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Server-side modding 0.61 (m)
mardukDate: Friday, 2017-05-19, 10:47 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
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For everybody: Please feel free to post suggestions for serverside modding.
For modders: Please explicitly post the intended changes in this thread before applying them.

Applied SSMs:

A Day of Zitadelle
  • Reinstated Ferdinand; spawn is attached to the hut flag, so once Germans cap it, it won't respawn anymore
  • Removed Bergetiger
  • Removed fly-by Stukas and Il2-s

  • replaced B29 kit with 2 P51 kits, with 40 second respawn instead of 100 seconds
  • increased maxnumberspawn of T29 to 2

    Battle at River Don
  • Increased respawn time of 88 by 100 seconds, captured T-34's - by 30 seconds, Sd.Kfz.251 with Pak 40 - by 30 second

    Battle of Angaur
  • Replaced Lion with Jenkins (Fletcher class destroyer)
  • Removed one of the additional Japanese spawn points in the woods (south of flag 5)
  • Removed Japanese spawn APC
  • Immobilized aircraft carrier
  • Replaced LST-1 with 2x LCT Mk 5 because it's bugged and causes lags

    Battle of Foy
  • Allies now bleed until they capture flag 3
  • Decreased Goliath spawn time from 5.5 to 2.5 minutes
  • Increased minimal amount of players and time needed to capture last flag

    Battle of Luzon
  • decreased respawn time of US vehicles

    Battle over Hokkaido
  • Banzai kit that spawns in the tent at Axis main base now has an explosion power of SturmTiger's rocket
  • Two additional Tiger spawn

    Berlin Outskirts
  • Changed Maus to Elephant

  • Hafthohlladung pickup kits
  • Gebalte Ladung in Italian AT kit is replaced with Kampfpistole (40 mm HEAT ammunition)

  • Vehicle layout restored to pre-v0.6 state.

    Bombing the Reich
  • lowered objective HP from 260.000 to 100.000
  • Ships' respawn time increased to 6 minutes.

    Desert Rose
  • Replaced Bf 109G-2s with Bf 109G-6

    Eagles Nest 1945
  • Doubled the respawn time of Greyhound
  • Added 15 seconds to the spawn time of Sherman w/ sandbags

  • Restored tickets to default FH0.7 values (25% more than in FHSW)
  • Changed flag values from to 40 to 25 (default in FH), so now Germans will have to capture only 2 flags instead of 3 to stop the bleed

  • French tanks in Germain main base replaced by Pz II/38 (t)

    Eagles Nest 45
  • Slightly rotated Pak 40 near the tunnel flag so that it can fire on the road below

    Eastern Blitz
  • Replaced one Pz. II with Pz. IV Ausf.
  • Decreased the total amount of spawnable Pz. IIIs at the same time from 2 to 1

    El Alamein
  • replaced Leopard with Pz III Ausf. J
  • replaced towable Flak 18 with one on SdFkz 8 to avoid AA spamming
  • When Axis/Allies take North flag at the buildings in F1 spawns:
    -halftruck with permanent spawn
    -one stationary 88 mm gun (that also respawns when Allies take that flag)
    -two stationary PAKs (50 mm for Germans (with APCR rounds), 57 mm for Allies)
    -two MG-kits with mines
    -one sniper rifle
    -one 2 cm-/Bofors-Flak on the roof

    Fall Gelb-1940
  • added killer cage around French which dissapears after Germans capture all other flags
  • fixed mobile Flak 18 and Stug double spawn
  • Char B1's spawn time decreased by 45 seconds
  • One of the R35 tanks replaced with a Somua S-35
  • Removed one remote Stuka kit, also they don't respawn anymore
  • increased (30%) bleedrate for both teams

    Fall Weiß
  • Replaced Pz. III Ausf. E with Pz. IV Ausf. D

    Fht Operation Dracula
  • Immobilized Allied carrier
  • Removed the British destroyer
  • Added Chi-Ha APC that spawns after Allies capture the docks flag

  • fixed a bug which made the Japanese cruiser Agano not spawn, now spawns when Allies take the village flag because the Allied cruiser also only spawns when the Japanese take that flag

    Hungary Forest
  • Increased ticket ratio by 75%

  • Teamlocked ISU-152

    In the Hell of Bocage
  • Decreased Firefly respawn time from 150 to 100 seconds

    Kasserine Pass
  • Removed death zones at Allied base.

