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New mappack for 0.61 (m)
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2016-12-27, 2:02 PM | Message # 1
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Old thread: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-702-18

@Xenanab: the maplist looks worth enough for creating a new mappack. For Ocean town I suggest less flags than in the older versions.

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Marduk aka Postduk
LauxDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:05 AM | Message # 2
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Ich habe euch vor einiger Zeit das FHSW Mappack hier hochgeladen: Download

Könnt ja mal schauen, ob die Maps auch 0.6 kompatibel sind?
Also testet es mal?
Mit 0.552 waren es die Maps zumindest.
Haltet den upload am Leben, den dieser Hoster löscht gerne nach 60 Tagen, wenn keiner Downloadet, dann war die mühe von sonst.

Message edited by Laux - Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:06 AM
sonikglightDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:36 AM | Message # 3
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Laux, I try them too.

Thank you for your assistance for pushing the envelope a little further. thumbsanta

Added (2017-02-04, 10:36 AM)
I also like to add, for whom tried this out too could be damaging to existing FHSW map structure!

Like for example old maps with the same name as new maps names!

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:37 AM
wewakDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:40 AM | Message # 4
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I had an idea of taking a couple of existing maps and creating 'Day 2' versions out of them with different vehicles and flags stuff like airforce has been wiped out or special reinforcments etc.. Not sure how much work it requires  but it could create some interesting possiblities.
mardukDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:48 AM | Message # 5
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@wewak: sounds great!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
sonikglightDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:51 AM | Message # 6
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wewak, Love it.

I know how to use BattleCraft 1942 but, I think I should use editor 42.

Is there file support for battlecraft 1942 if so I can do all tha,t I can pump out new maps too.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
mardukDate: Saturday, 2017-02-04, 11:56 AM | Message # 7
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Most important and less work-intensive is to bring back the old maps who have been removed in the new version.
Xenanab made a list of those maps on the old thread:


I recommend to concentrate on that first and then create new maps.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 3:13 PM | Message # 8
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Hello everyone.
With this update I want to announce that I am kind of "back in business".

As already said there is a list of maps I want to work on for our new mappack for FHSW 0.6.
There won't be seemingly a new version of the mod in the next years, so I guess it's perfectly fine to create this addition.

Now to sum it up again these here are the maps I want to work on now:


Most of these map do not require lots of work since they work as fine as they already are.
Some others might need some new balancing and even a rebuild like Zielona Gora, Zveroboy and Lilliput.

You miss some more maps in this list? Personally I have decided which maps I'd like to spend my time on.
The ones that are missing are either not in my interest to work with or are in my opinion not really worth to include at all.

So if you'd like to contribute something as well then please go ahead and choose from the missing maps. I'm also available for advice and help here in the forum.

I have already downloaded the latest versions of all these maps (from FHSW 0.55) and use these as the basis for the conversion to 0.6.
But there is one map that I just couldn't find.

Do anyone of you have the latest FHSW version of Operation_Blackknight-1945?
I would be grateful if someone could provide a download link.

Okay, in the future I will use this thread to keep you updated about single finished maps.
I will not provide download links 'though to prevent this whole situation to become a clusterfuck just as it used to happen one time already.

When everything is ready to be put together, I will share my stuff.
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 3:56 PM | Message # 9
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And with that I want to announce that Ocean_Town is ready and updated for FHSW 0.6.

As usual I want to present quick notes in a changelog.

This here is from several months ago and was the last update:

- deleted backup .con files to reduce data
- adjusted sunlight source
- cosmetic improvements on helmets and backpacks for lots of units
- the Japanese army now wears the uniform skin of Tarawa
- the US navy now wears the late Pacific uniform skin
- added 1/10 of additional tickets (100 -> 110)
- equipped medic kits with a knife for actual close combat
- added medic pickup kits at certain places
- added pickup MG kits (Johnson LMG/Type 96 LMG) at certain places
- added a knee mortar pickup kit at the eastern tower
- added additional ladders for climbing up on the east side of the central town (new paths for snipers etc.)
- improved a few ladders to make it more comfortable to use them
- slightly reduced the respawn time of tanks at the northern island
- reduced the respawn time of trucks
- removed the AA gun west of northern island flag

Now the new changelog:

- deleted backup .con files to reduce data
- edit on Guadalcanal skybox (colour "correction" and "bloomy effects" where the sun rises)
- cosmetic improvements on helmets and backpacks for lots of units (again)
- added a new demolition charge pickup kit at southern isles, center and north (Greasegun, Satchels / SMG 100, turtlemines)
- added 1 hidden Winchester kit around center area
- added 1 M18 pickup kit with HEAT, HE, SMOKE and Canister at the towers of the center
- removed fortification mortar kits
- equipped engineer spawn class with cal 30 revolver, sock / Type 26 revolver, Type 3 AT grenade (instead of satchels / turtlemines)
- equipped allied AT spawn class with choosable HE ammo
- added 2 107mm mortars on southern isles
- changed random Sherman Jumbo 75mm/76mm to just 75mm
- flametanks now spawn twice
- trucks now spawn twice
- changed some vehicle spawntimes (again)
- some weapon tweaks on ammunition amount (as always)
- changed a soldier spawn position at the western block
- improved the ability to traverse the northern town center much better (new statics)
- added new medic boxes at the eastern tower and center
- added new ammo box at the eastern tower
- added radio with music at eastern tower (up on that melancholic lonely place)
- added a few S&T pack textures
- changes on heightmap (you can now walk through the waters of the underground part of eastern and western block)
- edited thumbnail.dds
- edited loadingscreen.tga

