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Bring back the old maps! (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2015-11-12, 10:10 PM | Message # 261
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Quote starking018 ()
There are the uprooted, overturned tree objects which are bugged and cause problems on other maps too. When you bump into them with a vehicle it tends to explode way too easily. It happens too often.

I've noticed this, too. This can't be fixed map-side though, the collision meshes in standardmesh.rfa have to be replaced. I'll check if this is possible as a ssm.

Quote starking018 ()
There is a death zone that prevents some axis vehicles (SdKfz 222 for one) from going into the side routes (black zones on minimap). However, this death zone doesn't work for the spawn truck.

That's an easy fix I think. But I'm not sure if I even like the spawn truck, I would prefer if Axis could spawn on the center flags like Allies. Since the flags are close together it's probably very chaotic with 60+ players but for our player count it should still be playable. And it most certainly would improve the battle for the last Allied flag.

Quote starking018 ()
Axis have no permanent spawn point at the north end of the map, just a spawn truck, which is very useful tactically closer to the battlefield, so what happens often is that there are a Panther and a SdKfz 222 away from any spawn and players have to walk there to bring these vehicles. It would be much better if all these vehicles spawn near the permanent spawn point, saving time walking to the vehicle and then rolling back with it. The waste of time is even greater for the allied tanks, so perhaps move those closer to the battlefield, too. At the same time it would remedy several other of the things I mentioned (the minimap, the shortcut).

I assume the vehicles spawn so far back because of historical reasons. To avoid walking I would add a permanent spawn for Axis though.

Quote starking018 ()
At one time on Sunday there was a issue with the spawn interface for the spawn truck. It was like when there are multiple spawn vehicles associated with just one spawn point to select in the interface, and this one spawn point is displayed on the map not where either of the vehicles is located, but somewhere in the middle of all the spawn vehicles for that spawn point. So it's displayed at some odd location and you don't know where you will spawn when you select that spawn point. I couldn't figure out if there was actually a second spawn vehicle or if it was some bug. Either way, having spawn points that spawn you in a random place sucks, so please fix this, if possible (either have a separate spawn point selectable on the interface for each vehicle or fix whatever bug is causing this).

See previous comments about spawn truck.

Quote starking018 ()
And for Spurning Fate - day - it showed an odd loading screen (a picture from the readme folder of FHSW).

That's the official loading screen for this map. When they released it it served as a test map for the sloped armor effect that's why there is no proper loading screen.

@marduk: Done.

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aka eYe.ris
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2015-11-17, 4:55 PM | Message # 262
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Quote starking018 ()
There are the uprooted, overturned tree objects which are bugged and cause problems on other maps too. When you bump into them with a vehicle it tends to explode way too easily. It happens too often.

Should be fixed now, for all maps not just Bastogne.

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aka eYe.ris
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2015-12-15, 7:50 PM | Message # 263
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Arctic Convoy has one major problem: There's no clear objective for the Allies, usually they take their destroyers and camp in front of the Axis base waiting for subs.

I've decided to edit it a bit:

Allies start at the flag in the west with destroyers, carriers and liberty ships. Only when a liberty ship makes it to the red circle Allies can win the map (similar to Sibuyan Sea by tekktekk). If Axis manage to sink all liberty ships they win no matter how many ships the Allies have left.

Travel time is about 15 to 20 minutes and along the way are some icebergs to make it more interesting. I'd like to add it to the Mappack when it's finished, what do you think?

btw. tekktekk allowed me to use the effects from Leyte Gulf Day 2, they look really cool at night.

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2015-12-15, 8:45 PM | Message # 264
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@Endless: Nice idea, I like it!

Basically it was my idea to edit existing maps and make them more playable. Just like you did it with Arctic now. I think with little changes of some average maps we can improve the mod lots.

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Marduk aka Postduk
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2015-12-15, 9:31 PM | Message # 265
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Very nice idea! U mean a libertyship needs 15 - 20 minutes to cross the map? Maybe quite "fast".  So axis have only very limited time to catch it, and with sub it needs quite long time to get in the north. Any test rounds would be necessary I expect.

I would suggest eventually that the Libertys move for themself in 35min over the map, cause I think most time players don´t like to drive them?

What about the Milchkuh implementing in Rheinuebung? Suggested that a few weeks ago.

Effects of leyte here are amazing!!!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Tuesday, 2015-12-15, 9:32 PM
(HH)BenjaminDate: Tuesday, 2015-12-15, 10:16 PM | Message # 266
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I wouldn't make it so that the Liberty ships move themselves, that would take away from the teamwork necessary to win as the Allies.
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2015-12-16, 6:05 PM | Message # 267
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
U mean a libertyship needs 15 - 20 minutes to cross the map? Maybe quite "fast".  So axis have only very limited time to catch it, and with sub it needs quite long time to get in the north. Any test rounds would be necessary I expect.

I would suggest eventually that the Libertys move for themself in 35min over the map, cause I think most time players don´t like to drive them?

It certainly requires a lot of testing but there are a lot of ways to do that. I could add/remove liberty ships, make them slower/faster, add/remove destroyers, etc.

Besides what Ben said there's also the problem that you can't drive in a straight line from west to east there are several icebergs in the way. I see people using the repair ships on Rheinübung all the time so I hope they use them there, too.

Milchkuh on Rheinuebung could be a bit problematic because there are already a lot of mobile spawns and I'm not sure if there's one left to use for another vehicle. But doesn't the Dithmarschen re-arm subs, too?

