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Mappack 4 (m)
mardukDate: Monday, 2019-05-06, 5:48 PM | Message # 161
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@abbcheese: We appreciate your devotion, but unfortunately your post is partly off topic. Here you can find Bubu's sheet for maptesting: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/34-932-15460-16-1545674901

And this are the maps we tested the other weekend:

I quote mine and Bubu's last post:
"Quote marduk () But for the moment please focuss on Mappack 3 (and 4) biggrin
Bubu: + 1 on this one from me. Let's fix all of the issues for the maps in mappack 3 and 4 "

@all: please stop posting comments, suggestions, etc. that are not related to mappack 3 (4) (other maps than the ones we tested in the two sessions). If there will be more posts about other maps in the future, we will have to delete those posts without any further comment!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-05-18, 6:30 PM | Message # 162
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Hey, a quick update:

First of all + most important: Does anybody have the template for
an FH-Style loading screen -- the background + the font? I want ot make new
loadingscreens for two maps, and would like to keep it in the same style --
i already have pictures + screenshots, i just need the template.

With that aside,  I've worked a bit on the following -- I'm still testing things
so there is no download yet, just wanted to give an update.
I also propose to rename the maps (XXX_mod or a complete rename), to
avoid clashes with the japanese map versions.



- reduce e2 flag capradius
- add proper push system to castle flags
(top level of castle can be recapped always, rest becomes uncap for axis)
(adjust flag values --
allies bleed until one toplevel flag is capped
axis bleed when they lose last flag
- lock APC/tanks
- replace jumbo with horses
- replace flak38 with fieldgun type38 HEAT, mobile

Meigo Sakusen 1945 mod

- remove absurd laggy treespam out of map -- MUCH better fps
- increase flag capping time

desert hill2 (renamed to "Ras el Medauar-1941" -- the salient of tobruk). I think I'll expand this map a bit.

- TODO: needs updated loadingscreen (anyone got the template?)
- change uk voices to aussies
- fix bleeding
- replace gammon AT with boys/riflegrenades
- replace DsHk (soviet MG)
- replace 1 of the 2 hurricanes with a  fighter


Khalkhin Gol 1939

- remove grass spam (MUCH better fps)
- replace pak36 with type94 37mm AT/ type 38 HEAT
- even out flag values (each flag same val, no bleed on 2-2, bleed on 3-1)

Added (2019-05-19, 10:09 AM)
foy classic 2 (renamed "Foy Notre Dame 1945")

- replace nebelwerfer with pak40
- give axis some stg-44/fg42 pickup kits for balance, and G43 spawnkit
- replace some textures with winter versions

Counterattack 1950

- switched in some stronger axis vehicles for balance (stupa, leo-stug,
E10, E25, flettner with panzershrek)
- TODO needs updated loading screen
- TERRIBLE map from a modding perspective, total mess + buggy. not going
to work on this any further.

Added (2019-05-19, 4:26 PM)
One more remark: I think we need to start agreeing on which maps are worth including right now, and which to postpone or completely drop.

The maps I posted above had generally positive feedback (I'd also include savoy, the moonmap + hellendoorn as soon as they are ready, since the mapcreators are here).

With the rest, I'd maybe include konstantinovsk, the nebel hunt, and that polish resistance map (based on those we tested).

If there is a strong consensus that we should include even more maps, we'd include them as well -- but from those we tested, I personally find those other maps to be quite boring. Also, there are a lot of other maps (old maps from FHT, TDP, and from various FH/vanilla mappacks) which I'd rather work on.


Message edited by gecleprami - Sunday, 2019-05-19, 5:01 PM
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-05-19, 6:15 PM | Message # 163
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Khalkhin Gol 1939
foy classic 2
desert hill2
=>I would like to see in mappack 3 (+some more I suppose. Which ones? Suggestions please! wink ).

Meigo Sakusen 1945 mod
=>Save it for mappack 4 because it is kinda similar to Warring_States_Japan_mod

Counterattack 1950
=>Not worth including at all.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2019-05-20, 4:19 PM | Message # 164
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Quote gecleprami ()
First of all + most important: Does anybody have the template foran FH-Style loading screen -- the background + the font? I want ot make new
loadingscreens for two maps, and would like to keep it in the same style --
i already have pictures + screenshots, i just need the template.