All in all I would say that tanks are a bit more powerful now and I tried to encourage infantry players to play with different kits and make use of the more tactics involving the complex environment.
The map data now contains around 46 MB.

I will start working on Zweroboy as soon as possible.
Attachments: 2006065.jpg (326.0 Kb)
RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 3:56 PM | Message # 10
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Quote Xenanab ()
Do anyone of you have the latest FHSW version of Operation_Blackknight-1945?

Here you go: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArKl6aZTApvlkTsSlzGV95eloRNG
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 5:29 PM | Message # 11
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nice work.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
mardukDate: Thursday, 2017-02-23, 11:03 PM | Message # 12
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@Xenanab: I really appreciate that. I think this mappack is one of the easiest ways to make the mod more interesting.

Maybe you can also add Fht Golf Hotel.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-02-27, 2:57 PM | Message # 13
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Quote marduk ()
Maybe you can also add Fht Golf Hotel.

Oh I totally forgot that this map is gone.
Yeah I might pick it up when the other stuff is finished.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2017-02-28, 9:41 PM | Message # 14
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I would suggest to put in some pimped maps. 

Prokhorovka with lomger range of sight

El Alamein with one or two more flags (north side of the map the small villages east and west) and some rock formations for ambushes or an additional oasis

these maps where created in ancient days in which PCs had much weaker graphic power. What do u think?

What about the vanilla bocage map? Could fit for medium to small player count too with some additional pimp work?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Born-1942Date: Wednesday, 2017-03-01, 6:06 AM | Message # 15
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that would be great.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht

Message edited by luiscarlosred - Wednesday, 2017-03-01, 6:07 AM
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-03-02, 11:48 AM | Message # 16
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In my honest opinion I think we should not include alternate versione of existing maps. The maps are fine as they are and if they have problems they can be modified via SSM.
With different versions of maps we encounter the problem that everytime there is the question of what map next to be played someone suggests "Breakthrough" - for example - the immediate followup will be "which one?". And I think this is very confusing. We already have dozens of maps and map types. So why include alternative versions of already existing ones?
Yes, I also say that the fact that we will have two versions of Eagle's Nest will be pretty stupid... but for the work done for both versions, it would be too bad to leave one version out now.

Also keep in mind that the implementation of an alternate map version also includes more data that has to be downloaded with the mappack.

I can get behind the issue that some maps could use a rebuild or major overhaul. Just as the example of Prokhorovka I agree that this map ... looks pretty ugly. But in my opinion this isn't something that should be fixed with a mappack but rather within the mod itself. Oh, and also please don't forget that the density of fog isn't always a limitation of hardware specs but rather a choice to balance out the teams. I think with a less misty atmosphere on Prokhorovka or Remagen e.g airplanes become way too powerful.

I wonder if the Japanese devs would be interested in assistance at map reworking for new FHSW versions.

Message edited by Xenanab - Thursday, 2017-03-02, 11:52 AM
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-03-02, 7:44 PM | Message # 17
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Okay, Zveroboy is finished and ready for the FHSW 0.6 mappack.

Phew, this map is really weird... it took me some time to figure out some of this mess.
Actually I am pretty convinced that this map has never been finished as there was a crucial lack of pickup kits, balancing tweaks and especially counterspawn equipment for axis team. And apparently this map is supposed to be a 1943 scenario (thought it would be 1944).
Basically what I did was to "fix" this map by rebalancing and adding lots of stuff but still keeping the original intention of the mapper. I must say it is also an interesting level which I'd look forward to play. It has tons of details and looks pretty nice and atmospheric and is also a true "FHSW" map next to all the FH maps...

Here is a changelog:

