its important for the tank regiments to have at least some infantry support, like engineers for repairs etc that will be willing to move between vehicles as they move forward, or will it just be the responsibility of the infantry division to cooperate with the panzer regiment?

In any case i feel my strong point in game is as anti-tank infantry with PZfaust, id be happy to help coordinate that aspect at least.

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dinoscool3Date: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 1:04 PM | Message # 56
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I'm here as well now. 

I agree that it should use FHs forums, it's a bit easier to use and more people will sign up. There's a bit of a base that wants more BF1942 mods.
JucabalaDate: Thursday, 2013-10-17, 1:27 PM | Message # 57
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guys, rules can be changed as you all decide, but dont forget that this is not pubbie play. This is my main concern and hope you understand that those rules are vital for the gameplay.

So sign ups / barracks will be done over F|H and server will be here ?   that 's ok for me ... as long as you change the settings for battle.  but all of this can be discuss later. 

so Death lemme know when you want me to open the planning forum / usergroup.

Added (2013-10-17, 1:27 PM)
dont publish the tournament ad yet . need to add to it that will be a join venture between FHSW community and F|H .   need the helmet, names etc .. just dont do it yet.

Message edited by Jucabala - Thursday, 2013-10-17, 1:22 PM
DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 1:21 AM | Message # 58
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Ok, Juca i will let you know. i think i speak for the community but we should be ready in a 2 weeks, we shall advertise on our sever more about the idea.
so far the regulars are all in.

EVERYBODY SIGN UP FOR FORGOTTEN HONOR, and lets start getting this big gal moving.

Added (2013-10-19, 1:21 AM)

SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 4:26 AM | Message # 59
Group: Gold Donator
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Quote Death ()

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DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 5:32 PM | Message # 60
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