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Bring back the old maps! (m)
XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2016-07-12, 10:04 PM | Message # 321
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Apparently I wanted to make an alternate version of a Chartres-like map so we have more map variation on lower player numbers. That included the implementation of an actual axis main base.
But it seems that Foy Classic isn't very popular at all so I guess it would be better to do something else.

Concerning sniper maps, I once had the idea to create an entirely new map:

The White Death - 1940 (conquest)
Miles away from the battle of the Kollaa river in a snowy forested
landscape, Finnish and Russian infantry regiments fight about the
control of an abandoned village in the centre.
Certainly some high skilled Finnish snipers will stop the Russians from wandering around in
the woods... but also the Russians have a trained sniper battalion
prepared for battle.
Which regiment will be able to advance to the control point? Are the Finnish courageos enough to stop the Russian T 26 tanks?

And then there is plenty of other stuff I could do. I also wanted to do the FHSW conversion of Westerplatte. But I still need the download link from Radiosmersh in order to begin with that. Maybe I should put that on a higher priority.

If I am getting used to convert 3D models into Battlefield 1942 I would definitely create an actual Ottoman fortress for a new Bir Hakeim map:

Bir Hakeim - 1942 (conquest)
In the night a German tank battalion again tries to attack the
fortifications of the 1st Free French brigade at the Bir Hakeim Oasis.
The French need to hold their 2 flags. The Germans should never stop
pushing with tanks and infantry, otherwise they are running out of time.

But it is hard for the allies to defend a position without any armor...
Adequate assets for the Free French Forces have to be made for this specific map.

Then I could convert several maps from the BF42 expansion packs which include: Kbely Airfield, Anzio and also Telemark.

And then there is some other nice map I could convert for FHSW. But I have to reach out to the FHT community for that one.

I don't have infinite time for these tasks and you have to respect my decisions what idea I would like to follow actually. If I would be in school still, you could had expected that list to be completed within a year I would say ^^

Concerning Spurning Fate day-1943: I personally like this map a lot. It seems to be more balanced than Kharkov Outskirts in its current state and is a nice alternation for eastern front tank maps. It still needs a proper loading screen and lightmaps though.

Oh, and I rather wanted Operation Blacknight to be in the mappack than Spurning Fate-1945. Blacknight is a nice nighttime map with late-war British stuff.

Message edited by Xenanab - Tuesday, 2016-07-12, 10:08 PM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 9:21 AM | Message # 322
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Quote Endless: "Ah damn I wanted to download the updated versions but forgot. sad I'll upload a new version of the mappack hopefully soon. (links on mainpage disabled for now)"

Quote Xenanab: "Could you guys pleeeeease wait for me? I would like to edit Foy classic to make it a viable map for our server. Also Eagles Nest could get a little update if there is enough time.
Maybe also Ocean Town can get some cosmetic updates."

I guess due to the summertime it is fine to postpone the mappack release, probably it is even better because many playes are on holidays.
But with the latest ideas that came up by starking and Xenanab I am asking myself if the delay might become a bit too extended?!

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 10:20 AM | Message # 323
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I think the delay isn't that much of a problem. You already mentioned that at summertime there are not many players going to play on our server at all.

Actually I was planning to do this for this version of the mappack:

- Conversion of that FHT map
- Conversion of Westerplatte
- Update on Ocean Town
- Update on Eagles Nest

Creating a whole new map takes too long, I agree on that.
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 4:33 PM | Message # 324
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Sounds like a lot of work, any idea how long these changes take? Days, weeks, months?

Also don't forget about the Mappack size, 410 MB at the moment. A new map adds about 10 to 30 MB depending on mapsize, lightmaps and custom objects.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 4:38 PM | Message # 325
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I will either do Westerplatte or that FHT thing. Seems that I am going for the latter. The updates on Eagles Nest may take a bit longer. Ocean Town is a piece of cake. I will begin with one of the three tomorrow.
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 9:13 PM | Message # 326
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Quote Endless: "Sounds like a lot of work, any idea how long these changes take? Days, weeks, months?"

It would be good if we know that.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2016-07-13, 11:22 PM | Message # 327
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It might take long since the FHT map needs to be heavily modified.
But if you feel that the mappack has to be released within, let's say, 2 - 3 weeks I can only work on Eagles Nest and Ocean Town.
Oh and Lilliput: I wanted to do some changes there too....