- skybox texture is changed (sun has been rotated so it's in the south west now)
- repositioned sunlight source
- added night effects
- added some atmospheric effect objects (smoke, fire)
- added global ambience sound from S&T pack
- edited and added specific static objects for gameplay design reasons
- changes on soldier outfits (all Germans wear scout helmets)
- added specific S&T pack textures (environment, soldier skins, handweapons)
- added (and by that forced S&T pack users to see) normal vanilla/FHSW textures
- renamed all control points
- changed control point template properties
- changed Pushcage at axis HQ to normal allies_killercage
- fixed and improved axis_killer areas at allied HQ
- fixed and changed ALL soldier spawns
- added NEW soldier spawns
- changed position of existing vehicle spawns
- changed OT-34 to T34-76 w/ rnd APCR
- removed static MG34 at flag 2
- removed mortars at West Defence flag
- changed Flak 30 to Flak 34
- removed 1 Katyusha
- changed 1 Katyusha to BM8-24
- changed 1 fixed Pak40 to mobile Pak40
- added 1 MG131 at flag 2
- added 1 MG42 at axis HQ
- added 1 mobile Pak40 at axis HQ
- added 1 counterspawn StuG3 G w/ skirts at axis HQ when flag 2 is taken
- added 1 counterspawn Panther D at axis HQ when flag 2 is taken
- added 1 counterspawn Panzer II L at axis HQ when flag 2 is taken
- added 1 counterspawn K98 sniperkit at axis HQ when flag 2 is taken
- edited some vehicle spawn times
- added 1 SVT40 sniperkit at allied HQ when flag 2 is captured
- added rifle kits all over the place (K98 molotov / Mosin Nagant)
- added a few LMG kits at certain places (MG34 / DP1928)
- added a few MP kits at certain places (MP40 smoke pistol / PPS43)
- added for axis rnd Faustpatrone/PzF30 kits at certain places
- added for axis 2 specops kits at flag 2 and axis HQ (K98 ZF41 expacks) (amount of portable expacks reduced to 2)
- added for axis 2 landmine kits at West Defence and axis HQ (amount of portable mines reduced to 1)
- added 1 MG42 kit at axis HQ
- changed most of the soldier spawn classes:
- Officer MP40-II / Officer PPSH41 smoke
- K98 grenades, rilfenade / SVT40 grenades
- K98 Hafthohlladung / Mosin Nagant Carbine RPG43
- K98 Medic / PPSH43 grenades
- rnd pistol satchels wrench / Mosin Nagant Carbine satchels wrench
- added 1 medic box at allied HQ
- added 1 ammo box at flag 2
- adjusted ticket count for both teams
- adjusted ticket bleed rates for both teams
- edited Multiplayer briefing text
- repositioned Spawn camera position (at the start of a game)
- increased view distance by 15 metres (fog density is untouched)
- deleted precache objects.con
- edited thumbnail.dds
- edited loadingscreen.tga

As I also stated in the briefing text one important point worth noting for both teams is that the Tiger tank at flag 2 and all the flak 88 guns will NEVER respawn after their destruction. This is no invention by me but the original mapper and I can totally get behind that:
Allies can ONLY win by erasing axis team. So the question is how long will it take the allied team to destroy these dangerous defences before the final raid on the axis HQ?
This is how this map works. Basically all soviet tanks (2 T-34s and 1 SU-152) respawn pretty quickly, but they must be efficient and defended by the infantry. Otherwise axis AT equipment and counterspawns are too strong for them and the Germans take ALL flags back. It's a battle against time for allies.

I also hope I made the right decisions on ticket amount vs ticket bleed... this stuff is impossible to assume before a real playtesting. But I guess this stuff can also be configurated later on via SSM if needed.

No, there are no terrain shadowmaps or object lightmaps for this map. And if you ask me this fits the mood just perfectly.
The map data now contains around 18,3 MB.

Next up is Bastogne-1944. This should be quick!
Attachments: 6224254.jpg (366.6 Kb)

Message edited by Xenanab - Friday, 2017-03-03, 9:00 PM
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2017-03-02, 8:41 PM | Message # 18
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Perfect you did a great job without words this was just amazing, I loved it. This battle is based on a real 1943 scenario?
Well, it seems so. The way it was made this battle will be impressive and very decisive.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-03-02, 9:24 PM | Message # 19
Group: Silver Donator
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Thank you!
But actually this battle is completely fictional. The original mapper (I guess it was someone from the Japanese community?) seemingly wanted to create a scenario where a soviet tank convoy gets stopped because of a blockade on a road. Next to that spot is a wreck of a Tiger tank. Probably this scene shows the aftermath of a failed ambush on the convoy and now the Soviets are on a rampage. The battle takes place at a very swampy area where a German AA battery and some fortifications are located.

The name "Zveroboy" is Russian and stands for "Beastkiller". This was the nickname of the SU-152 tank destroyer because it was designed to fight the German beasts (Tiger, Panther).

Message edited by Xenanab - Thursday, 2017-03-02, 9:25 PM
RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2017-03-03, 9:35 AM | Message # 20
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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That's a comprehensive list of changes, nice job up . Looking forward to play it!

Btw, what about bringing Golf Hotel back to life? It's a very nice map, and moreover, is the only late war map with French forces (Way To Paris doesn't count).
Sometimes I just don't understand which logic devs follow when excluding maps from new version.

I also would like to investigate into the reason for Op. Kikusui Day2 crashes. Maybe simple renaming will fix the issue.

Added (2017-03-03, 8:35 AM)
Seems like Op. Kikusui Day2 crashes because of the Lion battleship, presumably because of too many networkable objects on it. This is because its code is duplicated in main game configuration files. Not sure, if this can be fixed by SSM, but we can always alter the map with different name.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Friday, 2017-03-03, 1:13 PM