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[Map Discussion] Op. Spring Awakening (r)
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 6:17 PM | Message # 21
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Quote SimoHayha ()
why not also put one or two kettenkrads or bmws as well for fast initial infantry deployment

Agree! I had that in mind but forget to propose that

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 6:30 PM | Message # 22
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I'm not saying just have all tanks. I'm saying leave the tanks we have, give more apcs, towable artillery guns, and have 2-3 flags that only infantry can get too. that way the infantry supports the tanks and the tanks support the infantry.

I think the map needs more stuff that can help the infantry, mobile aas, apcs with guns attached, toawble guns for slobo  tongue
i think we should have a few remaining tanks, in fht sometimes all the tanks are gone and the infantry is left without tank support for 5 minutes. its just my experience on why we should have a few extra tanks laying around. especially since the tanks in those tournament aren't paperthin tanks like in the north afrika maps

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 6:43 PM | Message # 23
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
@Robert: Making all AT guns movable sounds like a good idea. Increasing visibilty is also good but can't be done serverside and can also cause lag.

OK would be nice if u could do it. As I remember right it´s possible too, making a small ...rfa1 file to update a map for download. I think it will be good to do a testrun with a map with increased visibility?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 6:46 PM | Message # 24
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Quote Death ()
i think we should have a few remaining tanks, in fht sometimes all the tanks are gone and the infantry is left without tank support for 5 minutes. its just my experience on why we should have a few extra tanks laying around.

Yes I think the same way. Another reason is a bit more flexibility in tactics if there is more stuff than needed.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 8:00 PM | Message # 25
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I think we should just edit the flag locations, and have 2-3 flags only accesable for infantry  tongue like the middle hill top flags  cool

Mr_JDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 11:12 PM | Message # 26
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I guess you go too far with your tweaks. More changes = more possible bugs = more crashes. Just stick with the most necessary issues like flags and weapons layout. Forget about the separate download atm
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-11-02, 11:44 PM | Message # 27
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Yea okay, sorry. Only the flags then, and 2 more APC's per side.

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aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-11-03, 5:42 AM | Message # 28
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So we're keeping the standard vehicles?  surprised

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2013-11-03, 11:40 AM | Message # 29
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In my oppinion we have to do fine tuning in units especially in artillery THAT IS HIGLY REQUIRED!!!

Perhaps it´s possible to meet in TS and talk about that, I think thats easier than writing?

Today I´m very busy so I can´t take a better look on the map. I will try the next days.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-11-03, 3:51 PM | Message # 30
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Just an info: Replacing or removing vehicles is easy, but moving existing vehicle spawns or adding new ones is a pain. Keep that in mind please or give me the exact position x/y/z you want to have it. console command: console.showstats 1

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aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-11-03, 5:47 PM | Message # 31
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If thats it, then we should just add some mobile guns, mobile aa, and move 2 spawns which i shall find the location of earlier.

Added (2013-11-03, 5:47 PM)
i mean later...don't know why i said earlier...

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 0:47 AM | Message # 32
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OK I did some research on the map and these are my proposal (not all are my ideas):

- remove all artillery batterys (russians have 2x280mm batterys, 10 guns!!! germans none) and replace it with towable artiguns ore 2 stationary artiguns (for both sides).

- replace one LAGG 7 with a Sturmovik and switch one Focke wulf to the one with Panzerschrecks underneath its wings (Is it possible to let different planes spawn at the same location randomly?!) 

- switch all AT guns to those who are movable, so that the tankers never know where they hide

- Add for the germans 2 towable big AT guns (just don´t know the

- Add 2 BMW for the axis and 2 Hanomags transport and 2 APC for the russians
- Add some Panzerschreckkits at the flag locations (the russians have mosin/panzerfaust 100 kits wacko the axis only Faustpatrone I and that in early 1945 crazy )

- Add an arsenal in each mainbase with some special kits

Thats for now, but I think there will pop up some ather ideas btw things I have forgotten ... it´s quite late now

I mostly pay attention to the axis side, so please add changes for the russian side if there are any.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 1:23 AM | Message # 33
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After reviewing the map, I think we should do the following.