    Kharkov Winter
  • added 2 Schwimmwagens to German main base
  • 37 mm AA gun now spawns when Soviets take hill flag
  • added SdKfz 10/5 instead of Kettenkrad with Flak 30
  • added M3A1 with towable Bofors for Soviets
  • removed obstacles at the north bridge
  • Changed Axis spotter kit to Ju 88 with bombload of 6x250kg and 28x50kg
  • added one sniper kit to each main base
  • peplaced Carro Armato M13/40 and Semovente da 47/32 with Panzer IV
  • peplaced one of the fighters on both sides with Ju87D and IL2 respectively
  • added Flak 18 on Sd.Kfz. 8 chassis as countermeasure Soviet heavy tanks (spawns when they capture eastern flag)
  • Replaced Bf 109G-6 with Bf 109E

    Khota Bharu
  • Bleed ratio increased by the 20% percent for both teams

    Operation Forager
  •  D4 flag removed

    Operation Goodwood
  • The double Tortoise spawner now releases only one tank

    Op. Kikusui Day 1
  • Removed wrenches from Japanese kits
  • Lowered Yamato HP from 108k to 98k (the lowest option availible in map files)

    Op. Kikusui Day 2
  • Moved American fleet and spawnrotator planes closer to the Japanese base.

  • Churchill Kangaroo in Russian main base does not respawn once the flag is capped by Germans.

  • Replaced usual Daihatsu boats on Tsurumi oiler with tanks and field guns
  • Added one halftruck to each flag on the island
  • Added spawnable AT kit for Allies
  • Increased the range of sight from 500 to 1000m
  • Axis are in poccession of sea flags from the start
  • respawn time of submarines increased to 2 mins
  • self-destroy timer for unused ships removed

  • Made flags marked by number 4 on the minimap recappable

  • Removed Jagdtiger that spawns at 3rd flag
  • Replaced Maus with Jagdtiger

  • Tiger with autoloading cannon now counterspawns in Axis main base

  • Moved plane spawnpoints at the last flag, so they don't explode immediately after spawning.
  • Increased time needed to capture flags from 10 to 15 seconds.

    Seelow Heights
  • Axis reinforcements (spawn-PZ IV + 2 * Panther and 2 * Stug) spawn on the road leading from the southeastern border of the map when Axis main gets taken

    Stalingrad Redsquare
  • four flags removed
  • train remove

    Stashuv Area
  • Changed Soviet assault kit with PPSh to officer's kit w/ binoculars
  • Added sniper kit to the Soviet main base (in one of the tents)
  • teamlocked ISU-152

    The Merville Battery
  • Increased the bleedrate by 30%

    The Nebelwerfer Hunt
  • Removed "Giesskanne"

    Trois Points
  • Replaced usual 6pdr's with longer barrel version

    Tulagi Island
  • Increased tickets amount by 100%

    Westminster 1942
  • Additional Typhoon w/ rockets kit, which spawns near a pile of barrels at British main base.

  • Lowered insane Axis bleed from 100 to 8 tickets per min (twice as much as Allied)
  • Removed two SP Tortoises which spawn at the second flag
  • Slightly raised position of the static MG42 overlooking the wooden bridge at flag 2

  • Restored missing knife in German AT kit

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    crazygameloverDate: Wednesday, 2018-01-24, 0:36 AM | Message # 141
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    Regarding Westwall, I think the removal of all but the first 2 tortoises would be fair.

    Changing subjects: Omaha beach. I feel that it is too easy for US to advance up the beach when Germans cant spawn at the bunkers. There's little/no resistance faced by US who can just casually walk up and cap the beach while Germans are rushing to MGs. I know Saving Private Ryan isnt a documentary, but I'm pretty sure the US had some difficulty taking the beach itself irl. I'll wait to see the outcome of another match, but right now I think the addition/reposition of German spawn points to the bunkers should be considered.
    mardukDate: Wednesday, 2018-01-24, 7:57 AM | Message # 142
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    Quote Xenanab: " But still the Maus is displayed on so many other maps and I hardly see what justifies its existence in this townfight while it appeares on so many other levels."

    I agree. Alltogether there are tons of Maus-tanks and Maus-turrets and I also think those are too many. I do not like it on Fall of Berlin and it also spoiled Berlin Outskirts before we removed it.