I found the photoshop template for FH amongst my modding archive  happy  https://u.to/NTVvFQ

You have to install the font "interplanetary crap" as well to be able to edit it. A dl should be easy to find via google.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2019-05-21, 6:25 PM | Message # 165
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it is possible to open this file with paint.net?
starking018Date: Wednesday, 2019-05-22, 2:50 AM | Message # 166
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I'm pleasantly surprised a little to see that you've already started working on these maps.

About every map: It's appropriate to credit everyone who has worked on a map for the work that is being used (e.g shouldn't 1121 and Dice be credited in Hellendoorn-1944 somewhere?). About renaming maps: before resorting to that it's desirable to discuss with the author (if possible). Maybe they'd accept all the changes that we want to have (or at least the ones which can't be done via SSM) and thus the same name would be kept (it would be a new version of the same map; everyone using the map would need to update it).

I support the idea of releasing mappack 3 with maps that are ready and fun to play, or have the potential to be soon, or later with SSM tweaks (and after that release more of the maps in mappack 4).
Here are the maps from our last testing which I think are worth including soon in mappack 3. Later I will post about the rest (for mappack 4 or ones that are not worth it).

2. counterattack-1950
  • It's good that you included better materiel for Axis, including the Flettner for a better offensive capability. Something like that was needed.
  • It would be very nice to remove or replace many of the objects that make for artificial and unrealistic obstacles for vehicles, especially the tank-wrecking and impenetrable hay bales and the tank-stopping wooden fences. They interfere too often and too much with free movement on the open terrain and it's ridiculous. The map doesn't have to look frozen in time for 10 years either.
    I hope that removing objects is easy enough and I hope to see this map included, preferably in this mappack, since I really like the open terrain and the late/post WW2 vehicles from France and Germany and this map is a good opportunity to see those vehicles pitted against each other for once.

    4. polish_resistance
    It's a decent map worth including, only it has to be played with many players.

    6. Warring_States_Japan
  • The weapon order in the Axis officer kit is wrong: the SMG is shown at position 2, but it's actually 3, and the binoculars are shown at 3, but they are actually at 4.
  • There's a place around the top end of the stairs near the 4th flag where there's a large visible gap between the stone floor and the terrain and you can get stuck there and even glitch through the object.
  • There's an ammo box visible on the ceiling of the gate between the last two flags.
  • Most of the embrasures are useless because you can't get close enough to them to see or shoot at anything. Many of them are too high or too low to reach. That's a shame, since they are a major feature of such fortifications. It should be possible to improve this, at least in some of the better locations.
    Overall I don't find the map very appealing, but if/when you guys deem it ready for inclusion, it's OK.

    7. Savoy 1940
    Quote Minnie ()
    - needs push -- maybe step1 = 2 south flags, step2 = 2 central flags on ridge, step3 = village? opinions?
    I don't like push mode in general, unless it's made to reduce the number of players required to play a map, and unless the map is really linear in nature. This map is not made very linear and it seems appropriate for many players anyway (maybe 20 players minimum). There are multiple ways to attack, with 3 flags which can be attacked first. Only the village (north) clearly cannot be attacked before at least one of the first flags is taken. I think it's better not to have any push system at all on the map. The defenders need to guard all approaches and their job should not be made easier through an artificial push system restriction. Some flags are simply too hard or impossible to reach safely before others, so they will only be captured in the expected order anyway, unless the defenders screw up badly. If it turns out that the defenders tend to neglect to defend certain flags or the approaches to them then the appropriate solution (in my opinion) should be to add better assets at appropriate locations to attract more players to do that job.
    Quote Minnie ()
    - add some bmwr75 bikes for axis main (and harleys for allies?)
    Something for mobility is good. As far as I remember some of the bikes are very poor at climbing and controlling them in such terrain. Maybe it'd be appropriate to test multiple vehicles for that role and then decide which exact vehicles to use.
    The map already seems close to completion to me. It was worthy of participating in 1121's custom map event (some maps there were submitted in a less complete/functional state than it). I think that it will be a very good map.
    Quote Minnie ()
    - maybe a spawn APC?
    I don't see a reason to add that. For which team, where and why?

    8. Hellendoorn-1944 (after playing Frank's latest version during the custom map event on kabu.server)
  • The map was played nicely during the custom map event. I think that the Axis team kept the central flag and dominated for most of the round, but I don't know why that was. I didn't notice anything in particular that would cause an imbalance, except perhaps the fact that the Axis have a very versatile and powerful Flakpanzer and the allies don't have something quite comparable.
  • Some medic boxes still don't work.
  • I saw a V2 vehicle but I didn't get if and how I can get to do anything with it (it seemed indestructible too). Is it just team-locked?
    In my opinion it's very desirable to include maps based on the original game and expansions and I really believe that such maps are likely to bring more players, even just because of the names and the memories they bring. This one is a good map too! There seem to be a lot of interesting things for us to test though.