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2015-12-16, 6:15 PM | Message # 268
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Regarding Rheinübung: Subs have such a short respawn-time, they dont need to get re-supplied. One can just abandon a sub and take the next. That's probably faster.

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Marduk aka Postduk
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2015-12-16, 7:36 PM | Message # 269
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
Milchkuh on Rheinuebung could be a bit problematic because there are already a lot of mobile spawns and I'm not sure if there's one left to use for another vehicle. But doesn't the Dithmarschen re-arm subs, too?

Hm don´t know imo if Dithmarschen rearms subs but I expect so. I suggestes it because of the very limited use of it, so why not put it in this pure naval map?

U are right Marduk, but if they suicide the sub comes up and don´t destroy it self. In addition it´s not "realistic" do it that way. Maybe give it a try?!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2015-12-16, 8:12 PM | Message # 270
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Sounds great eYe!

What shall we do with Monster des Stahles though? This map is kinda unplayable on our server.
Maybe we could let the Kii fight against some allied battleships? This could be already accomplished with SSM I guess.
mardukDate: Thursday, 2015-12-17, 4:22 PM | Message # 271
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Robert: "U are right Marduk, but if they suicide the sub comes up and don´t destroy it self. In addition it´s not "realistic" do it that way. Maybe give it a try?! "

Sure, you are right. Basically I wanted to make clear another point: Rheinübung is a Battleship-map, we should not focuss to much on the submarines. My compromise: increase the respawn-time of the subs to 3 mins., then it should be ok to add a Milchkuh.

Arctiv Convoy
remove the icebergs on the route of the convoy between West and East. It is complete unrealistic anyway. Convoys never used ways with icebergs because it would have been dangerous as hell.

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Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2015-12-17, 6:25 PM | Message # 272
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Of couse they didn't drive through packed ice but iceberg sightings were frequent and several ships were damaged by icebergs or chunks of ice. Some even tried to escape enemy bombers/submarines by driving into ice fields.

@Xenanab: It requires a major overhaul with proper LOD selectors which switch to a low res version of each ship at a certain distance. Like they did on Leyte Day 2. Certainly no easy ssm fix. Sure I can also remove all but 4 ships but I don't know if that's much fun to play.

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aka eYe.ris
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2015-12-17, 7:07 PM | Message # 273
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Quote marduk ()
Sure, you are right. Basically I wanted to make clear another point: Rheinübung is a Battleship-map, we should not focuss to much on the submarines. My compromise: increase the respawn-time of the subs to 3 mins., then it should be ok to add a Milchkuh.

That sounds good!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Thursday, 2015-12-17, 10:15 PM | Message # 274
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endless: "Of couse they didn't drive through packed ice but iceberg sightings were frequent and several ships were damaged by icebergs or chunks of ice. Some even tried to escape enemy bombers/submarines by driving into ice fields."

Ok, I didnt know that. Then lets this as it is and change Rheinübung as Robert agreed.

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Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2015-12-19, 12:37 PM | Message # 275
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Ah, so the LOD models are the problem? Interesting fact.

Maybe we could remove most of the ships.
Axis have the Kii, the Nyodo carrier (with actual aircraft) and 1 or 2 DDs
Allies have 2 Battleships and 1 cruiser and a few spawnrotator planes

It would be a downsized Monster des Stahles battles. Maybe that could already reduce the lagg issue.
crazygameloverDate: Friday, 2016-01-15, 11:02 PM | Message # 276
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Since Stalingrad-Red Square is bugged in the current version, I thought it might be a good idea to include the non-bugged version from 0.51 in the mappack. It might have to be renamed to avoid confusion, but I don't remember it being a terribly unpopular map.

Quote Xenanab ()
Maybe we could remove most of the ships.If...
Axis have the Kii, the Nyodo carrier (with actual aircraft) and 1 or 2 DDs
Allies have 2 Battleships and 1 cruiser and a few spawnrotator planes

It would be a downsized Monster des Stahles battles. Maybe that could already reduce the lagg issue.

If we are to make some changes to Monster, I think we should still keep the three unique American destroyers (Wickes, Bagley, & John C. Butler classes) as well as the modified Mogami aircraft carrier. Other than that, I think you have a good idea.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2016-01-15, 11:34 PM | Message # 277
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What about switching Ural mountains back to the early war theatre 41 - 42? Eye noticed that at last event and implement it in the mappack?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-01-16, 7:59 AM | Message # 278
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@crazy: Redsquare: I support that!

@Robert: Ural Mountains: I support that!

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Marduk aka Postduk
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2016-02-03, 8:06 PM | Message # 279
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Quote crazygamelover ()
Since Stalingrad-Red Square is bugged in the current version, I thought it might be a good idea to include the non-bugged version from 0.51 in the mappack. It might have to be renamed to avoid confusion, but I don't remember it being a terribly unpopular map.
Maybe we could try modded server version from PrinceUmeboshi's ftp? At least there is a gameplay video of it uploaded in previous year on Japanese Nico Nico.

Added (2016-02-03, 7:06 PM)
Actually, I just compared the original server file and this one and probably found out the reason of crashes:
In original file there is a line in Init.con file:

game.setKit 1 0 1German_OfficerMp403
While it should be:
game.setKit 1 0 1German_OfficerMp40
Probably just a misprint.
mardukDate: Thursday, 2016-02-04, 12:59 PM | Message # 280
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Quote Radio: "Maybe we could try modded server version from PrinceUmeboshi's ftp?"

Sure, lets go for it!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk