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FHSW Tournament Theater (r)
What theater should we use for our first tournament.
1. Western Front (Early) [ 1 ] [3.70%]
2. Western Front (Post D-Day) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
3. Eastern Front (Early 41-43) [ 5 ] [18.52%]
4. Eastern Front (44-45) [ 10 ] [37.04%]
5. North Africa [ 3 ] [11.11%]
6. Pacific Early (40-42) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
7. Pacific Late (43-45) [ 3 ] [11.11%]
Answers total: 27
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 3:44 PM | Message # 101
Group: Admins
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ill keep those in mind for next tournament, but this theater has already been decided.

SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 3:49 PM | Message # 102
Group: Gold Donator
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oh god, just imagine if we had to rework entire map list at this point in planning!

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mayerDate: Tuesday, 2014-02-04, 3:54 PM | Message # 103
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just ignore him pls, he's a troll
(HH)BenjaminDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:29 PM | Message # 104
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mir nein sprecken deusche, nur englisch

Added (2014-02-05, 11:14 PM)
OK, this is a far out idea, but, maybe you guys and your genius ideas could make it really happen. I think for the grand finale we should have some kind of a music map. Like Monster des Stales, how there is the theme music of Battlefield 1942 playing in the background, well maybe we could do something like that for the last tournament map to get people real excited about the whole thing and want to take part in the next one.
I was thinking of something like "Eye of the Tiger", "Gonna Fly Now", or a classical piece that has quite a piece of pizaz. The first map of the tournament and the last map of the tournament maybe, something like that. Just a suggestion, wanted to see if anybody else might like this idea? Thanks again!

Added (2014-02-05, 11:29 PM)
Btw, I just checked on the Fhonor site and it said that the registration is already closed, does this mean I can't participate in the tournament? It also says that there aren't any other recruits signed up, anybody know anything about this?

DeathDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:30 PM | Message # 105
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for the 2000th time, registration is not open yet....  dry

would it kill some of you to read a bit further?

SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2014-02-05, 11:30 PM | Message # 106
Group: Gold Donator
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Quote (HH)Benjamin ()
aren't any other recruits signed up, anybody know anything about this?
 reg hasnt opened yet i dont think

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(HH)BenjaminDate: Thursday, 2014-02-06, 0:09 AM | Message # 107
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Oops, sry I did read and all it said was that it was closed:(
Fritz-KempfDate: Saturday, 2014-02-08, 11:58 PM | Message # 108
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Will all Commanders and Second Luitenants of the Regiment join Teamspeak and talk with Jucabala. We need ALL commanders into the campaign before the campaign will be launched! ASAP!