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Mappack 4 (m)
geclepramiDate: Wednesday, 2019-02-06, 7:26 PM | Message # 81
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A bit late (I struggled with the forum software), but here is my 2 cents:

Convoy Attack: This seems too easy for axis -- attacking from all directions while the targets are visible on minimap.in the center. At least hide the objectives from the map (like on Leyte Day 2), otherwise axis can shadow + torpedo the convoy group even submerged. And if Allies are sitting in the center, being surrounded, there is little incentive for them to move. (Maybe a solution close to Arctic Convoy Mod? I.e. Axis attack from south while allies hide?)

Bocage This would need such a large overhaul (placement of spawns further aparts, larger area of engagement, much more vegetation + landscaping) that is does not seem worth it.

Market Garden I really enjoy this map, and I think this genuinely worked well in FH, too. Allies should have some C47 planes maybe, plus some counters to the axis' tanks; and the vehicles need some SW flavor: StuH42 instead of StuG, things like that). Apart from that I think this is fun already.

mardukDate: Friday, 2019-02-08, 10:45 AM | Message # 82
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Quote Bubu (Konstantinovsk-1942):
"This site states that in armoured composition, there were 107 tanks (83 PzKpfw 38(t), 2 Toldi, 22 PzKpfw I) plus Csaba armoured cars (later also PzKpfw III and PzKpfw IV) and for light/infantry divisions there were many 37mm and 50mm PAK guns used as well. So composition of the Hungarian part of map could reflect this, apart from adding unique combat of Pnz 3/4 VS T34/76s without overpowered cannons "

You want to make it even better - of course I agree biggrin

Quote gecleprami:
"Convoy Attack: ...At least hide the objectives from the map (like on Leyte Day 2), otherwise axis can shadow + torpedo the convoy group even submerged. And if Allies are sitting in the center, being surrounded, there is little incentive for them to move. (Maybe a solution close to Arctic Convoy Mod?...)"

That's true - the map hardly makes any sense the way it is atm. I agree to apply "Arctic Convoy-solution" and maybe also make Allied ships invisible on the map.

Quote FranktheEraser:
"Pacificübung (Submarine fleet):
- Only keep objective version of the map
- Maybe add with map editor some little islands, although not for inf comb or just a little rock with a flag (even objective mode) to attract people from both sides, and also not being so boring plain ocean map with just water and water.
- Change British airplanes for Yank ones."

I agree to all suggestions.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
akari1121aADate: Wednesday, 2019-02-20, 1:40 PM | Message # 83
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Nice to meet you European friend, I am called 1121

I am planning an FHSW custam map event in Japan
I will also plan a new map event in the near future!
E-3Date: Wednesday, 2019-02-20, 9:13 PM | Message # 84
Lieutenant Colonel
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guys please vote for the spacesuit on the moon map

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2019-02-21, 0:21 AM | Message # 85
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Quote akari1121aA ()
Nice to meet you European friend, I am called 1121I am planning an FHSW custam map event in Japan
I will also plan a new map event in the near fut

Hello 1121, welcome to our forum !

if you want you can also use maps from our FHSW Europ Mappack 1+2 for your event:


Of all these maps Ocean Town is a completely "new" one.

This is the map list:

- Arctic_Convoy-1942_mod

- Bastogne-1944

- Battle_Of_Britain_mod

- Battle_of_Luzon

- Desert_Hill_day1

- Eagles_Nest-1945

- Fall_Gelb-1940

- fht_golf_hotel-1944

- fht_sittang_bridge-1942

- KotaBharu

- Ocean_Town

- Operation_Hailstone_mod

- Operation_Kikusui_day2_mod

- Operation_Lilliput

- Spurning_Fate-1945

- Stashuv_Area

- The_Attack_on_Carentan-1944

- Zveroboy
rickardsvDate: Thursday, 2019-02-21, 2:54 AM | Message # 86
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Nice to meet you European friend, I am called 1121

I am planning an FHSW custam map event in Japan
I will also plan a new map event in the near future!

