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Mappack 4 (m)
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 7:37 PM | Message # 141
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Please post the testing chatlogs here, (on savoy i had to AFK and couldn't read all comments).

Post your opinion here too, from different kits/texture sets, etc.

I think savoy needs a pushmap -- certainly for the village and probably the central bunker ("observation post"), maybe for more flags? Thoughts?

mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-04-21, 8:49 AM | Message # 142
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My comments on the maps tested yesterday:

Counterattack-1950 - completely the same as Counterattack 1940, only difference: other verhicle layout. Let's stick with the original. Not needed.

Polish Resistance - good map, although the loading screen says: 1940, which makes no sense. I suggest: vehicle & weapon layout should be 1943-44ish (and adjust year on loading screen).

Zielona Gora Vanilla - another inf map. The landscape of that map has never been really advanced. Basically a boring arena map. Not needed.

Warring States Japan - fun map. I think we all agreed it is worth including it. Remove Sherman tanks and Flak 38, add field guns instead. For infantry: remove automatic weapons; only leave swords, knifes, rifles and grenades.

Savoy 1940 - I like it but have no ideas what to change.

The Zoo - not needed.

Desert hill2 - good one. Better than the old versions. Probably needs bleeding fix.

Battle of Khalkhin Gol - good early war map. Enjoyed it from the first minute.

Meigo Sakusen 1945 - another map with a castle... Interesting part of history. Not sure if it is worth including it though.

Battle of the Solomon - I liked it, although it needs some fixes.

Battle of Cebu Island - I was tired when we played it. Many ships and big islands. Hard to maneuver. A bit chaotic. No opinion about it.

The Last Blitz - Can't remember. Did we skip it?

Cruik - not needed.

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Marduk aka Postduk
twistedkebabfaceDate: Sunday, 2019-04-21, 11:13 AM | Message # 143
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And you forgot about Battleaxe. I think it's rather vanilish and arcadish map.

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-04-21, 12:12 PM | Message # 144
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@twistedkebabface: No, I didn't forget it. I couldn't play it because of messed up files. But from what I can remember I would probably include Stalingrad vanilla, and not Battleaxe.

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Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Sunday, 2019-04-21, 5:57 PM | Message # 145
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The Last Blitz - We skipped, it was tested during previous test, feedback from Trolli was posted as well.

Cruik and The Zoo - I support including Cruik, it is not arcadish so much

- worked for some, crashed for Marduk, probably client-side issues.

I will post other feedback and logs asap.
geclepramiDate: Sunday, 2019-04-21, 6:08 PM | Message # 146
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My notes from the testing below. for Savoy I didn't catch all suggestions (somebody wrote something about floating bunkers?), so feedback is very welcome.

Polish Resistance
- ok map
- The minimap might need to be updated? The trainstation at C1 specifically is not visible on the map. Need to check + regen a minimap myself later.
- I like that the vehicles emphasis is more on p38(t) and APCs, than on sturmtigers (like warsaw or arnhem...).

Warring States
- good map
- E2 flag capradius is too big
- I support using only carbines, knifes + field guns, instead of tanks (keep the siegetower churchill, though)
- last flag for jap spawns them only upstairs in the top room of the castle, not good. add some spawns outside, so a MG in front of the door can't rape the entry so easily

- Not very interesting, no space for flanking and flags are prone to MG rape (esp last flag)
- maybe add lots of fog/darkness, but rather ditch the map entirely

- I like having a stupid latewar tankspam map. maybe add something like grashopper planes (with RCL para kits)

Desert Hill2
- Good map. best of the deserthill bunch
- gammon AT kit for brits should rather be a boys rifle I guess; riflegrenades are OK
- maybe give it a proper name to avoid confusion? if we don't have a good historic name (like el alamein), just use something distinct like tripolitania/cyrenaica or "sand sea" or whatever. too many "deserthill" already. (and *not* "operazione E", I can't tell all the "operation X" maps apart