- Update on Eagles Nest
- Update on Ocean Town
- Update on Operation Lilliput

2 - 3 weeks
mardukDate: Sunday, 2016-07-17, 5:47 PM | Message # 328
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Is Fall Gelb not in the mapcircle anymore? I can not find it.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2016-07-25, 6:18 PM | Message # 329
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I would prefer that Spurning Fate [1945] is kept. It is a very unique map, with all the nightvision equipment (that actually have a basis in reality). That being said, I would not be against the return of Op. Blacknight

Added (2016-07-25, 5:18 PM)
I can't find Stashuv or Crete on the server either

Message edited by crazygamelover - Monday, 2016-07-25, 8:26 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2016-07-26, 4:52 PM | Message # 330
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I've readded them, I made an error when I copied over the new maps.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2016-08-11, 1:02 AM | Message # 331
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Can we re-add Luzon and KotaBharu in the next mappack? I have the download for them here. The files are from 0.42 because apparently the maps crashed back in 0.51 too.

Added (2016-08-11, 0:02 AM)

At the final Japanese flag, there's a Zero that spawns a little too far into a net, causing it to explode every time it respawns. The spawner just needs to be adjusted a few meters to the north-west. 
There's also a floating fence at the same airfield.

XenanabDate: Sunday, 2016-08-21, 0:47 AM | Message # 332
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I am very sorry everyone but I won't be able to do the mapping tasks. And that won't change for about a year or so I think.

However I'll still upload the final version of Ocean Town within the next week I hope.

I hereby give the permission to modify Eagles Nest-1945 to anyone who wants to do it. I certainly won't do it anymore.

Here is a short list of things I would had done (or tried out) for example:

- remove Jagdpanzer IV F at axis military camp
- switch M4A3 76 Sherman to M27
- remove 1 M4A1 Sherman at axis military camp
- switch Panzerfaust 100 pickup kits to Panzerfaust 150 kits (only pistol)
- add Brandfaust pickup kits at Eagles Nest
- remove axis hanomag apc at red house
- replace Pak 40 at tunnel flag with Pak 42 L/70
- when allies take Eagles Nest axis will have Panther G + 3 PzIV J + Munitionspanzer APC counterspawn at the southernmost area of the map. You might wanna put a killercage around that area so no allied team member can steal something. Axis can recapture the settlement and might achieve a victory by timing out allies. They could even try to take back the Nest
- move allied paratrooper spawn more to east
- decrease flag radius of Roads flag
- put an additional Jagdpanzer IV or PzIV J counterspawn vehicle at the Nest
- change Luchs to PzII M or PzIII M
- remove 1 105 mm howitzer at settlement flag for allies
- add a secondary choosable spawnpoint for Eagles Nest so that axis can choose between spawning inside the house or outside where the tanks are
- add a few more barbed wires around the Nest so that allies have a harder time to climb up
- add more statics like trees or bushes to give allied paratroopers more cover
- update and create new terrain shadows and object lightmaps

IMPORTANT NOTE: After a successful save on ED42 the weapon tweaks along with the allied paratrooper spawns will be deleted! You have to make a backup file with the lines of code and add them into their respective .con files after working with ED42, or else these things I mentioned won't work anymore!

Of course you can also bring your own ideas but please don't forget:
My intention with Eagles Nest was to create a late war scenario without the use of any heavy armor and a weakened axis anti tank armament. Eagles Nest in my opinion is supposed to be NO boring camp fest like Berlin Outskirts or Reichsbahn but a quick little assault map even for lower player numbers. So, if you wanna make complete conceptual changes, please keep in mind that I actually wanted to add more variety in FHSW maps. And please remember that there already exists the Japanese version (Eagles Nest-1946) with INSANE amount of heavy war stuff ...

If you have any questions I might be able to answer them within 3 weeks from now on. After that I won't have any computer with mapping tools available anymore.

Message edited by Xenanab - Sunday, 2016-08-21, 0:52 AM
crazygameloverDate: Sunday, 2016-08-21, 3:07 AM | Message # 333
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I've tweaked the patch file for Op. Lilliput: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1n3MOstsYwcc2ZSU05DekppRlE
I just fixed the 75mm Type 88 at the top #3 flag, as it was floating. Any balancing suggestions would be appreciated.

As before, it's named "Operation_Lilliput_002" so it should replace the older patch file, just so the server doesn't have a million Lilliput mods down the road...
wewakDate: Sunday, 2016-08-21, 10:40 AM | Message # 334
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this is a new japanese tournement pack, there are one or two new maps if anyone wants to check them out.