Hello and welcome! I love your map events on Kabu Server.

akari1121aADate: Thursday, 2019-02-21, 1:16 PM | Message # 87
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thank you guys!
In fact, most of the new Japanese mappacks I could do recently are those of the events that I organized (Of course I am also making a map)
And I think that I will do this event three times a year

Now on kabu server I'm doing CM event and trying to hire a popular map to play(It is in the map list!)
If you wish, we would like you to make a map and participate in this event!!!

Everything is to raise the Mapper and Modder technology, so to enjoy it and BF 1942 more!

I will announce details as topics start to apply

Europ Mappack will be entertained on different occasions thx!
starking018Date: Saturday, 2019-02-23, 4:36 PM | Message # 88
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Hi 1121!

Thank you for all these things which you are doing!
During our testing of various custom maps we have discovered some bugs and balance issues, some of them serious. I wonder if there are newer versions of the maps. What is a good way to communicate with the authors of the maps, so that we could get any newer versions with fixes/improvements, or so that they could see our bug reports, suggestions or fixes/improvements made by people here?

@Xenanab: I can't remember if Ocean Town was already played once on a Japanese server. Perhaps it was included in a custom map event which also included Eagles_Nest-1945, a few years ago.

I'll make a big post about my thoughts on all the maps that we tested last time (sorry for the long delay).

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
akari1121aADate: Sunday, 2019-02-24, 9:50 AM | Message # 89
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Reading this topic roughly understood what you were talking about now.

↑It is mine who made these,And I understood that there are improvements in some maps(In addition to JPNpack which I have not made map).
So I decided to open a big event three times a year in Japan's BF group (to improve and to gather new maps)

I came to the European Forum because I want to make use of the good points of each other and to interact and feel more excited about BF1942 and FHSW!
I hope that you participate in this map creation & improvement event if you like.

P.S. The first CM event in 2019 is planning May 4th!! All of BF42!

Message edited by akari1121aA - Sunday, 2019-02-24, 9:57 AM
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-02-24, 10:14 AM | Message # 90
Group: Admins
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@akari1121: welcome to our forum! Thanks for you initiative - I think this will be a useful process for both of us smile

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
starking018Date: Thursday, 2019-03-14, 9:21 PM | Message # 91
Group: Friends
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Sorry that I'm posting this after such a long delay once again. I'm posting all my thoughts based on my notes at the time and I'm also replying to your comments but only where I have a strong opinion against or in support of what you're saying (there are other things people said which are good, or acceptable, or I don't have an opinion on).


* The map seems unbalanced in allies' favor. There isn't much that the axis can do to significantly delay the inevitable when all they can do is try to kill planes with AA before they come close enough to bomb/shoot.
* The map needs to have a separately selectable spawn point for each of the 4 axis bases/targets.
* A short English readme/manual and text on the minimap and/or loading screen is needed to inform players about what the targets are (apparently the Maus tanks are the targets).
* The 28mm squeeze bore vierling (quad) is not a good idea, unless it is given a more realistic muzzle velocity of 1430m/s for APCNR (yes, this is not a typo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2.8_cm_sPzB_41#Ammunition) which would greatly help aiming and also increase the damage caused. As it is, it's even worse than the normal 20mm vierling against aircraft, it's a downgrade. A side note concerning FHSW itself: The problem is that FHSW's Pz2M's projectile is way too slow (you can tell it's even slower than the machine gun's) and it does little damage to aircraft, much less than ordinary 20mm HE or HEAT. I think that it should damage aircraft somewhat more than a 20mm APCR (if it doesn't do so already) due to the higher velocity causing greater pressure waves when hitting fuel, in turn causing greater ruptures in fuel tanks, even though both projectiles would typically overpenetrate.
* There was the disconnection bug when loading the map, which seemed to disappear once the round was restarted.


The fact that the middle flag is non-recapturable for allies sometimes gets missed, which can be mitigated by having a sign facing the opposite side, where tanks would come from, and/or by having a note written on the minimap, and/or by adding a grey "CAN'T CAP" icon which appears when captured, like on other push maps.


Good map.


