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Battle of the Bulge suggestion VIA SSM (m)
GreenShiftDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 6:10 PM | Message # 1
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Battle of the Bulge is a good classic BF1942 map! However I feel that it has gotten stale sad And outdated even as this is a vanilla map! With all the new tanks added in FH then more in FHSW I think it is time for maybe some changes (all of which are easily done using SSM!)


Here is the map, there is the Windmill flag that is just feet outside the axis mainbase! This was OK when the only tanks in the map were Tiger, Panzer 4 F1, and Sherman but now with Puma, Brummbar, JagdTiger, King Tiger, JagdPanzer, etc it is too cramped and since allies have only gained a Hellcat and a Pershing I think they need help maybe. Flag is pointless and not fun in my opinion. As allies you get camped from continuous tank fire and as axis you get bazooka shells raining down on you from all over while you slide off the hill because parts are so steep. So here we move this flag to B6 location. I have outlined in Orange, Blue, and Green 3 attack routes to the potential base, it is not invulnerable with only one attack point.

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The path to the flag. You can take the Blue main road which is smooth, or take the Orange mountainous path currently.

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Further up the path you can see the Orange path that is now high above, the Blue road, and now you can take the Green path that will allow you to flank the flag, however that requires you to travel up a fairly steep hill.

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Here we are overlooking the base location. View taken if you approach flag using the Orange path. You can also see the Blue and Green paths to the left.

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This is an overview of the base, I labeled everything because there is a lot going on in this. The 6 Pounders/Howitzers I included but I think that part is optional for historical accuracy maybe, Americans didnt have 6 Pounders I dont believe. However since this base also cannot receive support from anywhere I included them as this base will be difficult to capture once lost. I put Sherman spawns in for "light" defence but because the Sherman cannot injure the King Tiger or JagdTiger I also placed a M10 Wolverine for increased firepower. I wanted to use a M36 Jackson or Sherman Jumbo however I thought that may be too powerful and upset balance. M10 has enough firepower to injure the bigger tanks whereas the Sherman cannot but shouldnt be overly powerful.

Since I mainly play allies I realize my first opinions are often biased however I tried to be what I think is fair! If anyone has any alterations or suggestions let me know and I can alter the images to suit smile

Message edited by GreenShift - Sunday, 2012-03-18, 6:11 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 7:54 PM | Message # 2
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Everything sounds well-founded to me, I'm for it. It's also annoying that the Americans can easily shoot into the main base from the windmill flag which isn't allowed but you can't blame them because the Germans also shoot from within their main base.

The Germans need superior tanks because of the low tickets and long bleed, but I don't know how the balance is currently because we rarely play it.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 8:10 PM | Message # 3
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Yes sounds well. Who will put the changes into sevice biggrin ?!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 0:59 AM | Message # 4
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I can try it maybe this weekend, I was able to do *some* SSM in the past, I do not remember fully how to do it now but I will experiment if nobody else gets to it by then. tongue

Im not sure how to add objects that are not currently within the map already so adding a 6 pounder and M-10 would maybe be problematic for me. I might be able to play around and figure it out. Unless Manns is willing to do it

This may upset the balance with flag values and the German bleed. I dont remember how many flags the Germans need to turn off the bleed and currently I have a paper, book reading, and presentation to do for tomorrow ive been procrastinating and no time to check. I will check tomorrow and report back. Overall balance currently I think is pretty even, it really depends on who is on what team IMO. IN FH Germans have clear advantage with debate depending also on teams (example: tank bailer on axis team leads to allied victory, while all the good tankers on axis team will ensure axis victory) The addition of Pershing for allies made the map much more even.

I may suggest altering flag values in favor of the Germans because this flag along with the allied "main" would be difficult to capture and may be unfair for the Germans. With SSM it should be possible to change flag values to ensure that when the Allies have only this flag and the mainbase that the bleed it shut stopped for the Axis team. I think that way should be most fair, at that point it would be difficult for Axis to capture those remaining flags, but also difficult for Allies to fight their way out of them.
GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 7:11 PM | Message # 5
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I just tested the map and as soon as the German team captures any flag except the windmill the bleed will stop.

Flag Values:
Allied fuel depot (mainbase): 30 points
Camobunker: 30 points
St. Vith: 20 points
Bridge bunker: 20 points
Windmill: 0 points

In light of this information I suggest the edit of the plan. Now: Place bridge bunker flag at the new flag location, then place the windmill flag at the bridge bunker. I suggest this because if we replace the flags as previously planned and allies retain only the new base, they will bleed which is not in accordance of the stock map. I believe this will become the most difficult flag for the Germans to capture and end as the allied "main" base so I believe it should be worth some points so that if the allies can hold this flag, they wont bleed in the same way they wont bleed while they have the fueldepot. Im rushing in typing this, I have class in a few minutes so please let me know if I am cloudy on the details!
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 10:26 PM | Message # 6
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Sounds OK so far. I think we have to try out that at least, may be on a Friday fightnight with more people.

Good job smile !

