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Server-side modding 0.61 (m)
mardukDate: Friday, 2017-05-19, 10:47 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
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For everybody: Please feel free to post suggestions for serverside modding.
For modders: Please explicitly post the intended changes in this thread before applying them.

Applied SSMs:

A Day of Zitadelle
  • Reinstated Ferdinand; spawn is attached to the hut flag, so once Germans cap it, it won't respawn anymore
  • Removed Bergetiger
  • Removed fly-by Stukas and Il2-s

  • replaced B29 kit with 2 P51 kits, with 40 second respawn instead of 100 seconds
  • increased maxnumberspawn of T29 to 2

    Battle at River Don
  • Increased respawn time of 88 by 100 seconds, captured T-34's - by 30 seconds, Sd.Kfz.251 with Pak 40 - by 30 second

    Battle of Angaur
  • Replaced Lion with Jenkins (Fletcher class destroyer)
  • Removed one of the additional Japanese spawn points in the woods (south of flag 5)
  • Removed Japanese spawn APC
  • Immobilized aircraft carrier
  • Replaced LST-1 with 2x LCT Mk 5 because it's bugged and causes lags

    Battle of Foy
  • Allies now bleed until they capture flag 3
  • Decreased Goliath spawn time from 5.5 to 2.5 minutes
  • Increased minimal amount of players and time needed to capture last flag

    Battle of Luzon
  • decreased respawn time of US vehicles

    Battle over Hokkaido
  • Banzai kit that spawns in the tent at Axis main base now has an explosion power of SturmTiger's rocket
  • Two additional Tiger spawn

    Berlin Outskirts
  • Changed Maus to Elephant

  • Hafthohlladung pickup kits
  • Gebalte Ladung in Italian AT kit is replaced with Kampfpistole (40 mm HEAT ammunition)

  • Vehicle layout restored to pre-v0.6 state.

    Bombing the Reich
  • lowered objective HP from 260.000 to 100.000
  • Ships' respawn time increased to 6 minutes.

    Desert Rose
  • Replaced Bf 109G-2s with Bf 109G-6

    Eagles Nest 1945
  • Doubled the respawn time of Greyhound
  • Added 15 seconds to the spawn time of Sherman w/ sandbags

  • Restored tickets to default FH0.7 values (25% more than in FHSW)
  • Changed flag values from to 40 to 25 (default in FH), so now Germans will have to capture only 2 flags instead of 3 to stop the bleed

  • French tanks in Germain main base replaced by Pz II/38 (t)

    Eagles Nest 45
  • Slightly rotated Pak 40 near the tunnel flag so that it can fire on the road below

    Eastern Blitz
  • Replaced one Pz. II with Pz. IV Ausf.
  • Decreased the total amount of spawnable Pz. IIIs at the same time from 2 to 1

    El Alamein
  • replaced Leopard with Pz III Ausf. J
  • replaced towable Flak 18 with one on SdFkz 8 to avoid AA spamming
  • When Axis/Allies take North flag at the buildings in F1 spawns:
    -halftruck with permanent spawn
    -one stationary 88 mm gun (that also respawns when Allies take that flag)
    -two stationary PAKs (50 mm for Germans (with APCR rounds), 57 mm for Allies)
    -two MG-kits with mines
    -one sniper rifle
    -one 2 cm-/Bofors-Flak on the roof

    Fall Gelb-1940
  • added killer cage around French which dissapears after Germans capture all other flags
  • fixed mobile Flak 18 and Stug double spawn
  • Char B1's spawn time decreased by 45 seconds
  • One of the R35 tanks replaced with a Somua S-35
  • Removed one remote Stuka kit, also they don't respawn anymore
  • increased (30%) bleedrate for both teams

    Fall Weiß
  • Replaced Pz. III Ausf. E with Pz. IV Ausf. D

    Fht Operation Dracula
  • Immobilized Allied carrier
  • Removed the British destroyer
  • Added Chi-Ha APC that spawns after Allies capture the docks flag

  • fixed a bug which made the Japanese cruiser Agano not spawn, now spawns when Allies take the village flag because the Allied cruiser also only spawns when the Japanese take that flag

    Hungary Forest
  • Increased ticket ratio by 75%

  • Teamlocked ISU-152

    In the Hell of Bocage
  • Decreased Firefly respawn time from 150 to 100 seconds

    Kasserine Pass
  • Removed death zones at Allied base.

