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FHSW Suggestions Thread Vol. II (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 5:53 PM | Message # 1
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Post your suggestions for future FHSW versions here, not only vehicles but also game mechanics and effects.


  • Try to only suggest one or two things in one posting.
  • Explain why you suggest it, we have tons of vehicles (especially tanks) already keep that in mind.
  • Please no reposts of things which are already recorded in the list below

    Posts which don't follow the rules may be deleted without comment.

    My Youtube Channel
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    Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 11:15 PM | Message # 2
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    -> Its a forgotten tanks.
    -> Its 100% Secret, because it was then not allowed to design and produce tanks in Germany.
    -> Maybe a good idea to introduce the Norwegian army?

    DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 11:55 PM | Message # 3
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    Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star, 2 prototypes were in Italy during the war and were supposedly there to intercept the German Ar-234.
    First full scale production models reached European Airbases right around V-E Day they never saw action.

    Gloster Meteor, was the first Allied Jet fighter, saw action as it intercepted V-1s. They were stationed in Europe but allied command did not let them fly as they did not want them to fall into enemy hands. German Ar-234's attacked an airbase with the Meteor sitting on the airfield.

    Added (2013-12-15, 11:55 PM)
    I think we should add the Meteor atleast, give allies a fighting chance against the German Jets, it was the first allied jet fighter something fhsw needs  smile

    slobodanDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 0:35 AM | Message # 4
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    Neubaufahrzeug = German T-35/T-28 = nothing special = nothing secret. Germans have 93783946 tanks.  eYe said "we have tons of vehicles (especially tanks)"
    @Admin, delate my post and proposition of  Neubaufahrzeug. AND PLEASE DON'T DO THE COPY OF "Please add this to next FHSW version" trash.


    Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:08 AM | Message # 5
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    Im done with this. I will leave FHSW. No donations, no Wiki leads, no FHT support. Nothing. I get nothing but criticism. Both as user and as admin! Specialy from you Slobodan.

    Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:08 AM
    DeathDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:20 AM | Message # 6
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    You get respect Fritzy, but slobo does have a point, We have so many vehicles for germans and americans. Britain, Canada, Japan, and the other countries are somewhat forgotten or ignored. FHSW developers focus so much on germans and americans, I understand germans had so much stuff, but you can't ignore other countries at the same time. All of britians late war tanks are left out, canadians have like 1 map, japanese are somewhat taken care of, france is left out.

    Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:24 AM | Message # 7
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    It can be brought via a more respectfull way! Im done with this! Each time Slobodan give criticism to me. You change the map to Golf Hotel, i get the criticism. And its each time criticism to me. I try to do my best, im sorry im a German tank freak. But if i say stuff, then its..... We have to time for that country and that is Belgian. Its Belgian or German or Resistance and nothing else! And about resistance. What was the last thing about my resistance fighters suggestion.... Oh yeah, i can remember me. it was..... criticism. If you give me no respect, i will give no respect back!

    Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:26 AM
    slobodanDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:57 AM | Message # 8
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    I'm really sory Fritz. I said what I said about tank proposition, and I think most of people here agree with me, but introdiucing Norwegian army is cool idea..
    BTW. Yes it's true that I criticized you for changing map for Golf Hotel (about 2 weeks ago) and I was wrong - Deathy has done it cranky , but I apologized you.
    and it is NOT true that I don't respect you. You are doing great job for whole community and thats why you have RESPECT.

    Message edited by slobodan - Monday, 2013-12-16, 2:04 AM
    LieutenantCableDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 4:00 AM | Message # 9
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    I'm going to tread carefully here...

    Is there any way they can make the draw distance better? I'm kind of sick of driving through towns with a new building materializing every few meters ahead. Ruins the immersion.

    cable flies a plane
    Santa-AnnaDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 4:30 AM | Message # 10
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    Should not quarrel! We all love each other!
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 10:27 AM | Message # 11
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    I have to support Fritz in this way but with limitation. We had the topic any time ago that there is not enough "hardware" for the early war period special the rise of barbarossa ...

    BUT!!!!!   You Fritz and you Death didn´t read the list what is already proposed. I don´t want to talk about fooling but I think stubbornness would fit.

