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Bring back the old maps! (m)
wewakDate: Saturday, 2016-07-02, 1:57 PM | Message # 301
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https://mega.nz/#!nUAXnAJD key to download: !SzCtI18k2gcwI5bhNp5vN5339E1xS7zcFccruRXpJC4

I tested about 80% of the maps in this file, maybe some could use minor modifications to make them more suitable to us.
There is also a file i found that has credits to the people who made some of the maps.

Marduk: I uploaded some of those maps which were good, except for battle of Pelileu which I forgot about.

Message edited by wewak - Saturday, 2016-07-02, 2:15 PM
mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-07-02, 3:45 PM | Message # 302
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Since we have no event tomorrow we could do the maptesting instead.
We would have enough players to see if the maps are appropriate for playing.

@eye: should we announce that on the mainpage?

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Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-07-02, 5:50 PM | Message # 303
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Thanks wewak. I'll have a look at every map and do another selection, I can already say that Pearl Harbor is waaaay too big for us. Does Khalkhin Gol work for you? For me it crashes.

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 10:23 AM | Message # 304
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@Endless: Which maps will we test tonight?
Maybe you could link the mappack with the chosen maps on the mainpage where I put the announcement. Feel free to edit the announcement.

We could open a poll and the participants could vote for each map if they want it in the mappack.

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Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 10:45 AM | Message # 305
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I've invited a friend to play with us tonight (total beginner), so I would prefer if we could test the mappack on another day. Also remember the chaos we had last time with map testing, everyone was confused which pack he has to download. For the tests only a handful of people showed up anyway so you can't even try them out properly. I think we should just release a new version of the mappack for the main server, no testing.

Here are my thoughts about all maps (in red the ones I think are worthy to add):

+ Saipan
+ RedSquare (does someone still have the 0.5 version?)
+ modified Arctic Convoy

About removing maps:
Foy Classic isn't that great, I agree.
What about Spurning Fate Night/Day, Road to Ramelle?

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 11:35 AM | Message # 306
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Regarding the list: I think you made a good choice.

Spurning Fate Night/Day: Hard to say, we hardly play them. There are other maps we hardly/never play (Ural mountains f.e.). Basically those maps could be removed.

Road to Ramelle: would need some fixes at least...

Guadalcanal: could you edit the map as I suggested in the ssm-thread and add it to the mappack?
"My main idea: the flag "The bloody ridge" could get more of the settings from the map "Battle of Edsons Ridge" in order to give the flag holder better possibilities to defend. That could also make the map less "vanilllaish". This could easily be done with putting stationary machine guns on the sandbags around the ridge. And maybe add a tent and some wooden boxes on the top of the hill like on Edsons."
(If you have no time for that - no problem!)

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Marduk aka Postduk
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 12:30 PM | Message # 307
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
Does Khalkhin Gol work for you? For me it crashes.
I was able to load it, but the map is not worth considering imo: too big and just boring in terms of gameplay.
wewakDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 12:51 PM | Message # 308
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Yeah same here, I checked it out last night but it really isnt anything special.
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 1:31 PM | Message # 309
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Okay thanks.

Quote marduk ()
Guadalcanal: could you edit the map as I suggested in the ssm-thread and add it to the mappack?
"My main idea: the flag "The bloody ridge" could get more of the settings from the map "Battle of Edsons Ridge" in order to give the flag holder better possibilities to defend. That could also make the map less "vanilllaish". This could easily be done with putting stationary machine guns on the sandbags around the ridge. And maybe add a tent and some wooden boxes on the top of the hill like on Edsons."
(If you have no time for that - no problem!)

Making a new version just for a couple of statics is a bit excessive but I'll try to find time to do the machine gun ssm.

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aka eYe.ris
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2016-07-03, 4:37 PM | Message # 310
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
+ RedSquare (does someone still have the 0.5 version?)

Yes. Here you go.

Also, what about the Nebelwerfer Hunt? I think it might be worth considering.
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2016-07-04, 7:44 PM | Message # 311
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Thanks! I'll also add Nebelwerfer Hunt.

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aka eYe.ris
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2016-07-07, 5:23 PM | Message # 312
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Solomon needs a lot of work to be playable (for us) imo, I don't have the time nor desire to do these changes.

I've never seen anyone complain about lag or long loading times on Arctic Convoy but here's the download so you can test: https://docs.google.com/uc?auth....ownload

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Thursday, 2016-07-07, 6:18 PM | Message # 313
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Is that the complete list for the new maps now?

1. Alpine Line
2. Monte Cassino 1944
3. On the Moon 1969
4. Salerno 1943
5. Warring States Japan
6. Western Front Mountain
7. Westminster 1942
8. Battle of Khalkhin Gol
9. The Nebenwerfer Hunt

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Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2016-07-07, 6:43 PM | Message # 314
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Full list (with old maps):

  • Alpine Line
  • Arctic Convoy Mod
  • Bastogne
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf Day 2
  • Crete
  • Eagles Nest
  • Fall Gelb
  • FHT Sittang Bridge
  • Monte Cassino
  • Ocean Town
  • On the Moon
  • Operation Lilliput
  • Saipan 1944 Mod
  • Salerno
  • Spurning Fate 1945
  • Stalingrad Redsquare
  • Stashuv Area
  • The Attack on Carentan
  • The Nebelwerfer Hunt
  • Trois Ponts Mod
  • Warring States Japan
  • Western Front Mountain
  • Westminster
  • Zielona Gora
  • Zveroboy

    Anything that could be removed? About 330 MB now, I don't want to add another map without at least removing one. Removing FH maps (Crete, Carentan) doesn't help here because they only take up like 200 KB.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    mardukDate: Thursday, 2016-07-07, 7:16 PM | Message # 315
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    I do not think we need to add more maps. Those are enough to keep us busy for a while.

    What we now need is a big advertisement campaign to make sure that as many players as possible download the mappack.
    I have in mind:
    -a newsletter with a link to the mappack to all who have signed on this forum
    -a server-side message
    -announcement on the mainpage
    -an event with the new added maps

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-07-09, 5:56 PM | Message # 316
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    Ah damn I wanted to download the updated versions but forgot. :(

    I'll upload a new version of the mappack hopefully soon. (links on mainpage disabled for now)

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    LauxDate: Monday, 2016-07-11, 4:43 PM | Message # 317
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    Hab euch das FHSW Mappack von "wewak Message # 301" mal seperat hochgeladen:

    Message edited by Laux - Monday, 2016-07-11, 4:43 PM
    XenanabDate: Monday, 2016-07-11, 7:51 PM | Message # 318
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    Could you guys pleeeeease wait for me? I would like to edit Foy classic to make it a viable map for our server. Also Eagles Nest could get a little update if there is enough time.
    Maybe also Ocean Town can get some cosmetic updates.
    LauxDate: Tuesday, 2016-07-12, 1:32 AM | Message # 319
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    Mach das ruhig Xenabab, ich kann jederzeit nach einem Map update, neu uploaden. Das macht mir gar nichts. Aber meiner Meinung nach ist es umständlich von MEGA runterzuladen und dannoch mit Passwort. Da blickt der Spiellaie von heute gar nicht mehr durch, bei soviel durcheinander. Bei File-Upload ist es egal welchen Browser du hast und du kannst schnell Downloaden. Maximale Uploadgröße Beträgt 1GB.
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2016-07-12, 7:32 PM | Message # 320
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    @starking: interesting idea. I think the tanks, Nebelwerfers, PAK and mortars (all heavy weapons) should be removed also. I suggest to add silenced weapons and sniper rifles of all kinds in return. We do not have a proper sniper map yet.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk