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New mappack for 0.61 (m)
mardukDate: Friday, 2017-03-03, 12:39 PM | Message # 21
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Quote Xenanab: "In my honest opinion I think we should not include alternate versione of existing maps." -I agree. This is a task for the ssm.

Zveroboy sounds like a lot of work. I am looking forward to play it.

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Friday, 2017-03-03, 8:55 PM | Message # 22
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And here you have Bastogne-1944 edited and tested for FHSW 0.6.

I tried to test every little aspect of this map and couldn't find any issue what so ever. The transition from 0.552 to 0.6 must have been pretty smooth for FHSW assets in general.

Anyway I still took some time to make little tidbits.

Here is a little changelog:

- removed texture directory link for Battle of the Bulge
- added some S&T pack textures (environment and skins)
- added a couple FHSW textures
- added a Willy jeep w/ Browning at southern reinforcement spot for allies
- removed grenades from StG44 soldier spawnclass
- added 1 single EiHGr39 for StG44 sniper kits
- reduced amount of allied grenades to 1
- added a system to prevent allied tankers to rush through the forest in the south to get quick access to allied main (Don't you dare trying to cheat this time, allies)

The texture link was a really interesting thing. It seems that all S&T pack users had a wrong perception of the ground textures of this map. The problem is that with the S&T pack come new edited Terrainshadowmaps for the Battle of the Bulge map.... These are in the directory which has been linked in the Bastogne data. So basically all S&T pack users saw a totally wrong layout of shadows and sunlight quality on their ground textures. In reality the map is darker.
I fixed this by simply removing this link and adding the missing Bulge textures manually to the texture data.

The tweak on grenades was to gain a bit more "soldier class" balance for axis team while keeping the overall balance for both teams the same. Axis still have two other spawnkits with each 2 grenades + the new one for the StG44 snipers. Allies now have to trust more in shooting instead of nade throwing.
The map data now contains around 17,4 MB.

The next map will be The_Attack_on_Carentan-1944
Attachments: 4743218.jpg (317.6 Kb)
Born-1942Date: Friday, 2017-03-03, 10:28 PM | Message # 23
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Very good again was done a beautiful job very eager to play these maps.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
XenanabDate: Sunday, 2017-03-05, 6:03 PM | Message # 24
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Okay, The_Attack_on_Carentan-1944 is ready for FHSW 0.6.

There weren't any issues and since Radiosmersh has already done a good job tweaking some stuff, there isn't really much left that I could do.

Small changelog:

- added some S&T-pack textures
- added some FHSW textures
- minor changes on soldier outfits
- added 1 counterspawn Panzerschreck kit for axis at northern reinforcement spawn when enemy takes flag 4
- added 1 Bazooka w/ Smoke kit at flag 2 south of the point where allies normally spawn. Keep your eyes open

The Panzerschreck is there to help axis to get rid of the enemy spawn apc when the battle around the last flag begins. But it only spawns when allies manage to actually capture it.
The Bazooka with smoke is mainly there to add some new FHSW 0.6 stuff and to help allies advance through the open fields.
The map data now contains around 5,8 MB.

I will work on Stashuv_Area next.
Attachments: 4490481.jpg (358.6 Kb)
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-03-05, 9:48 PM | Message # 25
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It's great to see this classic maps coming back even better. ;D

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 5:37 PM | Message # 26
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Great work Xenanab. smile One suggestion for Carentan: Remove the spawn APC for Allies if it's still there. Allies can just drive through all Axis defenses (who have basically no AT weapons) and backcap everything.

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aka eYe.ris
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 6:08 PM | Message # 27
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
One suggestion for Carentan: Remove the spawn APC for Allies if it's still there

Is that really an issue? Axis have at least satchels and some canons to stop it. I know what the problem is but basically without it allies dont have any chance to make good progress since they have no equipment advantage on their side. From my gameplay experiences all I could say is that the Germans could use at least a Schreck in the end to destroy it.

