The Jagdtiger on Ural Mountains has a function for the commander to point a certain direction, then on the minimap a arrow will appear pointing towards the thing you used this function towards. I think this should be added to most tanks, ships and even some planes. ''Be carefull the seat is not bolted down, you can't reach the clutch, can't use the brakes, the door flies open, there is a clocking sound, brakes are a lil' sketchy but it has POWER!'' -David Freiburger
Message edited by Dutch - Friday, 2015-08-21, 6:29 PM
Battlegroup42 has a fictional map that takes place in Antarctica, 1947. The USA attacks a secret Nazi base, which houses several purported secret German weapons and projects, like a UFO. It would be pretty cool to see FHSW have some fun with this idea, seeing as how there are already plenty of crazy things in the game already.
I want to suggest a feature for the tanks. Add the feature to use the commanders cuppola in two ways. First with closed hatch and anglemirrors or viewing slots, second with viewable and vulnerable head out of the cuppola additional with the option to choose binoculars for observing and calling in arty. I thinks its possible to do so because there are different ways already in service. The position of tankcomander should include:
- head down / hatch closed / viewing slots or anglemirrors - head up / hatch open (vulnerable) / normal view / binoculars (call in arty) / optional operating AA MG / optional operating smoke launchers
- at open hatch option to duck down - animation to open, close hatch
Second is a wish and a suggestion: please remodell the Puma SDKFz 234/2 A new turret is just finished as I noticed
Quote Endless_NamelessNew turret for the Puma by FHSWman.
A little bit cosmetics would be fine. Aditional the position of the second driver seat backwards could become real if the cam position switches to F 11 if you hit reverse. Just similar to the backfiring guns of the Arado 234 ... oups lol, same numbers Arado 234 Blitz, SdKfz 234 Puma Puma with updated graphik skin and the other suggestet options would be really eyecandy and fun to play I think.
Added (2015-09-27, 9:29 AM) --------------------------------------------- I want to suggest to make "small" AA stuff mobile. Especially for the germans it will be small amout of work (with my nonexistent ability to mod anything I imagine so ) There is at last the "2cm Flak auf Sonderanhänger 52" at Arnheim or Ramelle. Due to the existing feature to couple and uncouple a trailor and the feature to place a gun like the 88 or bofors, this could be a nice development.
Second is a small thing: Please put in a small switch that indicates visual the selected ammunition type (present in the 88) to all tanks or other units that are able to use different types of ammo.
And third: Is it possible to use the historically corect bomb load of the early Stuka 4x50kg and 1x250kg ? I could imagine that it could be possible to switch between 50kg and 250kg with coursorkeys ?!
Thx for reading, Robert
Added (2015-09-27, 9:37 AM) --------------------------------------------- please take a look also on the handgrenades. They are really weak atm, couldn´t be possible to survive a grenade in a tent Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Sunday, 2015-09-27, 10:37 AM
I could imagine that it could be possible to switch between 50kg and 250kg with coursorkeys ?!
Not as in 88 or ships, but perhaps it can be made as on some Japanese carriers where you enter a special position and you can change the plane that spawns using the arrow keys.
Me and wewak noticed that Polsten Maxon (20mm autocannon based on Oerlikon, 830 m/s muzzle velocity IRL) can't penetrate M24 Chaffee side armor while .50 BMG can. I think the Maxon (and some other 20mm cannons in FHSW) are a bit underpowered there. I think it should have about the same or a little more penetrating power than the M2 (50 caliber) and cause significantly more damage (maybe the amount of damage it causes is OK as it is, but the penetrating power is not). Ammo type plays an important role, but I assume the M2s there use regular full metal jacket bullets, so these 20mm explosive shells shouldn't fall behind in penetrating power. Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
Message edited by starking018 - Monday, 2015-09-28, 11:36 AM
Me and wewak noticed that Polsten Maxon (20mm autocannon based on Oerlikon, 830 m/s muzzle velocity IRL) can't penetrate M24 Chaffee side armor while .50 BMG can. I think the Maxon (and some other 20mm cannons in FHSW) are a bit underpowered there. I think it should have about the same or a little more penetrating power than the M2 (50 caliber) and cause significantly more damage (maybe the amount of damage it causes is OK as it is, but the penetrating power is not). Ammo type plays an important role, but I assume the M2s there use regular full metal jacket bullets, so these 20mm explosive shells shouldn't fall behind in penetrating power.