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 10:26 PM
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 10:44 PM | Message # 7
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Now you have to upload modified files to the server, and as far as I know stefan is the only person who can do that so good luck with convincing him to this... :|
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 1:12 AM | Message # 8
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Well the most that would go wrong is the map crashes for everyone, in which case it could be deleted and fixed. Stefan hasnt commented yet so idk his views on this. So far only eYe and Robert have shown support for this which isn't nearly any kind of majority so I wont bother trying to make this if its going to get turned down in the end wacko Appears too late to add a poll on it so a Yea or Nay will suffice if everyone would be willing smile
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 12:24 PM | Message # 9
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Of course I say YES

Although I cant help you as I do not have server files access and wha's about Stefan... Stefan is Stefan..... you know dry
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 11:43 PM | Message # 10
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Hm, what a pitty. I hope this projekt finds to a success at last sad . OK let´s wait.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-03-22, 1:56 AM | Message # 11
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As to I smile Were up to 4 votes with myself included so thats some progress :P Stefan I promise I wont kill your server with my uber-hax skills happy Not that I really have any lol Ill probably need Manns' help doing the SSM let alone worrying about trying to figure out how to hack lol I wouldnt have the patience for that dry
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-03-22, 11:47 AM | Message # 12
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Were up to 4 votes with myself included so thats some progress

You got many more upvotes IMO. Silence gives consent and they who do not say NO, are thinking YES at heart smile
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-03-22, 10:25 PM | Message # 13
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True, anyone highly against it would likely voice their opinion. Theres one certain person who cant be silent about it though happy hehe
GreenShiftDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-03, 10:30 PM | Message # 14
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I got the green light from Stefan smile So I will get going on this sometime this week and see what I can whip up! I will upload a test file by this weekend hopefully for everyone to test before it goes onto the server.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2012-04-03, 11:42 PM | Message # 15
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Jipppiiieeeeehhh good news! Can´t wait for a test round biggrin !!!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 2:23 AM | Message # 16
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OK I played around and added everything except for the ammo boxes because there is two invisible ammo boxes already at the bunker and the upper thing of sandbags past the tower. Not sure why theyre invisible though but they are functional, will add more if the game allows or if it is required. I also added the Howitzer 105 instead of a 6 pounder for now. If the Howitzer is proven to suck too much then I can easily replace it.


Download this to test, place it in your levels folder of FHSW. Just remember to delete it after testing! It may not allow you to join this map on any server not using the SSM, including Europ server until the SSM is uploaded. If you NEVER play FHSW on different servers then you shouldnt have any problem and can probably leave it there permanently though I would suggest deleting it just in case.

@Stefan, Dont put it on the server just yet just in case there is an issue smile

As I was finishing it I had a thought: Im not sure if server SSM's work in the same way as playerside SSM's. I imagine so but I may need some help from an outside source if it doesnt work on the server. Hopefully not though!
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 1:31 PM | Message # 17
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Okay, I tested it and technically everything worked.

Here are my suggestions:
- the Shermans respawn after taken, so they get a total of 4, which is a bit too much I think.
- Instead I would add at least a Jeep or two or an APC because you have to walk a looong way.
- One Bazooka kit would also be nice.
- What do the Germans get once they captured it? Didn't see anything. They obviously shouldn't get the same amount but maybe one Pz IV H or StuG III G "Late" and a Kübelwagen.

But the change is good, hope to see it on the server one day. smile

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 1:32 PM
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 2:29 PM | Message # 18
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I didnt know about the shermans, I will make up a new template that only allows one to spawn at once.

The Germans should be getting a Stug III G Late where the M10 spawns, I will test to see if that is working. However I will add in another one to balance it. If this proves unbalanced I will swap one of the Stugs for a Panzer 4!

I was going to add a Jeep but then I forgot dry Bazookas was going to add but ran out of time so I was going to add today or tomorrow, Ill scatter a few around and some faust kits for when the Germans have the flag. I might try and add in some MG's to the sand bags and towers too, spruce up the joint hehe

Message edited by GreenShift - Wednesday, 2012-04-04, 2:30 PM
GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 4:30 AM | Message # 19
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OK heres next version: http://www.mediafire.com/?nrcimkgo0q1ie1m

Edit list:
Added 3 Browning .50 cal/MG42's
Added 5 Bazooka/Shrek kits = In the bunker, by sandbags, and in the building
Added 2 Engineer kits = Infront of the Shermans
Added 3 Ammo Boxes
Added 1 Health Cabinet = In the building
Added 2 Jeep/Kubels
Changed 1 Sherman spawn to Sherman/Stug 3G Late spawn
Changed: The M10 spawn, when Germans captured flag a Stug 3G NW, whatever that is, was supposed to spawn. That didnt work, changed it to a Stug 3g late and it still didnt work so I deleted that and had both sherman spawn locations also spawn Stug 3G Late's. The M10 still spawns as well.

I just remembered: Sometimes adding ammo boxes and health cabinets work locally but can cause map to crash on server. I may have to remove them and we deal with having the two invisible ammo boxes only. dry

Message edited by GreenShift - Thursday, 2012-04-05, 4:31 AM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2012-04-05, 1:33 PM | Message # 20
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Tested it out and find:

That the shrek kits do not respawn after taking the bazookas (5 bazooka/shreckkits are too lot I think 1 or 2 will bee better) 1 near the flag and 1 in the sandbagcircle near the observation tower? perhaps 1 sniperkit on the obs.tower?
after taking the engineer kits 2 officerkits respawn wacko ?!

I would prefer any extraordinary Tank to spaw at that strongpoint, like captured Panzer 4 for the US or better the captured Panther?! Wouldn´t that fit in the way of history?

And a captured M10 for the Germans or something like that? I mean to remember seeing that on the tanktestmap ... ?!

That was some really spontanious ideas running through my head, please leave ur comments or ideas.

But nice work so far smile !

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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