Khalkin Gol
- B7 spawns you midair 1m above ground, silly
- WAY too many bushes starting at river (russian main has none...), dropping framerate dramatically (can barely play this on my laptop). Maybe add some slight hills instead (think of hokkaido map -- no vegetation or buildings but terrain gives slight cover)
- I like the setting + the custom bt7-tank, could be a decent map

- like the castle setting, pretty buildings
- remove Ft17 spam. having 1 or 2 for flavor is nice, but not like 20. replace them with r35, lorraine SP AT or whatever?
- in the far background, (the direction japanese attack from) has like a million trees (far outside the fighting area) which cause some lag.
- flag 4 pushcage doesn't show the "can't cap" object on minimap
- flag captime is FAR too short, should be like 10sec, not 1sec

- move allied main to southwest corner -- its in the way the axis have to take to land on the island, so they are strongly encouraged to baserape main

Nebel hunt
- Make atmosphere a bit darker, like a night setting with bright moon (e.g. take telemark skymap + ambient colors) -> nicer atmosphere but no real reduction in visibility

- needs push -- maybe step1 = 2 south flags, step2 = 2 central flags on ridge, step3 = village? opinions?
- add some bmwr75 bikes for axis main (and harleys for allies?)
- maybe retexture "bloodlakes" (oilspill static)
- maybe a spawn APC?
- adjust flag values -- high values for fort + village, lower for rest
- easteregg kits with parachutes or jetpacks


Message edited by gecleprami - Sunday, 2019-04-21, 6:21 PM
bubuDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 10:22 AM | Message # 147
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Loooooooooooooooooooooogs everyone loooooooooooogs: https://drive.google.com/file....sharing

Concentrate on the stuff related to maps happy
mardukDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 12:51 PM | Message # 148
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Since we got so many maps for mappack 3, what do you guys think about splitting them up in two halfes and first creating "Mappack 3" and later "Mappack 4" out of them?
(each of the mappacks would be the size of mappack 1 or 2)

Taking into account that we got not as many players atm, it could be a bit of a fail releasing a mappack. It could also increase player numbers because we might draw attention with the mappack. But we do not know that for sure.

I suggest: split maps up and create two mappacks. "Mappack 3" would mainly consist of the the maps that have been tested the last time, plus one of the "castle"-maps (probably Warring States Japan because it doesn't seem to need much more modding), so we do not release both in the same mappack. "Mappack 3" could also be a testing ballon and we would see if it draws attention and brings us more players again. If not, we haven't "fired" all our ammunition at once but have another "Mappack 4"-shot for later (for better times). Creating two separated mappacks would also be more relaxing for our modder team.

Let me know what you think.

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Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 1:59 PM | Message # 149
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I think that is a good idea. It would also help cut down the release time for Mappack 3 because we could include the maps that need many improvements (like Pearl Harbor) in the mappack 4, hence giving our team more time to work on them smile
So definitely +1 from me. happy
geclepramiDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 6:08 PM | Message # 150
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Sure, some maps need a lot more work than just fixing tickets or bugged spawns/buildings. Apart from advertising concerns I would not overthink it, though.

Thanks for these logs biggrin


My notes from reading the chatlogs:



bleed stop if 50/50 flags

needs push

c1 is madness



add mortars, mortar APC

no swords only with 130 ping (rifles, field guns)

cant throw AT mines very far (can't throw out of windows/gunslits)
-> replace with satchels

e2 ground glitch (above stairs, can fall into looping pit)

lock the APC

glitch there (airtroll: "i'll write it in forum"

give helmet to iwo jima/coronet/okinawa)
(ridiculous helmet for laststand jap officer)



ridiculous lag

medboxes don't heal

goblin + me262 have no sound



cool custom vehicles + tactical options (airtroll)

lots of flanking opportunities

fast hellcat, FAST churchill avre

t44 100mm bugged sight


some spawns are far from tanks

jumbo-firefly hybrid smile


remove DsHk (soviet MG)

move allied planes to little AF (make one north?)

