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What do you need to create a map for FHSW? (m)
Santa-AnnaDate: Wednesday, 2014-09-24, 6:31 PM | Message # 81
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Thank you, Xen for your work smile
(HH)BenjaminDate: Thursday, 2014-09-25, 2:02 AM | Message # 82
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We need to insert this into our next event, no matter what theme. It looks great, different, exciting and intriguing! I can't wait to play it with other people! Great job Xen!
RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2014-09-26, 10:06 PM | Message # 83
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I can lightmap your map, as I have free PC now.
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2014-09-27, 1:35 PM | Message # 84
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Guys, thank you for your kind words ^^

I can lightmap your map, as I have free PC now.

That would be awesome! The setting for light direction, angle and colour should be completely fine. All that is needed are renewed terrain shadows + new object lightmaps.
Do you also have the samples of all the FH and FHSW statics? If not, that would not be a problem, as most objects in Ocean Town are original vanilla statics. The vanilla stuff should be easy to find on the internet.

But the objects wdfence1x_fen1_m1 and wdfence2x_fen1_m1 have a different name (the additional x). That means that the samples should also be renamed

Message edited by Xenanab - Saturday, 2014-09-27, 5:39 PM
LauxDate: Sunday, 2014-09-28, 4:58 PM | Message # 85
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Erstmal bin ich froh gestern meinen alten Kamerad MARDUK hier auf dem Server getroffen zu haben, das bedeutet mir sehr viel!
Nachdem ich drei Monate und länger versucht habe BF 1942 ins laufen zu bringen.
Meine Lösung für die Mods war ORIGIN.
Ohne das könnte ich nicht dabei sein.
Denn die Mods haben seit der GAMESPY abschalten eine Total lange Ladezeit, bei manchen hat man das Gefühl gar nicht auf den Server mehr zu kommen.
Habe deshalb die CD Version gelöscht.
Ich bin bereit Euch ebenso mit meinen Möglichkeiten zu unterstützen.
Dafür müssen die SPieler hier, die noch aktiv sind, selber sich mitbeteiligen!

Macht Werbung in Eurem Umfeld bietet Ihnen den Pirate Bay Origin 42 Download von Tuia an und  FH/FHSW.
Das ist die einzige Lösung, sonst befinden wir uns im sinkflug.
Via CD funktioniert nur noch das Vanilla BF 1942, also die CD Version ohne Mods.

P.S. schickt mir bitte mal das TS 3 Passwort, dann quatsche ich abends mal mit Euch!

Lieben Gruß

Message edited by Laux - Sunday, 2014-09-28, 5:08 PM
XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2014-10-21, 10:58 PM | Message # 86
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Okay then.
Thanks Radiosmersh for creating new lightmaps for the map!!

So here is the download for the map:
Ocean Town for FHSW 0.552 - newest link

And here is the update file with the improved lightmaps
Ocean Town 001 (new lightmaps)

Put both files into the EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942/Mods/FHSW/archives/levels/bf1942/levels folder. Create a local multiplayer game with conquest and consider a look!

Should I make a poll if you guys want this map on our server? It doesnt have to be in the rotation though.
I would really like to play that thing with you guys!

Message edited by Xenanab - Tuesday, 2014-10-21, 11:00 PM
(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-11-23, 2:10 AM | Message # 87
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Interesting Xen, I find this very neat, when will the mappack be released so we can start playing some of these awesome maps?

Message edited by (HH)Benjamin - Sunday, 2014-11-23, 2:48 AM
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2015-02-25, 8:43 PM | Message # 88
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Ocean Town's now on our server!

Download it and let's play!

Here is a download link provided by Radiosmersh:

Just as already said; put both files (Ocean Town.rfa and Ocean Town 001.rfa) into the EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942/Mods/FHSW/archives/levels/bf1942/levels folder. This map is a conquest map.
RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2015-11-17, 6:31 PM | Message # 89
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Does anybody know how to create dead zone around mainbase, which will kill any enemy soldier tresspasing it, just like on the Bombing the Reich for Axis planes. I looked through the files responsible for object spawns, but haven't found anything related.

Added (2015-11-17, 5:31 PM)
Does anybody know how to create dead zone around mainbase, which will kill any enemy soldier tresspasing it, just like on the Bombing the Reich for Axis planes? I looked through the files responsible for object spawns, but haven't found anything related. Or it has something to do with material map?

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Tuesday, 2015-11-17, 6:35 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2015-11-17, 7:24 PM | Message # 90
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They are in staticobjects.con, ctrl+F "killer" should show some results.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2015-11-17, 7:29 PM | Message # 91
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How is it going with WST and Grodno if I may ask you?
thequietlife1991Date: Thursday, 2019-08-22, 10:41 PM | Message # 92
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I'm sorry for bumping an old thread/topic, but I am not allowed to create a new one, as I'm under 3 posts. Anyway, to the problem.

For me, Editor42 crashes on saving the heightmap of Fall of Berlin (1945). I can successfully pack the level, but that's only if I skip saving the heightmap. Kind of annoying, as I'd really like to get the "Ratte" tank onto the Fall of Berlin map, which I have succeeded in the past… Although I do not remember how I went about it.