* Shows a wrong loading screen, probably because the map doesn't have one.
* The Gieskanne indeed doesn't make sense for allies, and I don't think they couldn't progress without it. If it was intended for axis, maybe it can be a static weapon which would be easier to deal with and which could be teamlocked, if needed. If a similar kind of weapon is desired for allies, I suggest that they are given a shotgun (if they don't have any shotguns already) which is similar in its ability to fire multiple projectiles at once, greatly increasing its hit probability while moving.
* The Tiger should be teamlocked and there has to be a way to do it (e.g. like on Battle Of Orel where there are counterspawn tanks for axis in the west base which become locked to the team which first enters them, and the enemy team can't reach that part of the map).
* Add some binoculars for axis, be they in a spawn kit, pick-up kit, or static.
* There is no place for axis to spawn when all Nebelwerfers are occupied. Maybe it's possible to add many player positions in them, or add an extra spawn object to them (like e.g. on some of the ships on Rheinuebung) so that there's always a place to spawn as long as the Nebelwerfers are not destroyed.
* The MG near the Nebelwerfers can be sniped over the sandbags even while you duck (with the S key) because the MG is mounted very high above the sandbags, which doesn't make any sense. This needs to be fixed by either lowering the MG or raising the sandbags. I'm not asking for a super good cover which, when done right, could cover you from any side even without ducking, except where you are aiming at. I'm asking for merely a basic cover which works at least when you make the move intended to get you under cover. So, using the same kind of sandbags raised just enough relative to the MG to protect you while you duck with the MG should be good enough for the tactical situation.
Quote bubu ()
- More fog on map?

If the visibility distance is reduced this would most of all affect the fight for the Nebelwerfers where there are the longest engagement ranges. This would be to Allies' benefit, since it would help them sneak and flank on either side. Axis have an important MG42 with a zoom and it would be rendered less useful if the visibility is shorter. From memory, I think Allies usually succeeded in winning this map if they got past the Tiger, so I wouldn't like it to be less of a challenge than it is now. So I'm against adding more fog (unless you mean adding a little foggyness at shorter distances while keeping the same maximum visibility distance, in which case it doesn't matter that much for the gameplay).


Allies have only a fighter (a MiG) which is poorer in every way, so even if you overcome it's poorer flight characteristics and get in good positions it doesn't have a decent enough firepower to take advantage of good opportunities. A Yak would be more appropriate. Even the older I-153 would be preferred in many situations due to its maneuverability. And it's not just the fighter that makes the air battle one sided. As far as I remember the self propelled AA and medium bomber are also poorer overall for allies, so they need some increase in capabilities and/or numbers (e.g. an extra I-153 in addition to the MiG and/or a ZSU with 37mm).
I think that it's a relatively interesting map worth including.


* The towers with flags on them near the airfields have this bugged collision like when there is a collision on the client side, but not on the server side, so it stops you for just a fraction of a second and then you go through it.
* South of the eastern carrier you can see the high terrain from the other side of the map, but the problem is that even if you fly several tens of meters over it you explode, as if you have crashed into invisible terrain that is even higher. And this does happen in practice when you want to make a turn in that direction.


There seems to be a lack of balance in the air - allies have one good fighter/ground attack plane from the start and another one as a counterspawn (P47 and P51), whereas the axis have only one BF109 which is not as good as either of the planes, in either capacity. They also only have solo 20mm FlaKs spawning at the flags, where allies have Bofors. They can't bring anything into the air battle with more than a single 20mm cannon and machine guns (they have one 222 which would not be very useful for the map). Instead, they have an Arado Blitz bomber kit. Instead of the bomber kit I'd rather have another ground attack aircraft, such as a Stuka with 500kg, 1000kg or cluster bombs, or a skip-bombing Fw190, or why not even a Flettner with Panzerschreck. For better AA capability and balance one possibility is to replace the static FlaKs which spawn for axis with Vierlings, or MK103s. Alternatively, the allied Bofors could be replaced with something weaker, such as dual 20mm Pollsten and then add some decent self-propelled AA vehicles for both teams, such as the one with a MK103, Ostwind or Wirbelwind for axis and APC-mounted Bofors, M16 or T77 for allies.


