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Mappack 4 (m)
bubuDate: Friday, 2019-09-13, 5:31 PM | Message # 181
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Quote starking018 ()
These four I think can be finished via SSM (but someone has to do that before we play them):

Quote starking018 ()
That archive Bubu shared contains the same map files from testing, which are in vairous states... these are not all finished maps ready for a stable release. I don't know what Bubu had in mind sharing that link here, but I don't think that it's a great idea to present the whole archive on the homepage

Exactly, that is my point. We are going to play them in the state they are in, and in cycles that are planned. Push at least something new to the server.

This thing needs to move on, advance. It has been work in progress for too long. And I am not going to change my mind until someone (e.g. Minnie, Frank, E-3, Radio, or even Stefan) start to do at least 1mm steps on this.
RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2019-09-13, 10:00 PM | Message # 182
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Quote starking018 ()
These four I think can be finished via SSM (but someone has to do that before we play them):

I am ready to do that, but I need a list of proposed first. I looked through the thread and found the following:
Quote marduk ()
Please remove "Gießkanne", also just dumb.

Quote bubu ()
- Remove gieskanne mg
- Lock the Tiger?
- Add binoculars to axis kits
- Fix/Change luger P08 sound?
- Decrease ticket ratios?
- More fog on map?
- Ambient sounds for the map?

Are those still relevant?
bubuDate: Friday, 2019-09-13, 11:29 PM | Message # 183
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Yep, please Radio happy  smile
starking018Date: Saturday, 2019-09-14, 4:42 PM | Message # 184
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Nice, your help is appreciated, Radio. Here are some proposals for specific SSM changes:

  • Teamlock the tiger. I guess one way to do it is to make it spawn from an axis flag from the start (it is of no use for axis before allies reach that place anyway).
  • Replace the Gieskanne kit with a Winchester shotgun kit.
  • The MG near the Nebelwerfers can be sniped over the sandbags even while you duck (with the S key) because the MG is mounted very high above the sandbags, which doesn't make any sense. So, please lower the MG by about 20cm, or the lowest it can go while still looking normal, and being able to aim normally. This may need to be tested, but I guess that it will work to protect you while you duck with the MG.
  • When all flags are taken players occupying all Nebelwerfers prevent other axis players from spawning at all. It's frustrating and potentially fatal for the team to be unable to spawn due to a mere technicality like that. Maybe you can make it so players spawn as soldiers outside of the Nebelwerfers (perhaps with multiple possible locations) like how players spawn on the decks in most ships, so that there will always be a place to spawn until the Nebelwerfers get destroyed? Or maybe it's possible to add an extra spawn object to the Nebelwerfers (like e.g. on some of the ships on Rheinuebung)? Not sure if these ideas would work with just a SSM.
  • Add some binoculars for axis in pick-up kits, or stationary ones.

  • Add one tank spawning in each main base (always spawning) with about 1 minute spawn time. I suggest we try with the flame-throwing tanks (OT-34/76 vs. Flammpanzer III) and see how it goes. The alternatives I mentioned were BT7 vs. Pz38(t); T-40 with 23mm vs. Pz2; T34/76 vs. Pz3N or Pz4F1 (if more similarity with vanilla BF1942 is desired).

    About desert_hill2 and Warring_States_Japan: Minnie has already worked on these maps, so it would probably help if he shared or continued his work. I sent him a PM today but he hasn't logged in for months. I'd need to analyse these two and other maps a little before I can make proposals for specific changes to be made (which vehicles, etc). I can do that some time in the next few days.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Saturday, 2019-09-14, 9:29 PM | Message # 185
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Quote starking018 ()
    Teamlock the tiger. I guess one way to do it is to make it spawn from an axis flag from the start (it is of no use for axis before allies reach that place anyway).
    Replace the Gieskanne kit with a Winchester shotgun kit.
    The MG near the Nebelwerfers can be sniped over the sandbags even while you duck (with the S key) because the MG is mounted very high above the sandbags, which doesn't make any sense. So, please lower the MG by about 20cm, or the lowest it can go while still looking normal, and being able to aim normally. This may need to be tested, but I guess that it will work to protect you while you duck with the MG.

    Ok, will do.

