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New mappack for 0.61 (m)
RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2017-04-13, 6:15 PM | Message # 41
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Quote Xenanab ()
If I remember correctly the Lion battleship received some fixes in the new FHSW version. The Japanese changelog claims that at least.

I've tried the map on new version, but apparently it simply crashes server during loading now.

Maybe I wrote not very clear: I tried to launch the map from new version on dedicated server multiple times and it crashed during loading. In 0.6, the map at least loaded, but crashed the server soon after any player joined.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Thursday, 2017-04-13, 6:15 PM
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-04-13, 9:57 PM | Message # 42
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Oh sorry, I misread something there.
Well then, that's kind of disappointing... Yeah maybe a inclusion in the mappack could work with modified content and name.
littlecowboyandyDate: Friday, 2017-04-14, 10:46 PM | Message # 43
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any chance on seeing pearl harbor?
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2017-04-15, 5:25 PM | Message # 44
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Which Pear Harbor map? There is one for vanilla I think. The one for FHSW has been made for one of the Japanese mappacks. But if I remember correctly it is completely unplayable on our server and not very exciting.
If you want to have it in the mappack you probably have to do the conversion/testing for FHSW 0.61 yourself.
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-04-16, 12:01 PM | Message # 45
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Pearl Harbor is a great map but to play it you need an acceptable number of players to play it so the immersion is very good.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
XenanabDate: Sunday, 2017-04-23, 12:05 PM | Message # 46
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Eagles_Nest-1945 has been quickly updated for FHSW 0.61.

Like I said the changes are only aiming on new balancing. The layout of the map, asthetics and static objects are for the most part the same. Transition from 0.6 to 0.61 has been smooth.

The changelog:

- slightly increased render distance (fog density is the same)
- slightly increased axis tickets amount. Also a tiny bit on allied side
- added some textures from S&T pack
- added a few sandbag fortifications at Tunnel flag
- changed some soldier spawn positions at Axis Military Camp flag
- decreased radius of neutral Roads flag
- removed Jagdpanzer IV F from Axis Military Camp flag
- added Hetzer at Eagles Nest from start
- the Wespe spawns at Tunnel flag now
- replaced Stuka zu Fuß with normal Hanomag
- added truck spawner at Tunnel flag
- changed Hanomag spawn apc at Military Camp with Opel Blitz spawn apc (the one from Bastogne)
- changed Panzer IV J counterspawn to Panther G w/ rnd APCR
- changed Wirbelwind to Ostwind
- added Munitionspanzer spawn apc counterspawn at Eagles Nest when Tunnel gets taken
- changed Hanomag at Eagles Nest to Hanomag with towable PaK 38 w/ rnd APCR
- removed Panzer IV pillbox at Military Camp
- removed Wurfrahmen at Axis Military Camp
- added 2 Wurfrahmen at Tunnel flag
- removed mobile PaK 38 counterspawner at Tunnel flag
- BMW R75 at Eagles Nest already spawns in the beginning now
- changed Mp 40-II kits to Mp 40/II pickup kits w/ grenades and rnd smoke grenade
- replaced 5sec Satchel on axis satchel pickup kit with K98 AT rifle grenade
- changes Luger Artillerie on axis spawn kit to Browning Hi-Power
- changed a few axis Spawn kit descriptions to make more clear what the content is
- rearranged some axis vehicle spawn positions
- added Faust 100 pickup kits, Faustammo pickup kits and others at some places across the map (also new stuff in the red house)
- added 2 Brandfaust pickup kits at Eagles Nest
- changed M4A3 Sherman to M27 w/o APCR
- most allied vehicles now spawn when neutral Checkpoint flag is taken (at Main)
- removed Scott at Tunnel flag
- changed Thommygun pickup kits to Greasegun pickup kits
- added a few allied pickup kits at capturable bases
- allied Bazooka spawn class now has grenades
- removed 5sec Satchel on allied Thompson tankhunter spawnclass
- removed 1 B26 remote bomber pickup kit at allied Main (therefore respawntime decreased)
- edits on respawntimes for vehicles of all teams

I tried to balance the map a bit different now than originally intended. Back then the idea was that allied team have to start against a strong axis team but later on it will be easier to charge up on the Nest. Now it's more equal and axis Panther G acts like the "endboss" of the map. With the M27 allied team has a very fast powerful tank while axis got more AT tools for their infantry. Especially the - for the most part in FHSW - rare inclusion of Brandfaust kits and the new spawn apc could help defending the last base.

From my experiences the map has been well received by the audience on our server. No major heavy equipment is available though. For that we will always have Eagles_Nest-1946 and basically all other late war maps.

This level will get major visual edits on a different day for a different mappack. For now this shall be enough.
The map data now contains around 21,3 MB.

Now I just have to make little edits on the rest of the maps for FHSW 0.61. I already checked them all but maybe there is some stuff that I could add in.

I hope that tomorrow already will be the day I will upload ALL maps so the mappack will be ready within the next few days!
Attachments: 2011067.jpg (450.7 Kb)
crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 12:29 PM | Message # 47
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So Sittang Bridge and Spurning Fate are off the list? sad

Added (2017-04-24, 11:29 AM)
So I took a look at Lilliput, but was unable to figure out how to place spawn APCs. I assume it requires a little more than just placing the objectspawn at a given location? If you have any other suggestions as to asset placements/removal, I can deal with that biggrin

I'll also take a look at Sittang, and eventually Spurning Fate. Anyone have any suggestions for these?

Message edited by crazygamelover - Sunday, 2017-04-23, 3:18 PM
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 1:44 PM | Message # 48
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FHSW mappack 1 is ready for FHSW 0.61!

Tiny edits for the 0.61 FHSW version were made.

- Bastogne-1944
- improved barriers against tanks at southern border of allied main again
- Eagles_Nest-1945
- Fall_Gelb-1940

- removed rnd APRC of the single PanzerIII E
- removed smoke grenade on allied Officer spawnclass
- fht_golf_hotel-1944
- Ocean Town

- tiny edit on loading screen
- Operation_Kikusui-day2 (modiefied and fixed)
- The_Attack_on_Carentan-1944
- replaced K98 rifle grenade with K98 AT rifle grenade for axis rifleman spawnclass
- changed normal allied apc to spawn apc again (with longer respawn time)
- Zveroboy
- added 2 Faustpatrone 42 pickup kits at Axis HQ and AA Battery flags
- removed melee weapon on axis AT spawnclass
- soviet SVT40 sniper pickup kit now already spawns when West Flank is taken

Because axis got more tools to destroy the enemy apc at Carentan I have decided to readd it for allied team.
On Zveroboy axis now benefit of the new AT weapon kits. The removal of the shovel for the Hafthohlladung spawnclass is supposed to encourage team play with greater kit variety.

All maps are Conquest mode of course (except Opeartion_Kikusui_day2).

The BOLD sentences are important!

All 7 maps have a file size of around 170 MB! The download is a ZIP folder with the .rfa files. File size here is 148 MB!

Please send me a private message for the download link. This is intended to avoid spamming of multiple links, versions and spreading of confusion across the board.
Radiosmersh has the mappack and will also add Kikusui Day 2!

This is NOT supposed to be a download link for the players but for those who want to share the pack via google docs, dropbox or whatever.
An installer would be greatly appreciated too!

I would recommend that someone tries all the maps out on a simulated multiplayer server BEFORE THE RELEASE since normal local host has been already tested by me for both with and without the current S&T pack.

I am sorry but I don't have the tools/software to do such a testing beforehand. And my internet is limited for downloading new programs.

I do NOT guarantee that the content of this mappack is completely bug free. There can always be issues that will be discovered serveral weeks/months after the release. Balancing changes can be discussed in the ssm thread 'though.

My suggestion is to NOT include the mappack maps in the normal server rotation. They should only be played if an admin is present who can advice new players the download of the mappack. The goal for the future is to give every new player the opportunity to download the mappack from sites like moddb, the FHSWikia and of course FHSW Europe when they install FHSW on their computer. In the future the mappack shall be obligatory part of our map rotation.

This can only work if all admins promote the mappack in ingamechat and if all FHSW downloads go along with the pack.

Message edited by Xenanab - Monday, 2017-04-24, 5:11 PM
mardukDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 3:43 PM | Message # 49
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Quote Xenanab:
"My suggestion is to NOT include the mappack maps in the normal server rotation. They should only be played if an admin is present who can advice new players the download of the mappack. The goal for the future is to give every new player the opportunity to download the mappack from sites like moddb, the FHSWikia and of course FHSW Europe when they install FHSW on their computer. In the future the mappack shall be obligatory part of our map rotation."

You can not expect admins to figure out if a player is new or not and then give them advice. This will not work out because it is too much work. Put the mappack into the map rotation straight from the beginning and players will download it over time. It has always worked out this way.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 4:46 PM | Message # 50
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Quote marduk ()
You can not expect admins to figure out if a player is new or not and then give them advice. This will not work out because it is too much work. Put the mappack into the map rotation straight from the beginning and players will download it over time. It has always worked out this way.

Then still it is everybody's responsibiliy to announce the next mappack map straight away so new players have an actual chance to download it beforhand or we will receice massive
"failed to connect to server for strange reason" topics in our forum.

@ crazygamelover:

First up thanks for working on some maps too!

Here is the thing: Your balancing of Operation Lilliput was actually good from my guesses. The problem was that the map is extremely large and flags are spread out while at the same time having a pushmap system.
My suggestion would be the inclusion of spawn apcs and maybe a redone flag layout: New flags, putting the flags together, etc. Maybe also remove the Pushmap system completely and make a flag layout like Fall gelb for example.

I bet the Japanese mappers got rid of Lilliput cause the gameplay wasn't focused enough and not fun (same problem with Blackknight). Don't forget that we rarely see player numbers close to 60, so the map must work also with fewer players on the field.

Concerning Sittang Bridge: I always find that this map also lacks some action. Flags are very spread out and the geography and the arrangement of static objects do not invite tense action in a way like for example Pasir Panjang. But that is my opinion.

Concerning Spurning Fate 1945: You already did a rebalance of this map, right? I can't say anything about it because I think I have never played the latest version of it on the server (our first mappack back then).

Concerning your spawn apc issue: I assume you have already set up your ED42 with all the necessary FHSW files. Fact is that the devs rearranged some objects that you will not find them in the ObjectSpawner browser of the editor anymore.
I highly recommend to work - when creating new ObjectSpawners and choosing objects - exclusiveley with the handy text documents that are inside the Objects folder of your mapping directory: (e.g.: AirList.txt, LandList.txt, SeaList.txt) You will find every single PCO (Player controlled Object) that FHSW offers in these lists, unless they have been modded in mapside.
Just copy the exact name of your desired vehicle in your ObjectSpawn editor in ED42 and it will work (Sometimes trial and error included).

Like I explained yesterday, it is very important, that spawn apcs and soldier spawns, do NOT share the same SpawnGroup ID. For example: MunitionsPanzer_SP64 has obviously the SpawnGroup ID 64. You should not put that on a map where already a normal Soldier Spawner, another spawn apc or a airplane spawnrotator exists with such a Group ID. You must check it on the SoldierSpawnTemplates.con to avoid such issues or weird stuff will happen with the spawning soldiers.
That's the reason why every single spawn apc, the mod offers, has multiple versions with different SpawnGroup IDs.

Oh sorry, I just realized you don't seem to work with ED42 do you?
Then still adding a spawn apc should work with inserting the correct object name in the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con from the lists described above. Do not rename the Template though unless you also rename the spawners in the ObjectSpawns.con too.

Message edited by Xenanab - Monday, 2017-04-24, 5:28 PM
(HH)BenjaminDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 10:43 PM | Message # 51
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I was just curious, has there been any new development on "The Bridge on the River Kwai" map? I always really enjoyed that one personally.
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-04-24, 10:57 PM | Message # 52
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Radio has the mappack and will provide an installer + a test server for play sessions.
He will also add a fixed Operation_Kikusui_day2 version. (post above edited)

Quote (HH)Benjamin ()
I was just curious, has there been any new development on "The Bridge on the River Kwai" map? I always really enjoyed that one personally.

Still it is completely unclear why that map used to crash servers after several minutes out of nothing. And without the knowledge where exactly the problem is located there is nothing to aim for on a conversion. So all effort and work is uncertain. Same goes to Kotha Baru and Luzon.

A wild guess by me is to completely redo all SoldierSpawn, ControlPoint and ObjectSpawn properties and then it might be solved. But as stated above without the certainty that all the work will come together in the end I personally am not willing to put my time into this.
RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2017-04-25, 8:33 PM | Message # 53
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote Xenanab ()
Radio has the mappack and will provide an installer + a test server for play sessions.
 Yes, I setup the server under the name "FHSW Mappack test". IP is, just in case it's not visible in the server browser.
I'll upload installer soon.

Added (2017-04-25, 7:33 PM)
Here are the links for installer and 7z archive with maps:



Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 5:52 PM
Born-1942Date: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 0:17 AM | Message # 54
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Oh nice very nice great job.
It's only a matter of time for everyone to be playing those Mappack maps.  smile

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
crazygameloverDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 1:54 AM | Message # 55
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Quote Xenanab ()
Oh sorry, I just realized you don't seem to work with ED42 do you?Then still adding a spawn apc should work with inserting the correct object name in the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con from the lists described above. Do not rename the Template though unless you also rename the spawners in the ObjectSpawns.con too.
Yep, got it working. Wasn't looking hard enough in the SoldierSpawnTemplates biggrin

Do you know what the name of the Type 38 PT boat that you can't spawn on is?
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 8:29 AM | Message # 56
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote crazygamelover ()
Do you know what the name of the Type 38 PT boat that you can't spawn on is?
 I'm afraid it's not in the main game files. However, you can extract it from the Angaur map file (under Objects folder) and add to your map.
Sorry, seems I have misread the question. It's just "Type38" then.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 1:33 PM
lrachowardDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 7:41 PM | Message # 57
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Crash when loading eagles nest

aka Mutantz
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 8:32 PM | Message # 58
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can´t connect to the server sad

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 8:44 PM | Message # 59
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Maybe new map load? Takes some time. Try a few minutes later.

Every map so far works fine up
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-26, 8:46 PM | Message # 60
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote Xenanab ()
Maybe new map load? Takes some time. Try a few minutes later.
Yeah. Mine server is not that fast as I'm running it on Xeon, thus it might take 2 to 3 minutes to load the map.