Message edited by wewak - Sunday, 2016-08-21, 10:46 AM
timothyhughes109Date: Monday, 2016-08-22, 5:50 AM | Message # 335
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Who would one contact for permissin to use these maps on a server?
timothyhughes109Date: Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 1:56 AM | Message # 336
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Where is a download for Pelilue"
wewakDate: Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 11:56 AM | Message # 337
Lieutenant Colonel
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Quote timothyhughes109 ()
Who would one contact for permissin to use these maps on a server?
  http://fhsw.forumatic.com/index.p....f890d28 Best bet is to make a post there.

I have a copy of Peleliu Island if you want.

Message edited by wewak - Tuesday, 2016-08-23, 11:57 AM
timothyhughes109Date: Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 7:02 PM | Message # 338
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yes that would be great wewak
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2016-08-25, 9:09 PM | Message # 339
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So what's the situation on the mappack? What else needs to be done? Have we agreed upon what maps to be included? I can edit, gather, or host the DL for maps if need be.
starking018Date: Thursday, 2016-08-25, 9:37 PM | Message # 340
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We should put a link for the current mappack back on the homepage. This is the link for the installer that Radio made for version 1 of the mappack:

For some reason some of my posts in the forum have been deleted, so I will post this one again (it was somewhere shortly after post #305):

There are newer versions of some of these maps and more maps here:
(found here: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/transla....&u=http). A few times I have been able to play some of these maps when they were being played on Japanese servers. I've also taken a quick look at most of the other maps. I'll note a few things about some of the maps which are currently being considered, or I think should be considered, for inclusion in the new mappack.

  • Battle of Khalkhin Gol - works on a dedicated server, but I don't find it interesting.
  • Battle_of_the_Solomon - a map from 2007? I tested it and I think gameplay-wise it's like a smaller variation of Midway, though with some differences. It's not huge - it's 1/4 Midway's area, lacks some of the vessels (battleships, US sub and liberty ship), and Japan has an uncaptureable flag with landing boats and seaplane. I think the map is worth considering. The weapons and vehicle types aren't the most interesting and unique to FHSW, but I think that with and update and perhaps a re-balancing of the vehicles and kits it could be a good map.
  • Hungary_Urban_Area - Actually, this map has a quite different and interesting choice of available vehicles which makes it very different from the original. The map layout has been changed radically, there are wider streets and more side routes, etc. Gameplay would be nothing like Arnhem. I think it is definitely worth at least a test with players.
  • KW_Hareukiu - This is something unique - a Korean war map. Unfortunately, the map crashes at the end of the loading on my PC, so I couldn't test it. But from what I gather, it seems promising. Kharkow Winter is a fun map, works with small numbers of players and would be interesting with very different vehicles and weapons. Worth further investigation (how do I make it work?)
  • Operation_Varsity - I played it once for a few minutes. It wasn't much of a real playing from me, since I had both high ping and low framerate on my PC, but I saw the map and what the gameplay is about. Looks like a good map.
  • Operation Watchtower - Like Battle_of_the_Solomon but with different, and I think more balanced navies: 2 destroyers, a cruiser and a repair ship for each team, plus a US sub and a Japanese counterspawning torpedo boat. Also it has some tanks for the Americans. I think it is better than Battle_of_the_Solomon and would need less modifications. The map is worth a test.
  • Salerno-1943 - I played this map a little with a few guys. The main feature (at least from what I saw) is the modified Flettner with 2 passenger seats on it. There are 2 Flettners with which the Axis can quickly transport troops into the battlefield. I liked it.
  • Western_Front_Mountain - I played this once or twice and it was fun. It does show a huge amount of effort put into it.
  • Westminster-1942 - This does look like an interesting map I would like to try.

  • Arctic Convoy - This map has some performance issues. All those maps with the snow effect have low framerates, which I've seen people complain about several times. I think the snow effect is causing it. If it can't be fixed, I think it should be removed. Also, Arctic Convoy's loading is unusually long. I usually Alt+Tab out of the game during the whole map loading process, but on Arctic Convoy specifically, I have to wait some more time (maybe 20 seconds) after I Alt+Tab back in the game. Apparently there's a significant part at the end of the loading process that is not being executed while the game is in the background. I suspect others are waiting a lot, partly due to this issue. It would be nice if something can be done about it.

These maps could be interesting, but I haven't tested them yet:
  • Tank_Destroyer_Battalion
  • NEW_DAWN - A naval map

  • Foy Classic and Road to Ramelle - I was never interested in these maps. If it turns out that many don't like them and they are removed, then sorry for the wasted effort on them.
  • Spurning Fate Night/Day - These maps are OK for me. I wouldn't mind playing them in the future.

The maps which I didn't say anything about I'm generally not very interested in playing on the server. I don't mind if they're in or out of the mappack.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018

Message edited by starking018 - Thursday, 2016-08-25, 10:10 PM