So, if any Editor42/ED42 veteran is around, then please do not hesitate to reply here
thequietlife1991Date: Tuesday, 2019-10-01, 6:07 PM | Message # 93
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To refresh my case of getting a new map working in Battlefield 1942 with Editor42, I found a German-English tool that generates a working, empty map for Editor42 to work with. With the skyboxes from previous, original maps of Battlefield 1942. That tool is available from here

Added (2020-03-27, 9:37 PM)
I've created my own thread to see if anybody is able to help regarding co-op mode in Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon. Please see my thread in the mapping section.

mardukDate: Friday, 2020-11-13, 5:26 PM | Message # 94
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Is Ed42 still the programme to be used for mapping?
Where can I download it?

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Marduk aka Postduk
starking018Date: Saturday, 2020-11-14, 1:07 PM | Message # 95
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This collection of tools (including Editor42) for editing FHSW maps is being shared by the Japanese community:

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
mardukDate: Saturday, 2020-11-14, 1:39 PM | Message # 96
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Ok, thank you!

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Marduk aka Postduk
mardukDate: Saturday, 2020-11-14, 1:49 PM | Message # 97
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Ok, I might have found a solution to the problems described below. I found Minnies post here: https://www.bfmods.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18158

Now I have a new problem: After I have put the "noncompressed_objects.rfa" files in the modding (bfdev) folder Ed42 won't load a map anymore, but crash. Any solutions for this?


So I managed to install and get Ed42 running, I opened a map and I am even able to delete, add and move around objects.
But here is my first question: I wanna add a tunnel element to a railroad embarkment (like the ones on Kiew), but I can not find it in the objects folder. I guess I have to add it somehow, but where can I find a file with ALL the objets for use in Ed42?

Another problem I have (I think it is connected to the first one) is, that not all objects are shown in the editor (like on the screenshot; it's Remagen map and there should be the bridge). How can I fix this?

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Marduk aka Postduk
starking018Date: Monday, 2020-11-16, 5:49 PM | Message # 98
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Quote marduk ()
I wanna add a tunnel element to a railroad embarkment (like the ones on Kiew), but I can not find it in the objects folder. I guess I have to add it somehow, but where can I find a file with ALL the objets for use in Ed42?

Quote eYe.ris ()
Use the objects library that Mr J created some time ago, it's really helpful for finding specific things: drive.google.com/file/d/1IZoPGj-mJYTMcmRjI0-hHEXJ6TIJkanH/view?usp=sharing

(A reply to a similar question on Discord a few months ago)

So in the \BUILDINGS\BRIDGES folder I found 3 rail bridges:

but IIRC Kiew uses one of the other bridges there with an added railroad on top.

It's also possible that you won't find an object you are looking for in this library, because some objects have been added after FHSW 0.5, and some objects are embedded within certain maps only. I guess it's a good idea to examine existing maps. If Editor42 is not good for that, maybe Battlecraft 42 would work (people say it has issues too); or use BGA (Battlefield 1942 Game Archive Tool - find a download link on bfmods.com or elsewhere) to view untextured 3D meshes of objects, or to view .con files to try to find the object name you are looking for.

Quote marduk ()
Now I have a new problem: After I have put the "noncompressed_objects.rfa" files in the modding (bfdev) folder Ed42 won't load a map anymore, but crash. Any solutions for this?
I hope you used the latest noncompressed_objects.rfa included in FHSW0611Client.rar.

I don't know about the rest. Tell me if you solved it, and if not, I can also ask on our Discord for you.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-11-22, 10:38 AM | Message # 99
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Quote starking: "I hope you used the latest noncompressed_objects.rfa included in FHSW0611Client.rar."

I tried that one and the one of the version before but they both made the editor42 crash while loading a map. Stefan suggested to use the other editor (I think Battlecraft is the name), but I've heard it also has some issues and I don't wanna switch really.

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
starking018Date: Sunday, 2020-11-22, 3:08 PM | Message # 100
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I think 1121 and some others said that applying the 4GB patch to the Editor42 executable file allowed it to use more memory.
Another thing a couple of people mentioned on our Discord:
Although the problem with Editor42 is that it cannot make a map from scratch. You basically need to use Battlecraft 1942 first, then save the map, and open it in Editor42.
(I guess opening an existing FHSW map and editing it should work too.)

Battlecraft 1942 is more convenient to use for most tasks, and people have found solutions and workarounds for most of its issues:
Removing the limit on number of objects per map:
Adding the ability to view and place FHSW vehicles:

Quote Skull Kid (SkullKid2000)11/06/2020 ()
One note though... to load my test map, or when trying to preview vehicles like the Maus and Ratte for example, I had to load a vanilla map first. Only then could I load my test map based on Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon to see the desired vehicles in the object browser... it's really weird...

I have scrolled through the object browser without a crash now. So, here is my fhsw.lst. For those who are interested smile

CAUTION: I can NOT guarantee it's 100% flawless! I changed one line in the .lst, and had to rename a part of the meshname of one model to "Hull" from "hull", as the .sm file was indeed named "Hull", not "hull".

13.06 KB

Also, it only contains vehicles, nothing else.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Sunday, 2020-11-22, 4:34 PM