1) Remove 1 Jagdtiger, either the turbo or the non-turbo. Replace it with the 44m Jagdtas
2) Remove 1 Panther and replace it with 44m Tas
3) Remove 1 Pz2? Replace with Pz4 or 44m Tas
4) Make SUGHQ1 Cappable flag.
5) Make Flags 1,2,4 only accesable to infantry. Put up more barricades so tanks can't get through.
6) Add in the tanks and changes eye suggested.

If the map has to be a seperate download thats fine. When the map is finished for the tournament, send the files to the FHT community, they shall post it on their forums so people can download the battle map for that specific week. Thats how it works, nobody objects to downloading an edited map.

If the edited map was lets say Battle of the Bulge for week 2, then people would download the edited map to use for that week's battle.

SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-11-05, 4:23 AM | Message # 34
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will the other maps we play on be modified?

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DeathDate: Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 3:04 AM | Message # 35
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Yes, aside from a few i'd say half will need some changes.

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 10:46 AM | Message # 36
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Guys believe me as I say ALL will need changes!

These maps are public balanced and they are absolutly NOT suitable for an organized battle with both teams in Teamspeak and so on.

If we play them it will become disastrously for the gameplay and in most cases for axis.

I took part in 3 great campaigns over 2 1/2 years with FH mod and was 1 1/2 year member from german staff and I definatly know from what I´m talking.

With a view on this map (spring awakening) I could only say if we play it without significiant changes the chance that the germans could create an attack that would come out of their base with success is very limited. The russians have 14!!! Artilleryguns and in addition 1 or 2 towable I can´t remember clearly now. The germans only have 2 Hanomags with wurfgerät (Stuka zu Fuß). Can u imagine what the russians can unleash with only the two batterys of 280 mm howitzers if they start to shell the fords or any other flaggs???

Secondary: look at the lineup of the tanks. The russians have more and heavier tanks then the axis and they are in the position of defense. If they manage it to setup a defenceline and stabilize it it would be nearly impossible to crack it up for axis. 26 russian against 18 axis!!! Have that clearly in mind

Third point air units: The russians have 3 planes with capabillity of destroing tanks. The LAGGs and that one JAK carry a couple of 100kg bombs. Not so good like 250 kg but much better than the 50 KG bombs the german FW 190 carry. In addtion the LAGGs are very agile much more then the 190 so another advantage.

For now the last point are the spawn times: Usually the german tanks have longer spawntimes than the russians because of the lower produktion capability, so far so good, but take a look at this with the other facts above in mind. There are ALL odds against axis btw they are not even there, and gaming fun is definatly another thing for me. And please no one come the way now and start with chatter "historicaly correct" and so on. If we care about that the axis loose and we not just even start a battle with clearly knowledge how it ends.
It is not very important for me to win a battle but it´s also the way how to loose a battle. Fun during gaming is the very important reason!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2013-11-06, 4:50 PM | Message # 37
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
Third point air units: The russians have 3 planes with capabillity of destroing tanks. The LAGGs and that one JAK carry a couple of 100kg bombs. Not so good like 250 kg but much better than the 50 KG bombs the german FW 190 carry. In addtion the LAGGs are very agile much more then the 190 so another advantage.

I thought we could leave the planes on map as quite weak, but suppliment them with bombing kits...

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Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2013-11-07, 9:28 PM | Message # 38
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Map balancing is always a very senisible topic. My personal wish is that we can find a senior mapper with the experience in FH or just FHSW who build us the maps we want to play. So after the map no one can say that an axis sympathizer or an allied sympathizer try to optain by fraud an advantage for his own team.

Perhaps there is someone we can ask at FHT to do this job for us?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
DeathDate: Friday, 2013-11-08, 2:38 AM | Message # 39
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Perhaps, only we have to be very aggresive with them otherwise they will do what they want...

also we need to start working on other maps besides this one  dry

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2013-12-07, 1:20 PM | Message # 40
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Because no one care I think the best way is to play the maps with minimum changes, only the artillery must be reduced. For my oppinion there is no other way in setup a campaign to have a talented dev who work on a map and every player download it, but we don´t have.
There is even no one who convert the regiment pics with a transparent background or do at last anything ...

I think too this way will be a good lesson too to experience the difference between public and campaign balanced maps ...

So lets go forward or we can start walking to bury this FHSW campaign just before it has startet dry

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Saturday, 2013-12-07, 1:23 PM