As of Stashuv Area: Honestly, this map seems to be completely broken for S&T pack users. Don't have any idea if it's a sound or a texture problem. It is unplayable and you crash within seconds when you approach certain spots of the level (similiar problems like Korsun Pocket). Without the pack it seems to run stable though.
But I must say: I really don't want to deal that much with technical problems, especially not for this map where I feel it could be much better without this enormous amount of armor.
It might be possible to rebuild it (delete all objectspawn templates and create a new balancing) but I really don't have that much enthusiasm for something like that.

Much rather I would like to bring Golf Hotel back.
Radio, would you like to do this one already? If not I can work on that. But someone has to give me a download link for it.

I'm now looking into Fall_Gelb-1940
mardukDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 6:24 PM | Message # 28
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The Attack on Carentan

@Endless: I agree.

Quote Xenanab: "From my gameplay experiences all I could say is that the Germans could use at least a Schreck in the end to destroy it."

You expect to much biggrin If some noob gets the panzerschreck your theory is all wasted. And even an advanced player can miss or get killed before engaging. Chances to destroy the halftruck with the panzerschreck are probably below 20% on average.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 8:18 PM | Message # 29
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Any more people who would like to comment on this?

I could replace it with an ordinary M3A1 apc.
LampoDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 8:57 PM | Message # 30
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Quote marduk ()
some noob gets the panzerschreck your theory is all wasted. And even an advanced player can miss or get killed before engaging.

that's me cool

Then , thanks a lot Xeni for your job, for me all news are good. I never have any idea to improve the game because I'm too lazy for thinking or doing anything. But always ready to play. Maybe we ( you ) should resolve some problem with some map, for example Trios Ponts, there is always some camper at the last flag before the time and also in Great Pursuit too many players prefer camping instead take the last flag. Yesterday axis won a lost game thanks to this behavior. But this is another story... happy

RADIOSMERSHDate: Monday, 2017-03-06, 10:15 PM | Message # 31
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Quote Lampo ()
Radio, would you like to do this one already? If not I can work on that. But someone has to give me a download link for it.

Does it require any changes at all? Btw, here it is: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArKl6aZTApvlkT7C_5YyaR25vYqB
XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2017-03-07, 5:09 PM | Message # 32
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Does it require any changes at all?

I guess not. But there might be some details I'd like to add.

@Lampo, I see the problem but I don't think this should be fixed with new map versions but rather with SSM. But also I think it has more to do with the behaviour of players and this can't be solved within the map itself :/
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2017-03-07, 5:26 PM | Message # 33
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Quote Xenanab ()
I could replace it with an ordinary M3A1 apc.

Sounds good, that's also what I did via ssm with the last mappack.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2017-04-01, 9:46 PM | Message # 34
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Finally Fall_Gelb-1940 arrives for FHSW 0.6.

This was really frustrating and I lost my motivation to work on it for weeks. But now here it is, updated and fixed.
Basically the map was completely fine and could be run with the current FHSW build. The main problem was to open and edit it via ED42 because every safe immediately crashed the program and I just couldn't find any solution for it. But with careful editing I could update it without the use of ED42 at all.

The changelog:

- added some S&T pack textures
- removed marker pistol on German officer spawnkit
- fixed molotov icon for the Lebel pickup kit (you now aren't "forced" anymore to press the infamous 7 key to equip it and risk a crash)
- changed StuGIII B to StuGIII A
- replaced all Pz 739(f) with Panzer III E (1 w/ rnd APCR)
- replaced P204(f) with SdKfz 251/10
- replaced 1 Panzer II at west flag with Panzer III E
- increased spawntime of the 3 Stuka remote bomber kits to 5 minutes
- slightly edited vehicle spawntimes in general
- fixed the "possible" minefields (better pay attention to the minimap axis!)
- slightly decreased respawntime of minefield mines
- edited ingamemap.dds
- edited multiplayer briefing text

