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Mappack 4 (m)
griineyesDate: Monday, 2021-07-19, 3:55 PM | Message # 221
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hi, thank you very much
is there a mode also called bf1918? If yes where can i find and download it?

Message edited by griineyes - Monday, 2021-07-19, 5:15 PM
waldhurzakDate: Monday, 2021-07-19, 11:30 PM | Message # 222
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if you installed BF1942 FHSW through all in 1 installer you can easy to install bf1918 separately to this bf1942 fhsw version

Best Bf1942 version for FHSW:

starking018Date: Saturday, 2022-01-01, 2:05 PM | Message # 223
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FHSW-Europe Mappack 4.2 is getting close to being ready and I see no separate thread for it in public, so I'll post here what I wanted to say about Moscow-1942. It's a new, very impressive map by Jan Paul featuring the armored train in the Moscow Metro. You can see a video of this and other new maps from the last Custom Map Event a few days ago: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=qAsdrx_DIvk (see video description). Other maps (from this event) which I liked a lot and can't wait to play them on FHSW-Europe are Battle of Antarctica and a new version of Operation Sea Lion 1942.

@Jan Paul, here are some comments (machine translated) about Moscow-1942 from the post-event survey, most of which coincide with my thoughts after playing it (followed by my own comments and suggestions):
The population density is so small that it's hard to meet enemies, so I'd like to play with 128 people
The way the map is now I think it needs at least 128 players, if not more.
I wonder what they eat to make such a great map?
I don't think it's necessary to divide the flag of the first one into right side and left side. A push map with a single path would be fine.
I think that it's a good idea to rearrange the push order into a single path - either zig-zag starting from west flag 1, or some other sequence which makes sense, so that everyone is fighting over one flag at a time (still there will be plenty of fronts around each flag, which is cool when you have enough defenders).
These maps with long intervals between locations tend to be redundant and lack tension.
The fact that there are too many obstacles also contributes to this.
At the very least, the northwest base is clearly a waste of time.
The map is large enough to even add more flags in between, if possible. Since I suppose there is a limit for the number of flags, maybe you can instead add some static weapon or building where Soviets can spawn and axis need to destroy it before they can advance to the next flag (is it possible to integrate a spawn vehicle into the push system?). It would probably increase the time needed to play the map though (personally I like long round times, but the Japanese don't seem to do that).
Alternatively, you could make 2 or 3 maps based on different parts of this map biggrin
I enjoyed the anti-tank battle. I just wish the entrance to the subway would be clearly marked on the MAP.
And BTW please don't use the lossy JPEG format when editing images.
It's hard because it's so intricate, and tanks get caught in the bumps created by stacking buildings on top of each other.
It was hard to move around in a tank, because the minimap is not detailed enough to navigate well, and when I tried to take shortcuts it ended up taking a long time due to hard to climb objects, getting stuck and glitching underneath objects. So I really hope you make a lot more smooth paths for vehicles, or (less preferably) add objects which make paths clearly impassable for vehicles to avoid problems.

For the lag on the train others complained about (I didn't experience it) hopefully eYe.ris can help.

Edit: Sorry, wrong link lol

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Saturday, 2022-01-01, 3:14 PM
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2022-01-02, 10:27 PM | Message # 224
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Quote starking018 ()
FHSW-Europe Mappack 4.2 is getting close to being ready and I see no separate thread for it in public, so I'll post here what I wanted to say about Moscow-1942. It's a new, very impressive map by Jan Paul featuring the armored train in the Moscow Metro. You can see a video of this and other new maps from the last Custom Map Event a few days ago: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=qAsdrx_DIvk (see video description). Other maps (from this event) which I liked a lot and can't wait to play them on FHSW-Europe are Battle of Antarctica and a new version of Operation Sea Lion 1942.

Great news! FHSW will never die! smile
LauxDate: Saturday, 2023-03-04, 11:34 AM | Message # 225
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Hi Jungs, gibt es einen Changelog und Bilder zum neuen v4.3 Mappack? Hab schon ein paar mal probiert auf den FHSW Server zu kommen, bin jedoch jedes mal runtergeflogen, muss noch mal checken, ob ich alles richtig installiert habe, dann bin ich auch wieder mit am start. Sind im Vergleich zum Mappack v4.2 Maps rausgeflogen, oder wurde nur das Mappack überarbeitet und vergrößert?

Hi guys, is there a changelog and pictures for the new v4.3 Mappack? Have already tried a few times to get on the FHSW server, but flew down every time, have to check again if I have installed everything correctly, then I am back at the start. Have maps flown out compared to Mappack v4.2, or has only the Mappack been revised and enlarged?
jeanstonezeDate: Saturday, 2023-03-04, 4:42 PM | Message # 226
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Hey, pretty much all custom maps that we have on server were changed, and about 20 new were added. I think it would be easiest to download .zip file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxqO_rlyG2Ny4xnsuOzcq6vP2jMU0zo8/view
and put all .rfa from here to Battlefield 1942/Mods/FHSW/Archives/bf1942/levels, overwriting existing maps. Movies folder is not critical, but if you want, you should put one file from it to Battlefield 1942/Mods/FHSW/Movies.
There is no changelog and no full pictures archive of new stuff, but you can check a lot of new things in our twitter https://twitter.com/europefhsw

Jan Paul a.k.a. DALlDA
LauxDate: Sunday, 2023-03-05, 4:45 PM | Message # 227
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Thank you, great work Dalida what you are created. News will follow for the Mappack.

Message edited by Laux - Sunday, 2023-03-05, 4:45 PM
LauxDate: Thursday, 2023-08-17, 4:40 PM | Message # 228
Group: Recruit
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Please updated your Links at the Main Page. The Downloads dont works or have the wrong file linked. There is the Mappack v4.2 linked on the Main Page and another link didnt works. Please check it.

These link is the right one for the v4.3 Mappack: Download

Message edited by Laux - Thursday, 2023-08-17, 4:41 PM
LauxDate: Monday, 2023-10-02, 9:35 AM | Message # 229
Group: Recruit
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Bei euch als Willkommens Nachricht steht immer noch Mappack v4.2. Das könnte man ändern, damit es nicht zu Verwechselungen kommt. Ebenso könnt ihr mal checken ob die Download Links zum Mappack v4.3 korekt sind.