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Battle of the Bulge suggestion VIA SSM (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 2:34 PM | Message # 21
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Quote (GreenShift)
I didnt know about the shermans, I will make up a new template that only allows one to spawn at once.

Hmm, I thought you can't create a new spawner, only replace existing ones.

So I'm not sure if there are enough spawners available to implement Robert's idea. I think a Panther is a bit extreme, but captured tanks sounds cool, if there are textures for them.

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aka eYe.ris
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 5:03 PM | Message # 22
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Hmm Im not sure, I havent been able to find a list/guide of what you can or cannot do to using SSM without the map not working on a server. I did not end up creating a new template for the shermans however I did for the Jeeps as jeeps and kubels are not in the actual map.

Come to think about it though I have seen bomber kits and tanks ssm'ed into a map without them existing on the original map. So I think thats possible? I wish I could create my own local server to test it without having to have Stefan keep uploading new modded files.

Ill delete one bazooka kit from the bunker and building so there is three. I have no idea why the panzershreks wont respawn, it was the same thing as with the M10/Stug 3g NW spawn. Ill have to make a separate spawn maybe if I can figure out how to do so. If anyone has any suggestions about how to fix this please let me know. I might have to search around and ask some old people from the FHT forums and see if they can help me otherwise.

There engineer kits are supposto respawn but not as officer kits I didnt think??? Ill have to figure that out too....
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 6:11 PM | Message # 23
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Quote (GreenShift)
Come to think about it though I have seen bomber kits and tanks ssm'ed into a map without them existing on the original map.

It's possible to add new vehicles to a map, but you have to replace an old spawner.

About the map: The StuG spawned for me when I destroyed the M10. The StuG3G_NW is the Nahverteidigungswaffe object which is obivously not a vehicle. happy

3 StuG's are too many I believe, how are the Allies supposed to hold their main base then? I agree with Robert, the number of bazookas is pretty scary and should be lowered.

I saw an error, the spawnpoints are swapped: When I capped the "new flag point" I was able to spawn at the bridge flag and vice versa. The Panzerschreck didn't spawn because there's a typo, instead I tried "3German_AT_WinterPanzerschreck" and then it worked. And a minor thing: the Willys don't have winter camo. sad

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Thursday, 2012-04-05, 6:12 PM
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 8:48 PM | Message # 24
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GJ. According to this: Bulge, Hetzers and JagdPanzers were commonly used in Bulge. How about JP and / or Hetzers instead of StuGs then?

BTW I know it's possible to edit "Out of bounds" area via SSM! There is a lot of space in A1 - C5 smile
Moreover I can see that statics can be placed by ssm, what opens a wide field of possible map mods
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 11:11 PM | Message # 25
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AFAIK you cant mod in static objects such as buildings/towers/etc. I have never seen a server do so successfully.

This map has extra empty spawners so I can just switch the spawns I created with one of those. There is a typo in the bazooka kit? I copy and pasted it from what was already in the map, changing only the spawn location and flag..Ill fix that too, thank you!

I have NO clue how to edit the out of bounds. Im sure thats far beyond my knowledge lol I was going to do Hetzers but they suck ass so I didnt, I didnt want to favor the allies. The Hetzers gun traverse is tiny. Currently only 2 Stug's are supposto spawn, I only saw 2 when I tested it but I shall retest when I am home.

You say the spawns are off? Ive spawned quite a few times at the new base and never spawned at the bridge? Ill recheck the OSID's for that. This is becoming more troublesome than I had imagined lol
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2012-04-06, 0:52 AM | Message # 26
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
So I'm not sure if there are enough spawners available to implement Robert's idea. I think a Panther is a bit extreme, but captured tanks sounds cool, if there are textures for them.

I mean to remember that I see a Panther with US Camo and a Panzer IV with red russian star. Put I don´t know where it was wacko I mean that I did see a Panther with melted M10 Hull to camo in Bulge campaign too but I´m not sure I´ll try to find them.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Saturday, 2012-04-07, 6:18 PM | Message # 27
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Next Version: http://www.mediafire.com/?l1so0wpzh7918iv

Edit Log:
Removed 2 bazookas/fausts, now there is a total of 3 kits.
Fixed spawning in incorrect location for Axis team
Fixed Fausts not spawning for Axis team
Removed 1 Stug spawn
Corrected Axis Engineer kit incorrectly spawning as a Officer kit
Cleaned up the new object spawners to take the place of existing Spare Spawner templates to hopefully prevent server issues

Fixing the incorrect spawn locations was interesting. Took me a while to figure out, It turns out it was an anti-typo! Whoever created the original spawns named the Bridgebunker flag as "brigebunker" in the soldier spawns. I had typed in "bridgebunker" as that was the correct spelling which was causing issues dry However I have no idea why Allies could spawn there and not axis, fixing that fixed everything I believe.