This map could use some nicer vehicles too.
Quote gecleprami ()
I really enjoy this map, and I think this genuinely worked well in FH, too. Allies should have some C47 planes maybe, plus some counters to the axis' tanks; and the vehicles need some SW flavor: StuH42 instead of StuG, things like that). Apart from that I think this is fun already.

It already has a StuH42, however its cannon, (105mm) as far as I've tried, does not have any effect at all through walls and objects, which makes it not effective enough for the map. For this map a Brummbar (replacing StuH42) would be highly desirable and appropriate, in my opinion. The map needs more tanks with skirts/spaced armor to limit vulnerability to the infantry's AT weapons. Still there would be plenty of opportunities to attack the tanks by the infantry from the front, back and top, by tanks and by air, so the gameplay would be distinct from Arnhem-1944's. There could be more Pz3s, StuGs and Pz4s with skirts or meshes (complete and intact, not the ones with damaged or missing portions of it) Shermans with sandbags and probably other appropriate tanks with spaced armor which I can't think of right now.
Quote bubu ()
- Remove D5 bridge

That would be a radical departure from the original map which almost everyone is familiar with ever since BF1942. Reducing the ways to invade the town to just one makes the job of defending against it much easier, I'd say more than twice easier. Whatever changes you'd have to add to restore balance (which you didn't specify) would inevitably bring further radical departure from the original map, and I don't like the idea of transforming maps completely while still calling them the same name. I don't oppose at all the creation of a new map based on Market Garden with some radical changes, but I would also appreciate a version of Market Garden (i.e. with both bridges).


This map ended quickly when we tested it because there were very few active allied ships. I was not able to see much more than the fact that the map would not play out well without larger player numbers than what we had.
Quote gecleprami ()
Convoy Attack: This seems too easy for axis -- attacking from all directions while the targets are visible on minimap.in the center. At least hide the objectives from the map (like on Leyte Day 2), otherwise axis can shadow + torpedo the convoy group even submerged. And if Allies are sitting in the center, being surrounded, there is little incentive for them to move. (Maybe a solution close to Arctic Convoy Mod? I.e. Axis attack from south while allies hide?)

I agree. In situations like this convoys would typically disperse (to maximize the chance that at least some ships sneak through, otherwise there's a high risk that the whole convoy gets destroyed together from one concentrated attack) but still try to continue and eventually reach their destination. To give them a chance to sneak without being attacked too soon, first, they definitely should not be visible on the map; secondly, the map size can be increased (unless it's already the largest size). I think that it would be appropriate to add a line or lines on the map for the convoyed allied ships to try to cross to win (a zone or zones to reach), like eYe did via SSM for Arctic_Convoy-1942_mod. I'd suggest that such lines should be long, once again, not to make it easy for the axis navy to find and intercept the convoyed ships. Ideally all the lines would be equidistant from where the ships start (e.g. a single quarter circle arc), so that the allied captains are not incentivized to always take a single predictable shortest route.
In any case, all allied ships need to be taken and used from the start of the round.
I think that the map is interesting mostly for the fact that it has new ships.


* I found another aspect of the map which makes it very hard for the axis to get flags back once they lose them: there's a hut which is just north of the northernmost flag, with a window facing directly towards axis main base with no obstacle in between, other than the terrain covering some or most of the main base from direct fire (the tower is notably unprotected, and if you spawn on it there's no way to get down without being exposed). There were ammo and medic boxes there (I think at least one of the two was inside the hut and the other was nearby). It's only natural that players would tend to always occupy this hut to defend the flag from there, since it is very close to the flag. And when they face the direction where the enemy is coming from (axis main) it's inevitable that they have to fight all enemies facing them, including those still inside main base. It's also natural that the axis infantry would choose to fight from behind the only cover around, which is all inside main base (the raised terrain and the tower). This makes bad feelings about base camping inevitable. Chartres does not have nearly as bad a problem there, because there are walls there and no windows or other particularly good camping locations facing main base and the flanks. There are also tanks. But I don't think that merely giving armored vehicles to the axis on Jungle_in_Leyte would fix this problem by itself. Axis infantry needs cover, and allies could dominate even if they had much less cover and supplies.
* There's the possibility for knee mortar spam from within axis main base, which is annoying. Someone was able to do it for a long time. This can be fixed by reducing the available ammo for the knee mortar in the ammo boxes. However, alleviating the understandable overall frustration which leads players to attempt such things would require some major changes to the map.