    9. The_Zoo
    Actually I didn't find anything for me to complain about. Only that we tested it for just 15 minutes, which wasn't enough time for us to explore the opportunities to use the terrain around the arena and other things.

    10. desert_hill2
    The map was imbalanced in Allied favor when we played it, especially with the many bombers that spawn in the air (while Axis planes spawn on the ground). Adding good fighters on both teams, and maybe some more AA vehicles, should balance things somewhat. These things can be tweaked via SSM, I suppose, so the map can be included now.

    11. Battle_of_Khalkhin_Gol
    I got as low as 50fps at times on my PC, which is very perceptible. Something better be done about it, but the grass seems to be a major feature characteristic of the map, with tactical importance (for concealment). So it would be nice if, instead of removing it, it can be optimized somehow, like rendering the grass at a lower level of detail at a distance. With some added hills for cover instead of the grass it could be good too, but not the same as with only concealment - it would call for a new test. With some concealment or cover it could be a decent enough map, worth including.

    12. Meigo_Sakusen-1945
  • Needs text on the minimap saying which flags are non-recapturable.
  • I think that there was no push cage at all at the 4th flag when there should have been, allowing it to be recaptured out of order.
    In my opinion the map is a little better (more fun) than Warring_States_Japan, although I'm still unsure if we need it. But if/when you guys deem it ready for inclusion, it's OK.

    16. Cruik
    Same as with The_Zoo. At most it may need some tweaking of the balance between teams and/or between the ground and air forces, and it would be good enough.

    Steel_Stream (latest version tested a couple of times during the custom map event on kabu.server; it's working well)
    The map actually has a usable flank north, along the bank, which is good. When I played it as Allied the second time, me and a few others were able to quickly reach and take out some of the important defences on that side from there and advance more quickly than on the other side. So once we neutralized/captured the undermanned flag on the second defensive line (or was it third?) we quickly flanked across the hill to the other flag on that defensive line. But all the defenders were still at the previous defensive line which they partially held, so the defences at that flag were almost completely unmanned. So we were able to demolish them pretty much unchallenged.
    The problem is that there's an asymmetry - one flank is very easy to exploit and the other is nearly non-existent. Maybe there need to be some defences spawning on the bank to make flanking more challenging. Also, the Axis couldn't execute a tactical retreat, because they don't have appropriate vehicles to do that (they could perhaps suicide and respawn at the next line).
    Other than that, it's a decent enough map for inclusion.

    Here's my complete list of maps which I see as appropriate to include in mappack 3. However, some of these need volunteers to do at least a little work on them, some of which can't be done after release via SSM (maps which no one wants to do at least the most important work on would obviously have to be dropped out for this mappack):
    • counterattack-1950
    • battle_of_foy_classic2
    • Savoy-1940
    • Hellendoorn-1944
    • konstantinovsk-1942
    • The_Nebelwerfer_Hunt1944
    • Market_Garden and/or Bocage (I'd like to see at least one Vanilla map included. These two can work out well even without the more complex ideas affecting static objects. Changing the vehicle layouts should be enough, which can also be done later via SSM. These two maps are fun and popular in vanilla and other mods.)
    • Submarine_fleet
    • Operation_Da
    • Operation_Unthinkable
    • polish_resistance
    • Battle_of_Khalkhin_Gol
    • The_Zoo or Cruik (I still don't think they are bad maps, but I wouldn't insist on them. I prefer The_Zoo.)

    Some maps which I don't find as appealing, but if they are desired by others and in a good state, let's have them:
    • desert_hill2
    • Steel_Stream
    • Meigo_Sakusen-1945
    • Warring_States_Japan
    • Alpine_Line-1940

    Any other maps which are ready or nearly ready?

    Of the maps which Marduk and Minnie mentioned for inclusion in mappack 3, I'd rather not have this map due to major concerns I posted about (makes it probably not worth working on it in my opinion):
    • Jungle_in_Leyte

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

    Message edited by starking018 - Wednesday, 2019-05-22, 2:54 AM
    E-3Date: Wednesday, 2019-05-22, 4:41 PM | Message # 167
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    small update on the moonmap second side of the building complete with placing objects.