    Quote starking018 ()
    When all flags are taken players occupying all Nebelwerfers prevent other axis players from spawning at all. It's frustrating and potentially fatal for the team to be unable to spawn due to a mere technicality like that. Maybe you can make it so players spawn as soldiers outside of the Nebelwerfers (perhaps with multiple possible locations) like how players spawn on the decks in most ships, so that there will always be a place to spawn until the Nebelwerfers get destroyed? Or maybe it's possible to add an extra spawn object to the Nebelwerfers (like e.g. on some of the ships on Rheinuebung)? Not sure if these ideas would work with just a SSM.

    That one isn't possible with SSM indeed, as I will need to edit the Nebelwerfer code to include spawner attachetd to it, but, well, what prevents us from making a new map version? We are gonna release this mappack as a standalone download anyway.

    Quote starking018 ()
    Add some binoculars for axis in pick-up kits, or stationary ones.

    I think I will go with first option and just replace officer kit with one that has binoculars.

    Quote starking018 ()
    I'd need to analyse these two and other maps a little before I can make proposals for specific changes to be made (which vehicles, etc). I can do that some time in the next few days.

    Yes, that'll be nice. Thank you for you detailed feedback and proposals.
    bubuDate: Sunday, 2019-09-15, 11:53 AM | Message # 186
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    Thanks Trolli and Radio thumbup 
    I will upload the maps to the server now, restart it, lemme know if you need anything uploaded, pm/ping me
    bubuDate: Sunday, 2019-09-15, 11:55 AM | Message # 187
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    Quote starking018 ()

    Btw, based on testing this needs fixing as it brought down the test server with major lags...
    starking018Date: Sunday, 2019-09-15, 1:03 PM | Message # 188
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    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    That one isn't possible with SSM indeed, as I will need to edit the Nebelwerfer code to include spawner attachetd to it, but, well, what prevents us from making a new map version? We are gonna release this mappack as a standalone download anyway.

    Yes, if you are able to write the code for things that aren't SSM, please do.
    Actually we have the map author (1121 @akari1121aA) here replying to this thread so we can work with him to update the map for everyone, with the changes that are agreeable to everyone. So, you can ask him if he wants to code a change himself, or better yet, you write a patch yourself and propose it to him. Same way for each individual (independent) change.
    Other things which were mentioned earlier about The_Nebelwerfer_Hunt1944 which I omitted in my last proposal for a SSM (because I only had a SSM in mind):
    Quote bubu ()
    - Fix/Change luger P08 sound?
    - Decrease ticket ratios?
    - More fog on map?
    - Ambient sounds for the map?

    Quote starking018 ()
    * Shows a wrong loading screen, probably because the map doesn't have one.

    Another idea for spawning more players in the Nebelwerfers: "Maybe it's possible to add many player positions in them"
    Another (probably better) idea for fixing the ducking in the MG: "raising the sandbags"
    Quote gecleprami ()
    - Make atmosphere a bit darker, like a night setting with bright moon (e.g. take telemark skymap + ambient colors) -> nicer atmosphere but no real reduction in visibility

    Added (2019-09-15, 12:04 PM)

    Quote bubu ()
    I will upload the maps to the server now, restart it, lemme know if you need anything uploaded, pm/ping me

    Yes, I said use the latest versions of both Hellendoorn and Konstantinovsk-1942. For both the server and for public releases of maps (there's still that link on the homepage which should not be there, misleading people).

    Quote bubu ()
    Btw, based on testing this needs fixing as it brought down the test server with major lags...

    No, it did not. An older version of it did. I played the latest version during the CM even on kabu.server. But this means we may need to test it as well, especially the V2 rocket which Frank created, which I think was not tried at all during the CM event.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    bubuDate: Tuesday, 2019-09-17, 11:42 AM | Message # 189
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    Quote starking018 ()
    No, it did not. An older version of it did. I played the latest version during the CM even on kabu.server. But this means we may need to test it as well, especially the V2 rocket which Frank created, which I think was not tried at all during the CM event.

    Quote starking018 ()
    Yes, I said use the latest versions of both Hellendoorn

    Hellendoorn and Konstantinovsk - Frank's modifications
    Sorry, I see only now that both maps are in the CM mappack from 2nd May 2019. Because Frank never sent me anything and/or didn't post here anything, I assumed those maps were not changed. Therefore, I uploaded the old versions that we had and that were tested and deemed functioning. I will download the ones you published in the CM pack, and upload to test so we can see what the changes are.