Quote marduk ()
The flag in A1 should be flag 5 of the pushmap system.

At one point near the end of the round the game got completely bugged, the chat and game messages were no longer updating properly, and when I died the camera would stay where I was and I couldn't respawn any more. For me this happened when I had spawned using the 4th kit ("MG soldier") and noticed that all its weapons were missing or invisible and I think that the kit must be bugged.
I didn't find the map very appealing in general.


* The map has this fog that looks weird at the horizon, especially when you look around or dive in a plane, like on the map Battle off of Malay. It would be nice to be like on other maps.
* Someone reported that they couldn't spawn on submarines (I haven't seen this myself).
* This is a map (one of several) where firing cannons underwater from submarines and from sinking ships is problematic. I'd really like to have a fix or a workaround for this cheat. Is there a way to make shells explode if fired underwater? Remembering that the Japanese submarine has this mast and crane (or whatever it was) that folds automatically when diving, maybe the same technique can be used to make an object rotate into place to block the cannons and perhaps also blind the view from the gunner seat, so that going into that seat while submerged doesn't give players any unfair advantage. Or reduce the time until drowning on this map to just a few seconds (I know that this is possible)? Perhaps players in all ship positions with cannons or machine guns should be made to drown quickly when submerged (to prevent shooting from already submerged turrets)? These are some ideas for both this map and for a next version of FHSW.
* It is nice that the overall map size is larger than Rheinuebung, because it gives more freedom to move tactically. But with the ships spawning where they do, it does feel boring until you make first contact with the enemy, especially at the beginning of the round when they all start far away. I suggest moving the locations of ships spawners 20-30% closer to the closest flag or closer to the middle flag.
Quote marduk ()
Make this map an objective map without respawning ships. I think there was consensus about this already.

Quote bubu ()
Submarine_fleet- +1 for objective map - the objective version already exists, but we tested conquest by my mistake (sorry guys)

No, I don't support removing conquest mode. The objective mode can be added to the map list while keeping conquest mode. Conquest mode is good enough as it is and on Kabu.server I've seen them play it many times, and I've played it there a few times, and I don't remember objective mode Submarine_fleet ever being played there. It can perhaps be improved. I suspect that the main thing which bores players and makes them not like having to respawn back where the ships respawn is the realization that there's a long boring way ahead of them back into the battle. If this is improved by more closely following the example of Rheinuebung (a successful map design, in my opinion) and reducing the distance a little, then I think conquest mode will be well liked by our players.
Even without any changes I think it's a good map to have (I can speak for Conquest mode at least, which we have tested).


* The Spitfire spawn location is bad. There are objects in the way making it hard and risky if you want to take off quickly.
* I experienced a FPS drop when I entered the British cruiser while it was being sunk by torpedoes. And I can't remember the last time I experienced low FPS on other maps on my machine with a Radeon HD 5870, even though I remember cases when other players complained about FPS drops. So I think that something is bugged.
* The allied ticket bleed rate seemed too slow.
Quote FranktheEraser ()
- My other proposal, as once Japs capture flag 4 south, allies can't respawn there and thus makes, in my opinion, non-sense to recap it as it is also far away from allied main, is to turn flag 4 south into flag 3 (uncap for allies) and flag 3 make it flag 4 north. What do you think? I upload pic of ingame map so you can appreciate it better

For some time while the flag 4 was allied (and I was in allies team) there was no spawn point to select in the spawn menu there. Later it did reappear and I could spawn there. I don't understand why that happened. I don't know about your suggestion. It sounds OK at first, but it requires a good understanding of the map to decide if it's really a good idea.
In any case, the map is nice and desirable for inclusion.


* The automatic ammo resupply for aircraft is too quick, making them very effective. At the same time, the AA vehicles are not very good (ZSUs with .50 and 37mm with very poor iron sights). It would be nice if the soviets get something better to counter the fighter-bombers, such as a captured Flakpanzer and/or a fighter/fighter-bomber.
* In this map it is needed to team lock all vehicles which can be teamlocked (there are many vehicles which spawn in main bases and maybe others which are not team locked, but it should be possible to lock them).
* It looked like there was a mass disconnection problem on the map (although I'm not sure about that).
It's an interesting map with a plot (Brits invading soviets) that is highly desirable for inclusion.