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.
    Stefan1990Date: Saturday, 2019-06-01, 11:24 PM | Message # 168
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    Quote luiscarlosred ()
    they made another event with 8 maps, but some are repeated maps but something changed. I did not notice the changes because I did not participate in the first test, but they are changes and must have improved something that was unbalanced or wrong.Maps test: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jchuITWrIipQtifR-EgW_CYVrUWg3ilZ/view
    I still have not found videos about the test, so they can see.

    Thanks for that info! maby we should wait for the final relase of this maps. so we can be sure that this maps worke fine.

    can someone of the mapers create a "Mappack 3" Topic? its confusing for the people to talk abbout mappack 3 in a topic called: "THE NEW JAPANESE MAPPACK (M)"

    if you wish i can creat a private area in the froum. only for mappers!
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-06-22, 10:14 AM | Message # 169
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    Hey guys, was away from this thread for a bit...
    Quote Stefan1990 ()
    if you  wish i can creat a private area in the froum. only for mappers!

    Stefan, please, leave this thread public - helps community smile

    Quote Stefan1990 ()
    can someone of the mapers create a "Mappack 3" Topic?

    Why on the earth was this thread renamed to new japanese mappack? Can we please rename it back to Mappack 3 thread and keep all information related to mappack 3 in this one thread? ^^
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-06-22, 10:29 AM | Message # 170
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    Edit: I think I forgot to post the logs from testing of the maps... no idea if any of these changes were done already:

    - Replace A36 with something British

    Stalingrad Vanilla
    - Long cap time on D4 flag

    Polish resistance
    - Pickup kit in C4: Mors SMG + satchels - broken satchel animation
    - Change flag values: When each team has 2 flags (2-2), bleed should stop
    - Probably not possible to fix - when someone is killed, their kit falls through the floor to underground

    Zielona Gora
    - Add binoculars to officer kit
    - Add fog / Night

    Warring states
    - Problem with flag 1 (kill cage)
    - Remove tanks, M16, put more fieldguns
    - Replace turtle bombs with satchels?
    - House in E2/3 - bad floor: can't move properly inside
    - Remove flak 38s
    - Add notes which flags are recappable, which not
    - Add helmets from here to Japanese officer kits on Iwo Jima :)))

    - Add BMW motorcycles

    - Conquest: medicine boxes doesn't heal (apart from horrible lags)

    Desert hill day 2
    - Change flag H2 to axis
    - Balance flag values/bleed
    - Allies might get 2 hurricanes to balance axis airforce? Or other way around, can't remember who has air superiority

    Khalkin Gol
    - Add pushmode (E2 and G4 flags should be number 1)
    - F4 - needs 1x bofors AA 40m
    - Fix tickets
    - E5 area has lags resulting from grass/bushes
    - F6 spawn point spawns at D6
    - Replace first officer kit: get PPSH/PPD + binocs

    Meigo Sakusen
    - Stairs to flag 3 kill infantry?
    - Add fog?
    - Remove trees in distance at starting points
    - Fix push system for flags 4 and 5

    Battle of solomon
    - Long loading - couple of disconnects at start
    - Unbalanced (navy wise)

    Cebu island
    - Couple of disconnects at starts
    - Fix spawns on ships
    - Axis spawn in water once all axis ships are destroyed

    (Good work Minnie btw!!!)
    mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-07-13, 8:35 AM | Message # 171
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    mappack 3 r.i.p.?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-07-13, 3:36 PM | Message # 172
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    Any update guys? smile
    E-3Date: Saturday, 2019-07-13, 7:02 PM | Message # 173
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    I wouldn't say it's rest in peace yet, but kind of like in a very big hibernation.
    The work is finished on putting objects inside of the building, but the moonstag still has that horrible lag bug.
    I haven't had any time to actually work on any other projects sad

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.
    Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2019-07-27, 9:01 AM | Message # 174
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    I think we should not hurry, if the time is worth it we will have good results. let men work!

    Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
    Stefan1990Date: Saturday, 2019-07-27, 3:31 PM | Message # 175
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    i have no time to finish my two maps i started in may. 
    i got a doughter and start building our house. that means no time for anything else...
    bubuDate: Sunday, 2019-09-08, 9:49 AM | Message # 176
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    Anyone from the mappers around?  Frank/Minnie/E-3?

    Please, can we at least put out 10 maps that have least issues and fix those with SSM (Radio?)? Alternatively, we could release the maps in cycles of 2 maps per cycle, every 2 weeks.