    Kharkov Winter
  • added 2 Schwimmwagens to German main base
  • 37 mm AA gun now spawns when Soviets take hill flag
  • added SdKfz 10/5 instead of Kettenkrad with Flak 30
  • added M3A1 with towable Bofors for Soviets
  • removed obstacles at the north bridge
  • Changed Axis spotter kit to Ju 88 with bombload of 6x250kg and 28x50kg
  • added one sniper kit to each main base
  • peplaced Carro Armato M13/40 and Semovente da 47/32 with Panzer IV
  • peplaced one of the fighters on both sides with Ju87D and IL2 respectively
  • added Flak 18 on Sd.Kfz. 8 chassis as countermeasure Soviet heavy tanks (spawns when they capture eastern flag)
  • Replaced Bf 109G-6 with Bf 109E

    Khota Bharu
  • Bleed ratio increased by the 20% percent for both teams

    Operation Forager
  •  D4 flag removed

    Operation Goodwood
  • The double Tortoise spawner now releases only one tank

    Op. Kikusui Day 1
  • Removed wrenches from Japanese kits
  • Lowered Yamato HP from 108k to 98k (the lowest option availible in map files)

    Op. Kikusui Day 2
  • Moved American fleet and spawnrotator planes closer to the Japanese base.

  • Churchill Kangaroo in Russian main base does not respawn once the flag is capped by Germans.

  • Replaced usual Daihatsu boats on Tsurumi oiler with tanks and field guns
  • Added one halftruck to each flag on the island
  • Added spawnable AT kit for Allies
  • Increased the range of sight from 500 to 1000m
  • Axis are in poccession of sea flags from the start
  • respawn time of submarines increased to 2 mins
  • self-destroy timer for unused ships removed

  • Made flags marked by number 4 on the minimap recappable

  • Removed Jagdtiger that spawns at 3rd flag
  • Replaced Maus with Jagdtiger

  • Tiger with autoloading cannon now counterspawns in Axis main base

  • Moved plane spawnpoints at the last flag, so they don't explode immediately after spawning.
  • Increased time needed to capture flags from 10 to 15 seconds.

    Seelow Heights
  • Axis reinforcements (spawn-PZ IV + 2 * Panther and 2 * Stug) spawn on the road leading from the southeastern border of the map when Axis main gets taken

    Stalingrad Redsquare
  • four flags removed
  • train remove

    Stashuv Area
  • Changed Soviet assault kit with PPSh to officer's kit w/ binoculars
  • Added sniper kit to the Soviet main base (in one of the tents)
  • teamlocked ISU-152

    The Merville Battery
  • Increased the bleedrate by 30%

    The Nebelwerfer Hunt
  • Removed "Giesskanne"

    Trois Points
  • Replaced usual 6pdr's with longer barrel version

    Tulagi Island
  • Increased tickets amount by 100%

    Westminster 1942
  • Additional Typhoon w/ rockets kit, which spawns near a pile of barrels at British main base.

  • Lowered insane Axis bleed from 100 to 8 tickets per min (twice as much as Allied)
  • Removed two SP Tortoises which spawn at the second flag
  • Slightly raised position of the static MG42 overlooking the wooden bridge at flag 2

  • Restored missing knife in German AT kit

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-05-24, 10:10 PM | Message # 381
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    Please add some MG-kits with mines for Allied team.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    FranktheEraserDate: Monday, 2020-05-25, 11:43 AM | Message # 382
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    I think static mg34s in Tunis map shouldn't be teamlocked.


    In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
    mardukDate: Sunday, 2020-06-07, 7:30 PM | Message # 383
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    Midway 1942
    -immobilize Jap. carriers (so idiots/noobs can't drive them to US islands; there is too many players around who can't handle it; it is general problem: When carriers are moving one can't start properly and often crashes; for instance on Midway 1942 today I got killed by own carrier flak two times right after spawning, then couldn't take of several times or crashed into other planes or the tower. Same on Operation A, less than 50 % chance of taking of... Where is the fucking point?! It's just not fun, it's idiotic!)
    -remove US PT-Boats so they can't attack the immobile carriers with torpedoes