(we played it a few days ago on Kabu.server)

When I landed a Natter that was out of fuel (it hardly gets damaged by doing a belly landing) it stayed there for a long time. It has a very long time to live and/or a very high distance from its spawn to start self-destruction. As a rocket plane it cannot be practically used again once the player exits it, so it's better to make both the distance and time to live very short, so that every time the pilot exits the plane it self-destroys in a few seconds to allow a new one to respawn.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Thursday, 2019-03-14, 9:35 PM
FranktheEraserDate: Friday, 2019-03-15, 11:25 PM | Message # 92
Group: Bronze Donator
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Spoiler for making people not think that FHSW Europe's modders team are not doing anything xd: Just a few new props made by myself for "On the Moon" map. I translated into my own style some Iron Sky props, that I like. Hope you like it too.

Attachments: 8407170.jpg (127.6 Kb)

In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
LauxDate: Monday, 2019-03-18, 3:59 PM | Message # 93
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Könnt ihr bitte mal ein Komplettes FHSW Paket Schnüren aufegteilt in Maps, Sound und Textur. Unabhänigig ob Europe oder Japanisch?
Am besten wenn die überarbeiteten Maps "Moon" und soweiter mit dabei sind?

Wo ist der Flyer für komenden Sonntag? Oder stehen die Maps noch nicht fest?
Denkt daran Morgenschlund hat Gold im Mund.

Message edited by Laux - Monday, 2019-03-18, 4:00 PM
geclepramiDate: Tuesday, 2019-03-19, 3:33 PM | Message # 94
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Hi, my map "Savoy-1940" is pretty much done (except for finetuning the balancing of vehicles etc), and I'm looking for some people to playtest it. Maybe we can do a maptesting event soon?

To check out the map, check this threatd: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-936-1 

Edit: I somehow can't change the thread name :/
Attachments: 7498291.png (446.2 Kb)


Message edited by gecleprami - Tuesday, 2019-03-19, 3:34 PM
starking018Date: Tuesday, 2019-03-19, 9:15 PM | Message # 95
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Great! I'm eager to test this map. I would test it even alone, to look around, check for some bugs, etc. once I have the map. I hope the server's config is ready for map testing without interrupting the normal playing server, @Bubu, @RADIOSMERSH, but regardless, perhaps I can host a map testing server myself, e.g. this Friday or Saturday evening.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2019-03-20, 0:41 AM | Message # 96
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Maps may act differently on a real multiplayer session on servers so it is strongly recommended to test them in a "real" play environment :-)

If a community map testing is planned I'd like to attend too !
starking018Date: Wednesday, 2019-03-20, 6:43 PM | Message # 97
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From my testing yesterday:

* Every time I destroyed a Sahariana Italian car or a R35 French tank several seconds later I experienced a crash of the client (game) or server or both. Perhaps it is related to the wreck disappearing, or something having to respawn several seconds later. The cars didn't respawn (I was able to see this when only the client crashed and I was able to rejoin). I also experienced other problem like showing 0 tickets, not being able to spawn once I rejoined, client crash when restarting the round, but I think that those things happened after I had previously destroyed some of those bugged vehicles.
* In the Italian main base all vehicles except the 3 larger tanks and the horses don't respawn.

Bugs like that would be bad to find out during play testing with many players, that's why it's good to cycle a few times between working/fixing and more and more serious testing.

Here are other things I noticed:
* The flag called "Border post" has a large capture radius which covers many separate places where players could hide and block a capture attempt. I see this as undesirable. I'd rather have as few as possible, perhaps one or two separate places that need to be watched by the defenders or cleared by the attackers.
* I was trying to take some Italian tanks from main base through the cliff path to the left. It seems possible, but it's very hard. There's a particularly frustrating and unexpected problem of some of the tanks sometimes unnaturally slipping to the side on a seemingly very moderate slope to that side. I don't know if you intended the path to be impassable for tanks. I'd prefer it to be relatively easily passable for tanks, and to do that (if you agree) it needs to have a few terrain tiles fixed. There are about 3-4 places where there is a visible slope to the right (towards the edge of the cliff) making it tricky to pass without slipping off the cliff.