    We closed the old thread because of exactly THIS behavier and you go ahead in the same way ... WHY?!?!?!

    READ THE FCKN LIST, DAMNED  deal and then start thinking what u want to propose, that couldn´t bee so hard could it angry ?!

    PS: at last clearly speaking: Neubaufahrzeug and the jets are already proposed dry

    @ eye: please add a spoiler or otherwise with the list of already proposed stuff. Thx smile

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    mayerDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 11:34 AM | Message # 12
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    Quote Death ()
    All of britians late war tanks are left out, canadians have like 1 map, japanese are somewhat taken care of, france is left out.
    The problem with new maps for canadians and french is that the FHSW devs are not really mapping much

    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    @ eye: please add a spoiler or otherwise with the list of already proposed stuff. Thx
    ^This, and a sorting in alphabetical order would be good for overview

    Quote Santa-Anna ()
    Should not quarrel! We all love each other!
    yes it's christmas time, let's stay buddies and give presents to each other   xmas
    Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 1:28 PM | Message # 13
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    Come on Fritzy don't be like that again. Not because of such a small thing. I know you have a hot temper, hopefully today or tomorrow everything looks different again. Please re-think your decision. smile

    New rule: Let's not repost what was mentioned in the last thread please. That doesn't make much sense. Thanks Robert. wink

    If you follow FHSWman on twitter for a bit you'll see that he's very knowledgable about all kinds of WW2 vehicles. Also consider that the Japanese community is a lot bigger than we are and they probably have suggested loads of vehicles to him as well.

    I would be very happy if we could focus our suggestions more on game mechanics, effects etc.
    But of course you can also suggest vehicles if you think they really bring something new to the game. Neubaufahrzeug is an interesting vehicle historically but I suspect that barely anyone would use it, it's super slow and has paper-thin armor. The T-35 is already gun fodder but he has at least 30 mm armor front and sides, Neubaufahrzeug has 20 mm front and 13 mm sides! I don't see its usefulness on the battlefield. Maybe if we had Norwegian maps, but again creating a complex vehicle for just one or two maps is also a bit of a waste.

    Quote LieutenantCable ()
    Is there any way they can make the draw distance better? I'm kind of sick of driving through towns with a new building materializing every few meters ahead. Ruins the immersion.

    Yes it's possible but most of the buildings are not optimized for that, at a certain distance they just pop up in front of you, it requires some additional work to fix that. Another problem is that the very detailed maps with lots of trees and/or buildings like Singapore or Ilomantsi might kill your fps with super high draw distance. I could create a little test map to see how bad it is.

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    crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 3:08 PM | Message # 14
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    but again creating a complex vehicle for just one or two maps is also a bit of a waste.
     What about the ratte? :P
    slobodanDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 3:14 PM | Message # 15
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    What about the ratte? :P
    weep - no comment crazy

    Ratte != Neubaufahrzeug

    DeathDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 4:55 PM | Message # 16
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    angry I READ THE DAMNED LIST, I want to suggest it again, I think its 2 important things we need, we always get new tanks but never new planes (ok somtimes we do but its for the japanese) we could use some allied jets  happy

    lol hy  hands

    mayerDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 8:34 PM | Message # 17
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    I reposted the list in this thread and sorted it out for better overview.
    though for now it lacks links to pictures and images which i add later
    SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-12-16, 11:28 PM | Message # 18
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    I still think deployable tank traps need to be made!

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    Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 0:31 AM | Message # 19
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    Thanks mayer, that is really helpful. smile

    btw. I quickly checked what you have to change for increased draw distance and as expected Ilomantsi kills my PC, I dropped down to 10 fps. As I mentioned above it's more than just altering view distance if you want it to look good, Kure is an example of how to not do it, there's a lot of terrain flickering going on and most buildings just pop up when you get closer.

    Wake performed better, not sure how that would change with more players though.

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    LieutenantCableDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:24 AM | Message # 20
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    It doesn't need to be removed completely. I just want it to be improved a little on in maps where it is really bad, such as Bizerte.

    cable flies a plane

    Message edited by LieutenantCable - Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 2:07 AM