Polsten fires 20x110HE rounds ingame, which have penetration of 24.9 mm, while M2 fires mixed belt with AP (which have pen of 32 mm) and usual full metal jacket bullets (atleast for planes).
I could imagine that it could be possible to switch between 50kg and 250kg with coursorkeys ?!
Not possible because there are no controls available for additional interaction. For the BF1942 engine plane pitch is the same as opening/closing landing doors. My Youtube Channel aka eYe.ris
M2 fires mixed belt with AP (which have pen of 32 mm) and usual full metal jacket bullets
That explains it all. I was also wondering why half of the projectiles didn't penetrate. Then it would be nice if the ammo icons for the M2 on top of tanks and in M16 showed what kinds of ammo is being fired. Now it says just Browning M2 12.7mm and nothing more.
It is very nice to see that they took the effort to add different ammo types even for this weapon. In this game you learn something new every day you play. Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
The mod seriously needs the M9 Bazooka and/or the M20 Super Bazooka. This would certainly help balance with the Panzershrek in maps and tournaments…
I don't sure that is so seriously... actually you can destroy any german tank with common bazooka. When people begin to try balance the maps, it's always turns into something awful.
i hope you guys accept these french tanks into your to do list, me and air troll talked over this and he told me to put these ideas here.
these would be great for some fictional french maps that could use some cool looking and sleak advanced auto loading tanks like these!
(not all of them have auto loaders)
these tanks would make the french we have now the true bad asses they were meant to be!
here is a few designs carefully researched and found to be blueprinted mock ups or built as prototypes before 1950!
these are world of tank images because id like them to be high quality candy for the eyes if i made some mistakes ... sorry but i am only human :D
i hope this post may be spared of rule #2 for posting photos as spoilers that would be totally cool if it was! and #3 because france could use some new toys!
i also noticed some pictures are pretty big.... but i guess developers can use it to their advantage?
if this post gets deleted il understand :)
AMX 12 T AMX 13 75 AMX 13 90
Renault G1
BDR G1 B AMX 38 SpoilerSpoiler AMX 40
FCM 50 T AMX M4 MLE .45
Lorraine 39L AM
AMX 105 AM MLE 47 Renault FT AC Renault UE 57
ARL V 39
Soma SAu 40
S35 CA
FCM 36 PAK 40 AMX MLE 46
Message edited by sunnypoptart - Wednesday, 2016-05-25, 5:27 AM
Hello together, maybe a new map inspired by this (Crossing at Cafe Schumann): or what do you think about the " Eisenbahngeschütz Dora? "
Message edited by w-u-e-s-t-e-n-f-u-c-h-s - Wednesday, 2016-08-17, 10:36 PM
I would take and ask if you want to create a mod only based aviation from aerial bombardments fighting the factories and cities and naval battles in the Pacific like war thunder
Examples bombing the bocage 1943 - 1944 uses x germany
Examples bombing the market garden 1943 - 1944 usa and england x germany
Examples bombing the berlin 1943 - 1944 - 1945 USA and Russia england x germany
jesseperraro89, I enjoy a lot this game just think it has a crowd that only knows how to play on infantry map just getting boring I recently gave a hint in FHSW to create a mod aviation type war thunder of bombing the factories from the western front and East europe and the Mediterranean in north africa coast and of course the attacks peaceful war on ships aircraft and coraçados doors example bombing the bocage 1943 - 1944 bombing the marketh garden 1943 - 1944 Bombing the berlin 1943 - 1944 - 1945 battle of britain 1941 bombing the london 1941 defense of stalingrad moscov 1941 bombing the 1941 -1942 atak of leningrad 1941-1942 bombing the Rome 1942 - 1943 - 1944 atak of ships on Mediterranean 1940 Pearl Harbor coral sea midway santa cruz - 1943 golf the leyt atak on tokyo 1942 (dollitle) bombing the tokyo 1944 -1945 defense of Okinawa 1945 battle Marian in 1945
1. Focke Achgelis Fa 223 (Germany) Real project, about 20 machines built. This could be used different ways: as simple heavy transport (6 seats), as mobile spawnpoint, as flying antitank cannon holder, as gunship.
2. Vought-Sikorsky 300 (USA) One of the eatliest prototype helicopters, first flight at 1939. Could be used as direct analog Fl 282 if would be armed with machinegun.
3. Sikorsky R-4 Hoverfly (USA, UK) Serial machine, first flight at 1942. Used in China/Burma/India theater. Light transport, something like "prehistoric huey".