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Mappack 4 (m)
starking018Date: Sunday, 2019-03-24, 7:47 AM | Message # 101
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In the second case you've used a name for the ObjectTemplate of class ObjectSpawner ("charb1") which is the same as the name of an existing ObjectTemplate (the vehicle "charb1"). At least that is what I quickly notice as someone who has used other programming languages, and not so much this language. But it makes sense that this causes problems here. I remember many years ago (over 10) I was playing around creating a map in Battlecraft, and that it was possible to place vehicles through the function for placing static objects... and when placed in this way they would not respawn. So, I guess it would have added a line just like "Object.create charb1" (where "charb1" is the name of the vehicle) in the StaticObjects.con file... the point is, there needs to be a distinction between creating a single vehicle and creating a thing which spawns vehicles (an ObjectSpawner). So you have to type a unique name for the ObjectSpawner. Otherwise it either creates a single vehicle which does not respawn, or it gets confused in some way due to the identical names (I think this probably crashes the client and server). You have to change the lines to something like:

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner charb1_spawner


Object.create charb1_spawner

Now that I see that you want the Char B1 to respawn I have to add that this makes allies too strong. They have these tanks and the large defgun which are very hard or impossible to destroy with the existing axis vehicles.
* This is why I now suggest adding planes for both teams. Using ground attack planes for any breakthrough attempt in that era was quite normal, probably even considered a must. So I suggest adding a Stuka bomber and a fighter for axis and maybe only 1 or 2 fighters for allies.
* There is one Bofors M1936 near a French flag which is the super inaccurate version. I think that it's from FH, unchanged, and not from FHSW, and that's why it's so inaccurate. I think that a more appropriate AA weapon for France would be the 25mm Hotchkiss which is represented in FHSW by the Japanese Type 96 (the cannon itself was built under French license; I think the mounting was fully Japanese, but whatever) or the 20mm Oerlikon. Allies may need more AA at some of the other flags, but that would make safe take-off from main base impossible. But if the planes spawn in the air maybe it would be OK to add more AA there.

I'll post a few more things about the map later.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
geclepramiDate: Sunday, 2019-03-24, 9:20 AM | Message # 102
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OH, so the objects and templates live in the same namespace? Good to
know. I fixed those nameclashes and it works now, awesome!

Not sure about having airplanes the map is so small & narrow you can't
really have dogfights, or evade enemy AA (the stuka even gets shot down
by the AT guns at the fort...). But I'll add the planes back in and see
how this turns out in playtesting.

I'd add more sniper kits to suppress the defgun (or replace it with a
softer arty device). I also think I'll swith the charb1 for something
like a panhard armored car -- the other tanks should be enough to retake
the village.

Added (2019-03-24, 3:44 PM)
Updated the map (file is smaller because I removed old lightmaps in this) -- check this:


Continued feedback very welcome of course biggrin


Message edited by gecleprami - Sunday, 2019-03-24, 9:34 AM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2019-04-10, 5:53 PM | Message # 103
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@all modders: How many maps are modded/can we start another testing event?

Please give a short report.

I think if we got about 10 maps that have been modded since the last testing it is worth to make another testing event.

Saturday Mappack 3 map testing event?!

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Marduk aka Postduk
geclepramiDate: Thursday, 2019-04-11, 7:20 PM | Message # 104
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Savoy (theAlps) is ready for testing, and saturday is fine for me.

bubuDate: Thursday, 2019-04-11, 7:50 PM | Message # 105
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Impressive, sounds and looks awesome Minnie smile

E3/Frank, any word on the Moon?

I agree with saturday, which date - 13th April? Time 17:00 or 18:00 server time?
E-3Date: Thursday, 2019-04-11, 10:34 PM | Message # 106
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Well we have been stuck on an issue on the moon map.
frank  made a  beautiful building called moonstag.
but for some reason  when you  throw a grenade   inside the building    it's causing a insane amount of lag inside the building.
see fps test on fhsw maps video.


Frank discovered a space shuttle on bfv I was planning to put it  on the  moon map  but it has serious texture issues.


I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Friday, 2019-04-12, 0:36 AM
bubuDate: Friday, 2019-04-12, 7:00 AM | Message # 107
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Oh wow. That is insane, in a good way haha. I think however, the space shuttle is a bit too much - anyway, I think we can leave it out of the testing for now just to give u guys more time to finish it?
mardukDate: Friday, 2019-04-12, 4:07 PM | Message # 108
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Sat 6 PM sounds fine.

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Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Friday, 2019-04-12, 4:44 PM | Message # 109
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because of the fps issues we cannot play the moonmap.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
rickardsvDate: Friday, 2019-04-12, 5:04 PM | Message # 110
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We can play it last, i have a good PC.

starking018Date: Friday, 2019-04-12, 9:22 PM | Message # 111
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I'm available, however I posted an important balance request about Savoy-1940 (I suggest that the defgun be restored) in its thread ( http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-936-1 ).
I watched E-3's and the frame rate drops to 2FPS as soon as he starts throwing the grenade, so it seems extremely bad, not just up to the PC specs.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
geclepramiDate: Friday, 2019-04-12, 11:30 PM | Message # 112
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I just updated savoy with balance adjustments + fixes (thanks alot again, airtroll!) http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-936-1#15855

mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 7:30 AM | Message # 113
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Looks like we only got one map for the testing...

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Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 7:51 AM | Message # 114
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Hmm Savoy and the maps we didn't test last time, iirc. I ll check the spreadsheet smile

Yeah, the moon map - let's give u guys time to fiix the fps drops before we try to test it.
mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 3:25 PM | Message # 115
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We can not do the maptesting like this...

Two hourse before the maptesting we have no list with the maps, no download link (except one - thx gecleprami this way!), etc.
Tell me, how many players do you expect to join the server with the correct maps this way?!

Maptesting postponed!

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Marduk aka Postduk
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 4:25 PM | Message # 116
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Uhm. Can we at least do a mini-testing event? I'd like to have some feedback on the map.

Or is there a lot of preparation needed to setup the server for that?

Added (2019-04-13, 3:47 PM)
Maybe put the savoy download together with the maps from last testing event to the mainpage so people can see it? Maybe the map can be setup spontaneously?

mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 5:37 PM | Message # 117
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@gecleprami: I dont know. And Bubu seems not around...
I really like to play your map as well. Maybe we can do that tomorrow?!

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:03 PM | Message # 118
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I'm here guys, just have come back from emergency hospital, for such a stupid reason, but I'm alright...

Well, the spreadsheet and list is up in this thread, and I guess everyone has the other maps from the previous map testing day, but anyway... I wanted to prepare the list for today in the morning, but I had to go to emergency service :/

Message edited by bubu - Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:06 PM
mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:11 PM | Message # 119
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Quote Bubu: "Well, the spreadsheet and list is up in this thread, and I guess everyone has the other maps from the previous map testing day, but anyway... "

You are expecting way too much lol, most of us aren't that smart. Just have a look here to understand what I am talking about: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/34-947-15841-16-1554835826

We need better planing for the testing event anyway. We should announce it on the mainpage (my fault I forgot).

But for now: everybody please join the server for Saturday fightnight!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:14 PM | Message # 120
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That sucks, hope you are alright!

BTW, which one is the download for the maps from last time? I don't see it on the main page and I'm not sure which one in the thread is the most recent :/