I tried searching how to change the vehicle textures so that the willy would have the winter camo but no idea how to do that. Couldnt find any help for it. I did find out that statics are absolutely NOT SSM'able. I know PFC had to make an invisible ammo box on their server in order for it to be in the house on Pavlovs House. From what I have been reading you can move static objects however the players will see them in their original locations. So if you move a building they will see the original building and be able to walk through it, but the actual building in the new location will be invisible and solid. So when the time comes I will give Stefan two versions of the mod. One with the ammo/health, and another because I do not believe it will function with them.
Mr_JDate: Saturday, 2012-04-07, 6:47 PM | Message # 28
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I did find out that statics are absolutely NOT SSM'able

Roger. I saw bunkers and sandbag walls but later I understood they already were here. Can't wait to test it online since I'm very curious how it is going to change Bulge's gameplay.
GreenShiftDate: Sunday, 2012-04-08, 3:32 PM | Message # 29
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As I said before there is an invisible ammo box by the upper circle of sandbags and one inside the bunker. We will likely have to keep this in mind when we play, though those who do not visit the server or this topic will not know about this as readily.

If there is an extra ammo box elsewhere in the map someone knows about then I can move that to the base but it too would be invisible so I doubt it would help significantly. Think we'll have to just deal with it. I would like to have some health source here however but to my knowledge there arent any extra health boxes anywhere in the map.

I believe I have fixed everything with the exception of the texture for the Jeep which I havent the slightest idea on whether it is possible or not even. I dont think thats a big issue anyway. Ill leave it up for another day or two and if no more errors are found Ill hand it over to Stefan so we can hopefully try it out!
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-04-08, 3:55 PM | Message # 30
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Very nice!

Perhaps it´s possible that you take a look on "Operation Nordwind" for example (or another wintermap with Jeeps and wintercamo), I´m not sure if there are Jeeps on that map, but if, put the same one on Bulge. I think they distinguish by description?!

Sry my rusty english hope u understand cool

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Sunday, 2012-04-08, 3:56 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-04-08, 4:18 PM | Message # 31
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OK tested the new version and:

There is a health source in the saw mill at D3 perhaps u could use that?!

I would prefer that min one of the AT kits for german spawn as a Panzerschreck. The capacity of the ammoboxes contains only 5 or 6 Panzerfaust as reloading wacko .

I also would prefer that 1 AT kit and 1 engenierkit spawn at sandbagcircle.

At last I would also prefer only one Jeep / Kübel because it´s no pushmap and if there is the posibility to hurry to every flag the map will never end wacko

Just my ideas and nice work so far smile !

Regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Sunday, 2012-04-08, 4:22 PM | Message # 32
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Quote (Robert_von_Eberhahn)
Perhaps it´s possible that you take a look on "Operation Nordwind" for example (or another wintermap with Jeeps and wintercamo), I´m not sure if there are Jeeps on that map, but if, put the same one on Bulge. I think they distinguish by description?!

......You know Ive been trying to think of a map to do exactly that with but couldnt think of a single winter map where the Americans had Jeeps dry I just checked it. On Operation Nordwind the Jeep spawn is simply "willy" while the map I had taken the jeep spawn was called "willyfh" so I switched it and tada! The map now has winter camo Jeeps!
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-04-08, 4:27 PM | Message # 33
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hehe great job smile !

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-10, 10:45 PM | Message # 34
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Map edit has been given to Stefan now, so providing theres no errors that make it not work (cross your fingers lol) it should be up within a few days! Now Im going to run off and suggest we play this in next weeks event happy
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-10, 11:29 PM | Message # 35
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I just stumbled upon this, maybe it will be handful for testing purposes:
"How many times have you made a server side mod that works on your computer only to upload it to your server and find out that it doesn't work? This tutorial will teach you how to test server side mods to see if they actually work without having to upload it to an online server".
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 0:28 AM | Message # 36
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Ooooh cool! Thanks Mr J smile Im trying it out now. BF1942 folder is 20gb however so creating copy of it is taking a while happy
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 0:53 AM | Message # 37
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Uhg. Neither of the versions (with and without ammo/health) work...So back to the drawing board. Any ideas?
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 1:06 AM | Message # 38
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Uhm ... no ideas from me, I´m developing noob wacko . But good luck!!! I´m looking forward very happy to play that map smile !!!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 2:24 AM | Message # 39
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*beats head on wall* OK After much screwing around I figured it out: ControlPoints

Original map does NOT have a "ControlPoints" file in the conquest folder. So to change the flag locations I created one thinking it would be OK. Well I was wrong. It upsets the server to do so...So I got the map working with everything except for the flag being in the new location now...


The original map has a "ControlPoints" file in the SinglePlayer folder so I tried to edit that and change the flag locations on there but no luck, the map loaded but flags still in incorrect locations. Everything is perfectly OK except for that. But in the "Conquest" file there is one line that said: run Conquest/ControlPoints I just switched Conquest for SinglePlayer biggrin Hurrah!

Then the map crashed after I destroyed/picked up everything at the base to ensure everything was respawning on Axis side correctly. Deleted the second spawn of the Stug 3g NW and now map is 100% functional smile

Edit: Again Thank You MrJ, that link was invaluable in getting the map functioning correctly smile

Message edited by GreenShift - Wednesday, 2012-04-11, 2:27 AM
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-04-12, 9:32 PM | Message # 40
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When I create the local server the map runs perfectly fine, but I gave the SSM to Stefan and it doesnt work!? I dont have any idea how to test this even to find out where the problem is. Can anyone here take a look at it and see if they can find the issue maybe?