I'll do some more testing today.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Wednesday, 2019-03-20, 6:44 PM
geclepramiDate: Thursday, 2019-03-21, 11:29 AM | Message # 98
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Thanks, this is helping a lot already!

> Bugs like that would be bad to find out during play testing with many players, that's why it's good to cycle a few times between working/fixing and more and more serious testing.

Absolutely! There is probably still a lot of obvious bugs in there which should be removed before a multiplayer session (you don't see the forest for the trees after a while eheheh).

I've fixed some of those you mentioned above already -- I'll post the changelog in the map thread, and will upload the adjusted version sometime later (i.e. this evening or on friday?) But please keep looking, it is much appreciated!


Regarding maptesting, I can't host a server myself, so that would be a great help, too, if the mainserver is not ready. I'll be around this weekend & the next for testing (I'd like to join the multiplayer test myself, obviously, for taking notes blablabla)


PS: I can;t replicate the game crashing when destroying the saharianas/r35. Or the ticket issue. No idea what happened there, I never saw something like that when running the map.
(I did encounter a weird bug that a rubberboat wreck (???) suddenly appears when destroying one of the l3 tankettes, but this only happened in a single playtest and i could not replicate that either. No idea what is going on there.)


Message edited by gecleprami - Thursday, 2019-03-21, 11:35 AM
starking018Date: Thursday, 2019-03-21, 7:58 PM | Message # 99
Group: Friends
Messages: 395
Awards: 22
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Quote gecleprami ()
PS: I can;t replicate the game crashing when destroying the saharianas/r35. Or the ticket issue. No idea what happened there, I never saw something like that when running the map.

I suppose you are only testing your map by creating a new game from the game menu. I just tried that too on another computer and indeed it did not crash. But when I joined my dedicated server from there it crashed again. I've seen this before - different behavior when creating a server from within the game and when creating a dedicated server. So, perhaps you too need to run a dedicated server for testing. It's easy - you can start one from DedicatedServer.exe, if you have this file in your game directory (it should come with the CD and Origin versions, but I don't see it in RADIOSMERSH's FHSW installer version), and start a LAN server with your map.

More things I found on Savoy-1940:

* I found that the client crashes on every restart or end of round, even without doing anything.
* A Wz30 machine gun in E4's corner near D5 is clipping inside a rock. If you try entering it and looking around you can see the problem. Maybe you can move the machine gun higher or the rock object lower.
* I found a whole bunch of static objects in H1 (outside map borders) that can be removed to save a little resources.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Thursday, 2019-03-21, 7:59 PM
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-03-23, 3:22 PM | Message # 100
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline

I'm really puzzled why some of the vehicles (in the main) do not respawn at all. For example, in the french main the S35, Amd35 + cars respawn, but the charb1, r35 and self-propelled AT don't. I just crosschecked all the templates and spawns and they all look good. But once they are destroyed, they don't respawn at all!

For example, compate the Somua35 (respawns) and the Charb1 (does not respawn):

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner somuas35
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 somua.s35
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1
ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 20
ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45
ObjectTemplate.Distance 40
ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10

ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner charb1
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 charb1
ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1
ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 10
ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 20
ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0
ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45
ObjectTemplate.Distance 40
ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10


Object.create somuas35
Object.absolutePosition 185.867/163.155/921.451
Object.rotation -266.88/0/0
Object.setOSId 2
rem ***  ***

Object.create charb1
Object.absolutePosition 219.334/158.642/921.958
Object.rotation -264.1/0/0
Object.setOSId 2

They are completely identical, they are attached to the correct flag, spawn at gamestart, but the charb1 does NOT respawn. I have not idea what happens here. (I also did not add any custom modifications of either vehicle, they are just stock FHSW).

Any ideas what could be happening here?


Message edited by gecleprami - Saturday, 2019-03-23, 3:23 PM