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    E-3Date: Monday, 2020-06-08, 0:32 AM | Message # 384
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    Quote marduk ()
    Midway 1942-immobilize Jap. carriers (so idiots/noobs can't drive them to US islands; there is too many players around who can't handle it; it is general problem: When carriers are moving one can't start properly and often crashes; for instance on Midway 1942 today I got killed by own carrier flak two times right after spawning, then couldn't take of several times or crashed into other planes or the tower. Same on Operation A, less than 50 % chance of taking of... Where is the fucking point?! It's just not fun, it's idiotic!)
    -remove US PT-Boats so they can't attack the immobile carriers with torpedoes

    just keep it the way it is now.
    There's always going to be one idiot in whatever map you are playing.
    I think aircraft carriers that cannot move are just sitting ducks for air attacks and don't forget the B17 Squadron bomber kit which can literally sent 5 b 17 bombers at once, with the carrier being stuck in a single position that will be fatal!
    When I'm playing on the pt boats it takes forever to go from one side of the map to the next Yet one of these tiny little boats only needs a few well-placed hits the zero or bomber to take it out.

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.

    Message edited by E-3 - Monday, 2020-06-08, 0:34 AM
    mardukDate: Monday, 2020-06-08, 6:27 AM | Message # 385
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    Quote: "...pt boats it takes forever to go from one side of the map to the next"
    Yea, theoretically. But when idiots drive the carrier right next to the islands which usually happens that advantage is gone.

    Just remove B-17 Bomberkit as well and give more B-25 Marauder instead. Carriers aren't sitting ducks because they have heavy flak and can cover each other. And maybe change location of the carriers a little closer to the islands.
    (I definitely won't set those carrier maps in the future anymore if they stay as they are atm)

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    E-3Date: Monday, 2020-06-08, 2:44 PM | Message # 386
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    sadly I have to report that Alaska 1948 still suffering from the disconnect issue, see test video.

    I already removed all non-essential stuff to let the amx 50 and Railgun spawn in.
    I can no longer remove any vessels or defensive objects because that will be cutting into the allies ability to attack back. 
    so I am now investigating spawning in the amx 50 in the start of the game and then spawning a giant object on top of it that will only be removed when the allies lose the airfield and the last flag in c1.
    if this last option fails I'm only left with the option to reduce the number of is4 tanks to 1 single one.

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.
    E-3Date: Monday, 2020-06-08, 3:11 PM | Message # 387
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Quote marduk ()
    Quote: "...pt boats it takes forever to go from one side of the map to the next"Yea, theoretically. But when idiots drive the carrier right next to the islands which usually happens that advantage is gone.

    Just remove B-17 Bomberkit as well and give more B-25 Marauder instead. Carriers aren't sitting ducks because they have heavy flak and can cover each other. And maybe change location of the carriers a little closer to the islands.
    (I definitely won't set those carrier maps in the future anymore if they stay as they are atm)

    How about we take the carriers ourselves and play properly with them and then discipline those players who are idiots especially those that start ramming with a carrier.
    I played a lot of Coral Sea back in the early days I can tell you one thing if you have aircraft carriers that cannot move every pilot will exploit that by flying ultra low altitude making it hard for anti-air gunners to hit them.
    After delivering the bombs or torpedoes not a single pilot cares if he gets shot down because it saves him flying all the way back to get a new bomb or torpedo.

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.

    Message edited by E-3 - Monday, 2020-06-08, 3:20 PM
    mardukDate: Monday, 2020-06-08, 5:51 PM | Message # 388
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    Quote: "I played a lot of Coral Sea back in the early days I can tell you one thing if you have aircraft carriers that cannot move every pilot will exploit that by flying ultra low altitude making it hard for anti-air gunners to hit them.
    After delivering the bombs or torpedoes not a single pilot cares if he gets shot down because it saves him flying all the way back to get a new bomb or torpedo."

    Yea, sound reasonable. Unfortunately...

    I have to yell at people who control carriers for two minutes until they stop every time... It drives me nuts, man!
    I love to attack Yamato on Kikusi Day 1 with US carrier planes even if I get shot down several times. But on Midway 1942 and other maps with carriers the gameplay is just shit and no fun at all sad
    And apart from me there are a lot of people who are getting annoyed by it. But we can't drive the carriers ourselfes every time...
    Can't we do anything about that fukn glitch that one cannot start properly when a carrier is driving?!?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    starking018Date: Tuesday, 2020-06-09, 7:03 PM | Message # 389
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    There are a few things related to moving carriers. The most obvious bug is the reversed aircraft at the back of the Japanese carriers. I sent a SSM which fixes it to RADIOSMERSH on the 11th of March but it was not applied.
    Quote marduk ()
    Can't we do anything about that fukn glitch that one cannot start properly when a carrier is driving?!?
    I believe that this is why they added the feature where the carrier aircraft stay attached until you use the pitch control (move mouse or use up/down arrows). With it if the carrier is moving only forward it only makes it easier, because you can spin up the engine RPM for 5-10 seconds and then you can be flying practically from the moment you release. Pitch up as much as possible in order to lift the undercarriage off of the deck as early as possible, so that you can make better use of all your aerodynamic controls only (and not be affected by contact with the deck).