Obviously the original FH mapper was confronted with the issue that certain German vehicles available for FH did not fit this 1940 scenario and he avoided giving axis a Panzer III J and gave them instead captured Somouas.
Well within 3 weeks the Germans would have never captured and already used the enemy's material against him so I gave them more accurate FHSW stuff.
The minefields are now fixed... more or less let's say.
So the Panzer III E at axis mainbase has rnd APCR ammunition. Is that realistic for May 1940? (3,7 cm KwK 36) Couldn't find any sources for that.
There might still be an issue which I refused to adress because I was too lazy to get into that: Axis can still drive a motorcycle to the French main to grey the flag at least (flag needs 2 soldiers). This is considered pretty lame on our server but it is still possible. I just didn't want to add a pushcage system without the use of ED42.
If it will become a problem I will certainly adress it in the ssm forum.
Honestly I really dislike to edit maps with a FH data source... makes things really inconvinient and confusing at times...
But in my opinion Fall Gelb is the best French map in the game.
The map data now contains around 1,2 MB.

Next up is fht_golf_hotel-1944. This shouldn't be frustrating at all.
Attachments: 7645686.jpg (261.3 Kb)

Message edited by Xenanab - Sunday, 2017-04-02, 4:46 PM
Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2017-04-01, 10:10 PM | Message # 35
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Very good really good.  biggrin

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-12, 8:27 AM | Message # 36
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And fht_golf_hotel-1944 makes a comeback for FHSW 0.6 too.

As assumed this was no big deal to be honest. All I did was to do some changes on kit layout but I kept the armor and overall balance of the map intact.
We can only guess what the exact reasons were that the devs/mappers decided to leave the map out of the collection.
Maybe because they didn't like its gameplay which mostly resembles the original FHT layout and ObjectSpawns. Or maybe because of something else - I will come to that later.

As usual the changelog with the edits:

- .001 update file now integrated in the main map directory
- added night effects
- added some textures
- changes on soldier outfits
- removed weird atmospheric smoke/fog effects east of hotel area
- removed all Nazi symbolism
- edited position of some static objects
- improvements on pickup kit spawn positions and vehicle spawn positions
- replaced BMW R75 on allied side with Willy Jeep w/ Browning
- removed some weird and useless static MG42s at southern area
- changed Mas 38 specops pickup kits to Thompson specops pickup kits
- changed Mas 36 landmine pickup kits to No4 landmine pickup kits and added a smoke grenade
- changed Bren pickup kits to BAR 1918 pickup kits
- removed one Springfield 04 sniperkit at norther arty post
- added one No4 sniperkit at northern centre base
- removed ZF41 from silenced G43 specops kits
- added ZF41, smokepistol and binoculars to silenced K98 pickup kits
- added additional silenced K98 w/ ZF41 pickup kits at German bases
- added a FG42 / BAR 1918 pickup kit at barn spawnpoint of the West gate
- replaced normal pistol with silenced Walther on German Panzerschreck pickup kits
- changed silenced Sten pickup kit w/50 lbs to silenced M1 Carbine
- the allied counterpart of the axis StG44 sniperkit now is a silenced Greasegun with grenades and binoculars
- fixed fortification mortar pickup kits for both teams
- fixed fortification MG pickup kit for allies
- fixed/removed/replaced broken or bugged pickup kits in general
- removed the axis and allied super secret remote bomber kits that nobody ever knew about
- removed marker pistol of German officer spawnkit
- changed rnd pistol of German officer spawnkit to Browning Hi-Power
- added the missing smoke grenade on allied Mas 36 officer spawnkit
- changed German Mp40 satchel spawnkit to MG34 spawnkit
- globally reduced ammo amount of expacks to 2
- globally reduced ammo amount of landmines to 1