2 hurricanes stronk, remove one?

some animations are broken, ppl sliding around while in sitting pose



b7 midair spawn

f5 no MGs

pos2 of the bt3 is a T35 miniicon

ticket bleed / flag values need revisiting (north flag is very important?)

replace those pak36 with jap AT

broken spawnpoint assoc, F6 spawn, spawns at D6



" FFS lame spawn locations. get rid of spawn locatinon in bunker.
shot 3 times out of 4 spwns there"

"FORCED arty spawn is so bad idea"

framerate OK but not amazing, remove trees in distance?

HATE instant cap flags on maps...



maybe the dead germans should be behind sandbags, instead in the road

bubuDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 6:38 PM | Message # 151
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Quote gecleprami ()
jumbo-firefly hybrid

happy  yahoo Rename this to "Bubu's tank" and put it on EVERY Single map hahahahah
FranktheEraserDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 7:02 PM | Message # 152
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Quote gecleprami ()
ridiculous lag

Lag wherever you are or just when approaching the bridges?

In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
mardukDate: Monday, 2019-04-22, 7:12 PM | Message # 153
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@Frank: Fukn everywhere, for everybody.

Quote: "Polish Resistance
- I like that the vehicles emphasis is more on p38(t) and APCs, than on sturmtigers (like warsaw or arnhem...)."

This is why I said vehicle and weapon layout should be 1943-44ish. I also don't want another map with Sturmtigers, etc. But Pz IIIN, Nebelwerfers, etc. would be nice. Also Flamethrowers for inf. Let's just pimp the map up to something between how it is now and Warsaw 1944.

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2019-04-25, 5:27 PM | Message # 154
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the map peleliu-1944 that the Japanese are doing I your new mapapck looks interesting! very anxious too.  we need that map on our server too! biggrin

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2019-04-28, 11:56 PM | Message # 155
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to all mapers and an modders: here is a database of some old FH maps. Maby we can convert some of the maps to FHSW and put them in our Mappack. For sure we have to ask the creater of this maps first!




ps: not each es usefull for us  tongue 
Born-1942Date: Monday, 2019-04-29, 8:37 AM | Message # 156
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this is very useful, it could be a series of maps for us!

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
geclepramiDate: Monday, 2019-04-29, 10:05 AM | Message # 157
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About that last link you posted: There is a link to the "TDP Mappacks
1-7" but if if you actually follow it, that download is down. :-(

The only TDP maps I could dig out is the TDP Mappack 8 (which is where
I grabbed TheAlps (now Savoy)); but it looks like all other mirrors are
down or gone. Does anybody maybe have those maps still installed in
their BF games?

I'm especially looking for this old map "Paris Centre" which had some
very cool urban combat (including sewers and everything). Check out
this trailer, the map is briefly featured there: 


Also, about Peleliu: No idea what the Japanese are doing, but I know PFC has
a cool map called like that: (check the video: the map download is public, but
their thread describing map developement is not...)

Is that the same one?
I'm not sure if they would appreciate adapting that map :/

PS: TDP mappack 8 trailer (those maps are still available, we could
easily convert them to FHSW maps -- if you want to get started I can
help with that):

Added (2019-04-29, 9:11 AM)
PS: Who is currently actively working on the "Mappack 3" maps? From the suggestions posted above, there are some things which should be relatively easy to do (like fix some spawn positions), so I could work on those low hanging fruits -- if that work has not been done already. (I suggest we post progress here?)

mardukDate: Monday, 2019-04-29, 11:22 AM | Message # 158
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I see we got enough stuff to make Mappack 5 later.

But for the moment please focuss on Mappack 3 (and 4) biggrin

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Sunday, 2019-05-05, 5:32 PM | Message # 159
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Quote marduk ()
But for the moment please focuss on Mappack 3 (and 4) biggrin

+ 1 on this one from me. Let's fix all of the issues for the maps in mappack 3 and 4 smile
abbcheese_Date: Monday, 2019-05-06, 9:44 AM | Message # 160
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The Peleliu map being tested on the Japanese server isn't the same as the PFC one, it's an all new original map

Message edited by abbcheese_ - Tuesday, 2019-05-07, 4:52 AM