    Problems arise when some carriers are turning sharply or moving backwards. However, all the Japanese carriers on Midway-1942 have different layouts, speeds, etc. so not all of them are really that problematic. Let's identify which carriers are really problematic and need changes (maybe reduce max speed or steering?) and leave the rest as they are. Until then we can just change the carrier we spawn on. Being able to move to better defend or come closer to targets is important.

    Another issue I noticed on Sunday was that the allies seemed to have at least 5 carriers spawn for them (can someone confirm?). I don't think that this is supposed to happen, because when I tested it yesterday only 3 carriers spawned at one of two possible locations (at random). 3 carriers makes sense balance-wise.

    Maybe it's worth investigating and testing the other SSM which Kabu.Server uses:
    Quote starking018 ()
    There is this text about the 001 file (auto-translated):

    Aircraft carrier durability adjustment
    Number of US-Japan aircraft carriers increased
    quonset machine number adjustment
    Erase map icon of aircraft carrier (easy to find when unmanned such as reinforcements)
    killer range adjustment
    Pushcage appearance erased?

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2020-06-09, 7:20 PM | Message # 390
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    Quote Airtroll: "I believe that this is why they added the feature where the carrier aircraft stay attached until you use the pitch control (move mouse or use up/down arrows). With it if the carrier is moving only forward it only makes it easier, because you can spin up the engine RPM for 5-10 seconds and then you can be flying practically from the moment you release. Pitch up as much as possible in order to lift the undercarriage off of the deck as early as possible, so that you can make better use of all your aerodynamic controls only (and not be affected by contact with the deck)."

    Ah, wasn't aware of that. Will try that out next time. Thx for help!

    "maybe reduce max speed or steering?"

    Yea, I also had that in mind.

    "...allies seemed to have at least 5 carriers spawn for them."

    I was also surprised to see 3 carriers spawning in the South. As far as I know there have only been a couple in the North-East in the past, dunno what happened to them in the newest version though.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    starking018Date: Tuesday, 2020-06-09, 8:00 PM | Message # 391
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    You're welcome.

    Quote marduk ()
    I was also surprised to see 3 carriers spawning in the South. As far as I know there have only been a couple in the North-East in the past, dunno what happened to them in the newest version though.

    I found an easy way so I could test a few times what the spawning behavior is. I tested without SSM and with Kabu.Server's 001 SSM and, as far as I could determine, they had the same behavior:
    Once the airstrips are destroyed the carriers start spawning in only one of the possible locations (south edge of map or east edge of map): 2 carriers after 7 minutes and 1 more carrier 10 minutes after destruction of airstrips.

    Bubu said that there was no SSM applied at the time.

    So I couldn't reproduce the 5 carriers, and I'm not sure how it's supposed to be.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    mardukDate: Thursday, 2020-06-11, 6:35 AM | Message # 392
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    Quote: "I sent a SSM which fixes it to RADIOSMERSH on the 11th of March but it was not applied."

    Yea, unfortunately he only applies ssms every now and then...

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2020-06-12, 5:27 PM | Message # 393
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Quote marduk ()
    Quote: "I sent a SSM which fixes it to RADIOSMERSH on the 11th of March but it was not applied."Yea, unfortunately he only applies ssms every now and then...

    Well, I apologize for that, I simply forgot about it. In my defense I can say that I applied all SSMs that Troll have sent me. The problem is, this year was very rough for me and I have less and less time to play, not to say about any kind of modding.

    Still, I would like to introduce a table which lists SSMs currently applied on the server. I made because the list in the first post is incomplete and outdated. I'm also planning to collect all proposals for SSMs from this thread and put them on a separate list.
    mardukDate: Friday, 2020-06-12, 8:16 PM | Message # 394
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    I don't know what we have this thread for then.
    People just send you SSMs and you apply them without making a post in this thread, without discussing before. Simply amazing.
    I don't know that and keep updating that fucking outdated list in the first post all the time. Thanks for wasting my time!
    I've had an argument with Bubu and E-3 the other day because E-3 had applied SSMs without posting here. But you and Troll do that all the time apparently. Do you think that is good behaviour? Do you call this transparent?