    Desert_hill2 and Warring_States_Japan - Minnie's modifications
    Unfortunately, I only have the one version for both maps and that is the one we tested during the map test. Since then, I haven't received any modified version of these 2 maps from Minnie.

    Vanilla version is on the server, so Radio, if you need to SSM it, just throw stuff at it smile I support the idea of light tanks so it doesn't turn into massacre where infantry haven't got a chance with light AT weapons (molotovs, bundled grenades... ). As such, I am really against the flammenwerfer tanks and T-34s. Light tanks, such as T-26/Bt-7/T-40 against Pnz38t/Pnz 2/sdkfz with flak38 would seem much more fit.

    Jungle in Leyte
    I think after last Sunday it was pretty good map - we played it with 10 people or so, and there was not as much firing into the base as before. The map worked and was balanced without spawn APCs - actually there we no APCs, iirc. On at least 1-2 occasions, axis were pushed and were able to break out by flanking action and stealth.

    Thx for removing that Gieskanne thing that removes all realism this map has lol.

    It would also be great to move the after-loading screen so it doesn't show a dead soldier straight away but I guess that is what the map creator would have to do smile

    Quote starking018 ()
    what prevents us from making a new map version? We are gonna release this mappack as a standalone download anyway.

    The only thing that prevents us is the backward compatibility - if people want to play on both Kabu server and our server, they would have to switch the map files every time because content of the map would be different. However, we could just rename the map-file, no? Basically naming it The_Nebelwerfer_Hunt1944_mod.

    Quote starking018 ()
    So, you can ask him if he wants to code a change himself, or better yet, you write a patch yourself and propose it to him. Same way for each individual (independent) change.

    As good as it sounds, I doubt his availability and responsiveness. Please, prove me wrong.
    starking018Date: Friday, 2019-09-20, 6:14 PM | Message # 190
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    Quote bubu ()
    I support the idea of light tanks so it doesn't turn into massacre where infantry haven't got a chance with light AT weapons (molotovs, bundled grenades... ). As such, I am really against the flammenwerfer tanks and T-34s.

    Players can currently spawn with PTRD/Panzerfaust 30 (in addition to bundled grenades pick-up kits). These are good because (Panzerfaust for obvious effectiveness reasons) if you think about the AT rifle and flamethrower tanks, the AT rifle has the advantage that it can be used against the tank from places that are too distant or too elevated for the tank's flamethrower to reach. Even if the tank's machinegun can reach the distant places, an AT rifleman can often easily take cover from the machinegun (unlike from a cannon) for as long as it is pointed in that direction, and then quickly reappear and fire when safe again, and there's not much that a flamethrower tank can do about it. So I think that it will be challenging either way, but a tactical situation where there are flamethrower tanks and no cannons anywhere would be different from other maps (on other maps usually there are cannons or a mix of both) and less familiar. If it turns out to be hard to kill these tanks this could be balanced by adding a RPG (AT hand grenade) or PTRS (semi-auto PTRD) and an axis AT rifle so that both teams have options that are good at both close range and long range. Alternatively (meaning only if the AT weapon strength is not increased from what it is now), the medium flamethrower tanks can become light flamethrower tanks - the soviets have a T26 Flamethrower and I can't remember if the Germans have one, but the Italians definitely do (e.g. L6/40 lf on Tobruk).

    Quote bubu ()
    I think after last Sunday it was pretty good map - we played it with 10 people or so, and there was not as much firing into the base as before. The map worked and was balanced without spawn APCs - actually there we no APCs, iirc. On at least 1-2 occasions, axis were pushed and were able to break out by flanking action and stealth.

    Frankly, you have the power to run any map you want on this server and I'm really not going to tell you what you must or must not do. It's up to you in the end. But I feel that maybe it's worth mentioning a few things. Sometimes playing a map may feel good to you, it may even look like the number of players playing it is good, but it's not the whole picture. There are also the players who are available to play, but then they see the current map or the players or the gameplay and choose to do something else instead (I'm speaking generally and not about myself last Sunday - I was just unavailable anyway). The server reputation is also affected long term - e.g. if a player gets bored too many times on a server they may stop playing there altogether. Playing FHSW has been, and still is, fun, nice and welcoming when there is something for everyone to do which they like to do, which is true in most FHSW maps. If you think of who can like playing this map, in this game engine, on this server, (I mention server because ping is hugely important for infantry combat) over any other FHSW map - they're actually not many players and they may not necessarily all be the same kinds of players that want to stay on the server to play the characteristic FHSW maps (e.g. fans of infantry-only games, but a BF1942 mod really can't compete in that category against other games, so it is much smarter to compete in mixed combat; if I go into too much detail here it would be off topic). No offense intended at all, but I've seen just you two (Marduk and now Bubu) liking the map and if you post the chat logs from our testing of the map on February 2 you'll find many players rightfully frustrated and displeased with the map, complaining. So you can, of course, run this map in such a state if you really want to, but before you do it think of the lost opportunity for what things can be if you don't run it, and any other map characteristic of FHSW is run instead.
    Sorry to anyone in any way unhappy about my long rant, but it had to be said.