So, I encountered a few crashes of my client during playtesting. Maybe my installation is responsible for this but I will share my experiences: My crashes mostly appear when I was close to the Hotel area where all these imported customized static objects are. As you may have noticed, shooting with a weapon against the structure of the 2 lower buildings flanking the main house causes no traces or hit feedback at all. There must be a missing hit feedback property on these statics meshes (don't have any knowledge of this subject 'though). Here is the thing. At least twice I was shooting with the 88mm gun of the broken Tiger against these walls and immediate crashes happened to me. Also once when dropping loads of bombs on the hotel area with one of the remote bomber kits (that's the reason why I removed them entirely from this map). I think it may have something to do with buggy or glitchy customized statics... but I'm not sure really. Major FPS slowdowns also happened when encountering the broken tiger tank. That thing is customized too since it shares a soldierspawnpoint for axis team.
Maybe unstable performances were the reason for the devs to not deal any longer with the map? That's certainly also the reason for the removal of Stashuv.
Well, these crashes haven't been frequent I must say... so let's hope that they do not spoil the enjoyment of the map (or better) are just an issue with my client (which could definitely be).
The reason why I deleted the extensive use of NS symbolism is because I don't know how to edit - and safe - .dds files with Photoshop. I can open them but not do any changes.
Originally I wanted to create a censored version and suggest the 'uncut' files for the S&T pack.
In the end I decided to remove them because I don't want to get this community mappack spoiled with stuff which normally doesn't appear in the uncostumized FHSW. Besides, I dont think that these textures add anything in particular to this map's appearance. Basically nothing of value is lost.
This map is pretty awesome and I'm glad it will return.
The map data now contains around 60,6 MB.

Now it's Eagles_Nest-1945's turn. This might take longer.

Added (2017-04-12, 7:27 AM)
I Have an announcment to make.
My free time for mapping will come to an end in the next weeks and I don't want to postpone the mappack to late summer.

So I have made the decision to finish up Eagles Nest as soon as possible.
That means:

-> only new equipment balancing
-> NO new statics, changes on heightmap or other major level updates

I want to come back later to this map to completely redo its asthetics. But that will really happen at another point.

Also all maps must be ckecked with the new FHSW version 0.61. Although I don't believe there will be any problems, I am not going to include some of the additions in the maps I think.

And I will hereby step back to include:

- Stashuv Area (reason mentioned above)
- Operation Lilliput (this is too much work and in the end can be still a hit-and-miss situation)
- Zielona Gora (see op. Lilliput)
- Operation Blackknight

Blackknight is a very decent map but the reason for its unpopularity is in my opinion a poor flag layout that makes the gameplay pretty barren. I definitely want to rework this map but that won't happen in the next weeks.

So in the end I will conclude with Eagles_Nest-1945 so that we have a mappack with:

- Bastogne-1944
- Eagles_Nest-1945
- Fall_Gelb-1940
- fht_golf_hotel-1944
- Ocean_Town
- The_Attack_on_Carentan-1944
- Zveroboy

These are 7 potential maps that are suitable for our server.

An addition of this mappack could be made later with maps like

- rebuild of Eagles Nest 1945
- these 2 Polish maps
- Operation Blackknight
- This new fht map I have access to
- maybe Zielona Gora and Operation Lilliput
- a good train map (rebuild of Stashuv e.g)
- and more

You will hear from me in the next 2 weeks I think. I am currently busy with other things.

Attachments: 1609066.jpg (474.4 Kb)

Message edited by Xenanab - Thursday, 2017-04-06, 8:34 PM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-12, 8:53 AM | Message # 37
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I think that still is a great achievement. Thanks for your work!
Together with version 0.61 we have enough new maps and stuff to keep us busy for a while smile

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-12, 9:05 PM | Message # 38
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Thanks Xena, great work. up Even when there are sometimes only small changes it's often a very tedious job especially when you have to use very buggy software like Editor42!

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
RADIOSMERSHDate: Wednesday, 2017-04-12, 9:29 PM | Message # 39
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Nice work, indeed! Can't wait to play them out!

Seems like Op. Kikusui Day2 crashes because of the Lion battleship, presumably because of too many networkable objects on it. This is because its code is duplicated in main game configuration files. Not sure, if this can be fixed by SSM, but we can always alter the map with different name.

I've tried the map on new version, but apparently it simply crashes server during loading now. Thus I remove buggy Lion ship code and altered the map with different name. What about adding it to the mappack?
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-04-13, 5:16 PM | Message # 40
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If I remember correctly the Lion battleship received some fixes in the new FHSW version. The Japanese changelog claims that at least.

Maybe we should try the new version out first.