    @Troll: So you make a big argument because I kicked you once, but then you do stuff not only behind my back, but without letting anybody else know. You like transparency regarding kicks and bans, but then you don't post SSMs you want applied, but sending them straight to Radio! Nice double standards you have. Ridiculous!

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    starking018Date: Saturday, 2020-06-13, 6:48 AM | Message # 395
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    Please be calm. I only ever had RADIOSMERSH apply SSMs which fix clear bugs (without interfering with anything), and not the usual map balance changes which need new discussion. I only sent him SSM files which I had personally tested. I did post about them in the comment I just linked:
    Quote starking018 ()
    I have to say thanks to hirogaba (Kabu.server player) for making a SSM fix for the bug of axis spawning in allied main on Desert Rose, and for publishing it in the Japanese discord server and allowing us to use it. We had already tested it and then RADIOSMERSH uploaded it to the FHSW-Europe server.
    Sorry I posted about this one a month after giving it to RADIOSMERSH, only when I needed to post about other things. I was lazy to post.
    Quote starking018 ()
    Thank RADIOSMERSH also for making a SSM which fixes a disconnection bug on Adak Race.
    I contacted RADIOSMERSH privately (about 10 days prior to posting) about making this one (which I then tested) because there was a serious vulnerability which could be exploited if it was public before the fix was applied. The change doesn't affect balance and it's a race map anyway.
    Quote starking018 ()
    Thanks LUKE for sending me the Midway-1942 SSM files they use. The 002 file seems to be the one we need to fix the carrier aircraft. There is this text about the 001 file (auto-translated):
    Edit: I can't attach non-image files here, and I think I better not publish other people's Google drive links, so I sent them directly to RADIOSMERSH.
    I tried to publish the complete Midway-1942 SSM files here minutes before sending them to RADIOSMERSH, but I left only the info here. He told me "I'll examine its contents and post my findings on the forum then" and I didn't think to check again when he didn't post. Sorry sad I wouldn't blame him either. Later (when I brought it up on Discord, BTW you could join too) Bubu took it upon himself to apply the other SSM too, without any of us understanding it, but anyway, as far as I understand, both of these are part of FHSW 0.611 now.

    RADIOSMERSH's spreadsheet to me looks good and useful. It's not that we don't appreciate this thread and especially what you're doing in it - of course we do. But FHSW 0.611 showed that there's a real need to keep track of certain additional information about SSMs (about which maps have been modified in the latest FHSW version). It's a good time to rationalize (improve) what we do with SSMs for new FHSW versions: rather than deleting all SSMs and starting from scratch we can keep all the SSMs which are still compatible and non-conflicting with FHSW changes (which are over 90% in this version, although this procedure would have helped with past updates too) and point out the old SSMs which need attention from a modder.

    If you like the spreadsheet format too I believe RADIOSMERSH could add your google account (if you don't mind using one for it) so that you can edit it too. Then perhaps all the information can be updated in one place there (and have a link for it here) if that is preferable. But I don't see anyone or anything deterring you from continuing to update here. We should just try to be even more transparent and timely in posting here in the future. Tell us if you want more information, approval, and/or more time before applying even such uncontroversial bug fix SSMs.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

    Message edited by starking018 - Saturday, 2020-06-13, 6:49 AM
    mardukDate: Saturday, 2020-06-13, 7:09 AM | Message # 396
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    The reason why we use this forum is, that everybody can enroll and post his ideas. This is why I do not like any backroom decisions.
    We've had cases in the past where people applied SSMs nobody knew about, they did if for their own advantage. Also, when SSMs are applied and not posted in this thread, we lose the overview. But after ten years with this community and many versions and own moddings we have to be very thorough. I am sure that you guys know that. Radios idea with the sheet actually proves that smile
    I have to make clear that we need to be transparent with ALL the moddings and can't accept people who intentionally or accidentally (doesn't matter in the end) do their own business here. That's all. So yes, please go for that sheet, but please always also post the changes here so I can keep the list in the first post updated.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    starking018Date: Thursday, 2020-06-18, 1:49 PM | Message # 397
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    In the Japanese Discord server siwasu (someone who works on FHSW) said that SSMs made for 0.61 can be kept with 0.611, except for 10 maps:
    Of those maps, we have SSMs for at least 3 (based on the SSM files which RADIOSMERSH has published in the past, and on "Applied SSMs" here):

    So it's probably best to remove these SSMs from the server until they are reconciled with FHSW 0.611. But this is not all.
    I think that siwasu's advice may be based on only whether the maps change the vehicle spawns, or perhaps on what SSMs Kabu.server uses, because e.g. The_Forgotten_Jungle is not included, despite radically changing the spawn kits. We also have a SSM which changed only one spawn kit (RADIOSMERSH made it soon after 0.61 came out to fix a crash bug. It's not mentioned in "Applied SSMs" here nor in the "Currently applied SSMs" spreadsheet!), so applying our SSM undoes all the changes to the spawn kits in 0.611. So it needs to be reevaluated too. I personally don't like these new spawn kits in 0.611 as much, so I'm for keeping this SSM (to keep the kits more like in 0.61).
  • Midway-1942: the 0.611 readme says "Corrected the direction and position of the Japanese carrier's carrier-based aircraft". So the midway-1942_002 SSM should be removed (midway-1942_001 shouldn't have been applied either).
  • Alaska-1948: readme says "Weapons embedded in the map have been re-examined and stability in multiplayer has been slightly improved." and "YaK-9P has been changed to YaK-9UT". So our SSM will need to be reconciled. The map still has stability problems, seemingly OS-dependent. I tested the map a little and had a client crash on capturing the first flag (has happened in past versions too). Then I restarted the map and that caused the server to crash (32-bit Windows). On Kabu.server (Linux) it seems to crash when switching to the next map, so it loads the same map again (they're trying to fix it). However, siwasu reported that the map didn't crash on another Windows server it was tested on, so it's worth trying to play the map (at least when an admin is watching). And without the SSM please, until it is reconciled with 0.611.

    So maybe there are more maps with SSMs which need to be reevaluated/reconciled among all maps modified in 0.611, which are:
    I've so far tested all standard FHSW 0.611 maps (I have not tested the mappack ones yet) with the SSMs which I have for them (excluding Breakthrough-1944's, Seelow-Heights-1945's and Westminster-1942's SSMs) for basic stability (loading on the server and 1 client, 2 minute rounds). This limited test revealed only a couple of potential problems on maps which don't have SSMs, so I'll post that on another thread. Basically, it didn't detect a map or a SSM which was too unstable to risk trying to run it on our main server.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
    E-3Date: Friday, 2020-06-19, 2:06 AM | Message # 398
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    Quote starking018 ()
    Alaska-1948: readme says "Weapons embedded in the map have been re-examined and stability in multiplayer has been slightly improved." and "YaK-9P has been changed to YaK-9UT". So our SSM will need to be reconciled. The map still has stability problems, seemingly OS-dependent. I tested the map a little and had a client crash on capturing the first flag (has happened in past versions too). Then I restarted the map and that caused the server to crash (32-bit Windows). On Kabu.server (Linux) it seems to crash when switching to the next map, so it loads the same map again (they're trying to fix it). However, siwasu reported that the map didn't crash on another Windows server it was tested on, so it's worth trying to play the map (at least when an admin is watching). And without the SSM please, until it is reconciled with 0.611.

    Huh  Now I'm getting confused because I extracted the map from version 611 and the only significant change was this.  ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 Rus_SpotterNagantTB3 rem ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 Rus_SpotterNagantTB3_BT7

    the Yak9P is still present on the map without any change at least not on the version that's available on the client side.

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.

    Message edited by E-3 - Friday, 2020-06-19, 2:07 AM
    starking018Date: Friday, 2020-06-19, 3:26 PM | Message # 399
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    Check again. The new YaK-9UT is definitely present on the new Alaska, both server and client.

    I recommend using WinMerge (https://winmerge.org/) or something similar to make these tasks a lot more efficient and accurate. BTW you could extract all 0.611 maps in one folder and all 0.61 maps in another folder and compare them with Winmerge and you can more quickly see which maps have changes relevant to SSMs. I didn't go that far myself. I just noticed that they've added 3-way comparison in a recent version, so you could also extract and compare all SSM files and it should be even quicker to see what needs to be reconciled and reconcile them.

    Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

    Message edited by starking018 - Friday, 2020-06-19, 3:43 PM
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2020-06-21, 6:42 AM | Message # 400
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    I did compile a list of changes of maps in the new version a couple of days ago per request of Bubu, guess I'll post it here as well: https://docs.google.com/documen....sharing