    I want to propose specific SSM changes for Operation_Unthinkable and Bocage next, if other participants are OK with including these maps. For now here is my suggestion for Operation_Unthinkable:
  • Currently the Hellcat bombs reload automatically very fast, in less than a minute. I suggest increasing this to about 1 - 2 minutes.
  • Additionally, I suggest keeping it busy by adding a fighter for the soviets. In FHSW there are Yak9 modifications with rockets - AT rockets and HE rockets. The AT rockets may provide more strength for the soviet planes to also kill tanks than is desirable for the map, but a Yak9 with HE rockets or a Yak9P with all 20mm cannons should not affect balance. So I suggest we try adding one Yak9 with HE rockets, preferably spawning in the air like the Hellcat.
  • There need to be ways to resupply all kinds of plane ammo for both teams - I don't see an obvious soviet airstrip, so add automatic resupply for soviets too.
  • Team lock all vehicles which can be teamlocked (there are many vehicles which spawn in main bases and maybe others which are not team locked, but it should be possible to lock them).

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    mardukDate: Monday, 2019-09-23, 3:26 PM | Message # 191
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    @starking: please make shorter posts. Hardly anybody reads posts that are that long.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    starking018Date: Thursday, 2019-09-26, 2:59 PM | Message # 192
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    For desert_hill2, the changes Minnie did are a good start:

    Quote gecleprami ()
    desert hill2 (renamed to "Ras el Medauar-1941" -- the salient of tobruk). I think I'll expand this map a bit.

    - TODO: needs updated loadingscreen (anyone got the template?)
    - change uk voices to aussies
    - fix bleeding
    - replace gammon AT with boys/riflegrenades
    - replace DsHk (soviet MG)
    - replace 1 of the 2 hurricanes with a fighter

    In my opinion one of the hurricane fighter-bombers could be removed entirely, since a single of these hurricanes can do both bombing and aerial combat well. Axis only have a single BF109 at some point during the round (I haven't looked more into the map yet to learn what spawns when) but I think they deserve to have a mobile Vierling as well (if they don't have one already) to fight the various allied bombers in more ways.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-10-05, 3:19 PM | Message # 193
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    Quote starking018 ()
    For desert_hill2, the changes Minnie did are a good start:

    These weren't released yet, correct?
    starking018Date: Sunday, 2019-10-06, 1:26 AM | Message # 194
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    Correct, I don't think he shared any of these. He has been missing too long, so I guess the work needs to be redone sad Does anyone here know where to contact Minnie/Ghul/'Umar/Amoeba outside of the forum?

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    twistedkebabfaceDate: Monday, 2019-10-07, 9:03 AM | Message # 195
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    So  Jungle in Leyte and Warring States Japan were tested yesterday.
    Appeareantly,  both maps need some SSM.
    1. Leyte. US has shotguns. So with shotguns you get easy frags while poor nippons can't do nothing with their arisakas. Which is a  poor ekbism. Maybe better make a random spawn for Winchester/M2 Carabine like on other maps or make Winchester like some rare pick-up kit?
    2. Warring States. Nipponese should defend a ancient shogun castle against US. So both of them have ancient samurai helmets and catanas. Meanwhile, US warriors have big armored turtle called M4 Jumbo, while brave nippons have only Chi-Ha that, of course, can't penetrate gaijin's filthy tank.  Another problem is US infantry. It has a lot of imba things such as BAR, Garand and Thompson, while brave samurais have only Arisakas and one SMG. Wise solution for this map would be SSM it into a Total War Shoegun like battle. Both sides should have only bolt-action rifles: Springfields and Arisakas. As for vehicles, there should also be field guns. Maybe we also should keep Churchill APC mounted with siege tower, which looks nice and ekbisitic.