    So 1st cycle could be konstantinovsk-1942 and Foy Classic_2, and this would be played as part of event on Sunday.
    mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-09-08, 11:32 AM | Message # 177
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    I support this idea and suggest

    The Nebelwerfer Hunt1944
    Jungle in Leyte
    Polish Resistance
    Warring States Japan
    Desert Hill2
    Stalingrad (vanilla)

    for those quick releases because I think they can be fixed pretty easily.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    mardukDate: Wednesday, 2019-09-11, 4:31 PM | Message # 178
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    Mappack 3 release events

    No. 1
    Konstantinovsk 1942
    Polish Resistance

    No. 2
    The Nebelwerfer Hunt 1944
    Foy Classic

    No. 3
    Desert Hill 2

    No. 4
    Jungle in Leyte
    Warring States Japan

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    bubuDate: Wednesday, 2019-09-11, 10:45 PM | Message # 179
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    starking018Date: Friday, 2019-09-13, 4:31 PM | Message # 180
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    Of these maps I see three as ready to be played as is:

    These four I think can be finished via SSM (but someone has to do that before we play them):
    • The_Nebelwerfer_Hunt1944
    • desert_hill2 (or Minnie's modification of it, if we can have it and test it)
    • Warring_States_Japan (or Minnie's modification of it, if we can have it and test it)
    • Stalingrad

    Stalingrad (Vanilla):
    Here are my thoughts on the map. I didn't write about this earlier because I didn't consider it a desirable enough map and I didn't see others wanting it included earlier.
  • When we tested it, as Bubu mentioned, one team (I think it was the allies) seemed to be trying to capture the south flag but it stayed neutral for ages. So, what was the problem? Maybe they weren't really trying to capture it right? When I tested it on my own server the flag worked normally like all other flags.
  • There are currently no tanks, even though both teams can spawn with AT kits. We should be retaining the interest of the players who are interested in something more than infantry-only gameplay in the BF1942 engine, of all game engines with infantry out there. Do I need to expand on the arguments for this? If this map is to be included and played it needs some fighting vehicles, such as tanks. One tank per team would be enough (to make a map for small player numbers), if it respawns reasonably quickly throughout the round. The options I see are:
    BT7 vs. Pz38(t)
    T-40 with 23mm vs. Pz2
    T34/76 vs. Pz3N or Pz4F1 (if more similarity with vanilla BF1942 is desired)
    OT-34/76 vs. Flammpanzer III (this would be interesting, fun and unique for FHSW; I lean towards this option)
    If people want to have this map and someone adds tanks I'll be fine with the map.

    The remaining map:
    Jungle in Leyte:
    I can think of one thing which may create some sort of a balance, even though the tactics would still have to be asymmetric: Add not just regular APCs but a spawn APC for axis when the allies hold all flags (or at least the flag next to axis main base). This could work to allow axis to keep trying to capture and hold flags if and only if the allies are not given any particularly strong offensive AT weapons (no bazookas, no flame throwers and no tanks). Adding a spawn APC would still not remove the need for adding cover to the map, but it would reduce it. The map would only need enough added cover (this can't be done via SSM) to greatly reduce the propensity for main base attacks. Axis would be able to count on the APC(s) for safely breaking out of their main base through allied lines. Adding normal APCs (not spawn APC) by themselves is not enough, unless one is always available in main base without waiting (very low self-destruct time for abandoned APCs and very low respawn time, or very large numbers). The point is that axis need to always have an option to try to break out of main base when they can't spawn outside of it. And yeah, axis would still need some kits for close combat.

    I would also add as ready to be played:
    • Hellendoorn (Frank's latest version submitted for the kabu.server custom map event in May 2019, found in CMeventpack_190502.zip (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1z9nrwqY7OTIoBtCh-2o5UA5PnjCgDYnh))
    • Submarine_fleet
    • Operation_Da
    • Savoy-1940 (can probably be improved via SSM after seeing how it plays, but I think that it was already playable)

    Only after SSM:
    • Operation_Unthinkable
    • Market_Garden
    • Bocage

    That archive Bubu shared contains the same map files from testing, which are in vairous states... these are not all finished maps ready for a stable release. I don't know what Bubu had in mind sharing that link here, but I don't think that it's a great idea to present the whole archive on the homepage as Mappack 3 when I think that at least one map (Jungle in Leyte) needs changes for the client side (not just a SSM) before it's really playable. The good thing is that both Konstantinovsk 1942 and Polish Resistance seem ready for prime time, but please check the newer version of Konstantinovsk 1942 (I don't know what the changes are, but it played out well at the custom map event) and perhaps release just these two maps on the homepage, for now.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018