    Brief notes: Leyte - do something with shotguns. Warring states - same with every vehicle and every type of infantry weapons

    Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-10-12, 2:44 PM | Message # 196
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    Quote abbcheese_ ()
    The Peleliu map being tested on the Japanese server isn't the same as the PFC one, it's an all new original map

    Added to mappack 3 now: smile

    - Alpine Line 1940
    - Savoy 1940
    - Operation Da 1942
    - Battle of Corregidor - Day1 1942
    - Battle of Peleliu 1944

    - Stalingrad vanilla - caused mass disconnect bug for players, failures persisted after 3rd attempt to connect.

    - Konstantinovsk - version from the CMeventpack_190502. So far it seems like unchanged/unmodified version of previous but just to be sure it is the latest, I replaced the old one.

    Updated link:
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2019-10-13, 11:40 AM | Message # 197
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Does anyone have template of FH loading screen? I'm finally able to start modding maps

    Added (2019-10-13, 10:49 AM)
    Nvm, I've already received it.

    starking018Date: Monday, 2019-10-14, 12:46 PM | Message # 198
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    Quote bubu ()
    Added to mappack 3 now: smile

    - Alpine Line 1940
    - Savoy 1940
    - Operation Da 1942
    - Battle of Corregidor - Day1 1942
    - Battle of Peleliu 1944

    - Stalingrad vanilla - caused mass disconnect bug for players, failures persisted after 3rd attempt to connect.

    - Konstantinovsk - version from the CMeventpack_190502. So far it seems like unchanged/unmodified version of previous but just to be sure it is the latest, I replaced the old one.

    Okay, good, but we haven't discussed Battle of Corregidor - Day1 1942 and Battle of Peleliu 1944 for inclusion at this point (and we didn't test them with our players here).

    I tested it a couple of times during the CM event. Impressive looking large map, hilly island and forest. I think it was somewhat more GPU-performance demanding than most maps (framerates like on Battle_of_Khalkhin_Gol or maybe not as bad). It seems like a nice map that I'd like to have. Only one thing worries me so far: if I remember correctly, the server crashed one of the times I played it. However, from what I'm seeing on Kabu.server compared to our server(s), it happens a lot more often that various maps crash, perhaps due to the high player numbers, often over 64. So, I don't really know how stable or unstable this particular map is.

    I tested it a few times during the CM event and later a newer version in test sessions. It's a large island invasion in push mode. It seemed like an okay map. I can't remember if it ever crashed in its newer version. Here's the download link for the newer version that was tested in September: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18J8ZXopQ2YMhS9yzg3J4sS2IDldip3_n/view. By the way, there you can also find a newer version of Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor featuring the addition of the battleship USS Pennsylvania.

    konstantinovsk-1942 has been deleted from the Kabu.server map pack in its latest revision this September and I don't know why (they don't mention reasons in the Readme file).

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    akari1121aADate: Friday, 2019-11-08, 10:21 AM | Message # 199
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    Hello friends of Europe!
    I'm planning a CM event on December 7th, can I use this Europe Map Pack 3?
    I want to play with lots of interesting maps! (Although I already have my Corregidor and NW Hunt!)

    If you have any other maps you would like to have at this event, we accept!
    Our FHSW Discord is here

    Let's have a good exchange! hello
    starking018Date: Saturday, 2019-11-09, 12:30 PM | Message # 200
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    Quote akari1121aA ()
    I'm planning a CM event on December 7th, can I use this Europe Map Pack 3?

    I have the feeling (although I'm not sure) that the FHSW community has a free culture and that the creative works are assumed to be in the public domain (and so no need to ask for permission). I think free culture is great and allows more and better creativity, compared to the alternatives.

    Anyway, all maps included in this mappack release, except for one, are unmodified maps which you already have from the previous CM events, old testing event (Battle_of_Peleliu), old FHSW version (Stalingrad) and old FHSW-Europ mappack. Only Savoy-1940 contains new work by Minnie. It is based on the FH map The Alps by TDP-Asom. Unfortunately we have not seen Minnie online for months, but I'm pretty sure Minnie would be happy if people use his work in any way, the same way he used the work of TDP-Asom.

    Looking forward to a fun CM event!

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018