    I agree to put Ferdiand back on A Day of Zitadelle.

    Quote crazy: "Regarding Westwall, I think the removal of all but the first 2 tortoises would be fair."

    I agree.

    Quote crazy: "I think the addition/reposition of German spawn points to the bunkers should be considered."


    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 8:21 PM | Message # 143
    Lieutenant General
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    Quote Xenanab ()
    Let's take Berlin Outskits-1945 for instance. Do you know how absolutely aweful that Maus tank was on this fucking map? There is nothing more frustrating than going over that hill with a IS2 and getting oneshot by some campy fatass somewhere in the background that only dies if you hit it multiple times with high caliber canons because on this narrow map you can't for fuck sake make use of some kind of strategic flanking. Meanwhile it gets repaired all the time by a lovely Bergetiger. The best is that when you complain about this, guys who mostly play axis then tell you that you need to do teamplay in order to win. Laughable! As if axis would do any awesome teamplay to win this map. For them it's just camping.

    I never played it with Maus but I can imagine and agree with u especially in addition with Bergetiger, that feels like a perpetuum mobile wacko .
    Same way as u I don´t like maps that are designed as a bottleneck, like eagles nest for example or Edson Ridge (worst map ever dry ). Also I never mentioned Berlin outskirts, because I agree. But I simply can´t follow to remove the Leopard from El Ala for the reason "don´t fit in that time" ( <-- if I remember right) In British base are TONS of tanks, multiple Shermans and Grants and in addition Churchills ... but the Leopard is removed. If we go after "do not fit in the timeline", how much secret stuff and prototypes have to be removed from the maps?!
    Relating to teamplay: a lot players react in that way u described because the only thing that is important for them is their very own "fun" and they totaly refuse to judge a situation ojektively and react in a proper manner. It is like talking with a wall, they stand like a dickhead to go ahead for do not lose their "fun" under all circumstances. Totaly superiority without mercy. That give a poor innerview in the charakter of that player. (otherwise its an advantage of the anonymity from Internet to get so clear impressions of someones mind, I expect in real life those persons never would risk to reveal themself so roughly.) 

    Quote Xenanab ()
    Concerning Westwall:Westwall last time was really weird. I must say I much more prefered the first version of this map where allies have to climb up way further to another flag. As I remember correctly allies have from the beginning 1 normal tortoise + 1 flame tortoise (and that's fucking okay. The flame tank cant kill any tiger from distance!).
    But after flag 3 gets captured suddenly allies receive another pair of tortoise which I think is really too much. They serve as infantry spawn points aswell as the first pair of tortoises
    Yes Westwall was VERY insane last time. I was as a close combat brit on my way and captured flagg one and two within minutes without dying and the third flag was captured nearly seconds after the second flag because some tanks didn´t stay at 2 but rusched through and have been still waiting at 3 while I was capping. Flagg 4 was a sidestory at last and after capping it, the tickets went down in a hurry even though axis have 3 main bases ... I think I get the impression that this map is designed to end as fast as possible dry .

    Now we come to a part where I simply do not understand u.
    First a quote of u:
    Quote Xenanab ()
    Experimental tanks and weapons of any kind no matter what team use them are completely okay as long as beforementioned balance of attacking - defending - counterattacking isn't damaged.
    Tell me how can germans counter that TWO Tortoise MOBILE SPAWNPOINTS (are really both spawnpoints?) and a Churchill AVRE ? and all the other tanks in the beginning??? With their two mighty E 10 secret weapons or PAK 40 L71 or Flak 88 ??? They do nothing against a Tortoise frontal and pricks like mosquitos from side maybe. Where is the Tiger u mentioned above ? It´s like trying to defend an attacking knight with some pebbles and sticks. In addition u never mentioned the spawnpoint feature of Tortoise ... Try to attack a Tortoise as Panzerjäger while constantly enemys spawn in it. But U say "and thats fucking okay." I absolutly can´t follow u ... 

    Quote Xenanab ()
    Concerning A day of Zitadelle:Since when is the Ferdinand removed from axis spawn? Since update 0.61 ? I think the Japanese mappers did this change because on a few occasions my experience was that the map ends with an unbreakable front of heavy tanks that allies just couln't break at all. Actually this has never been the case on our server with our player numbers. So maybe switch the new panther spawner back to Ferdinand (as long as respawn time is adjusted to the old value).

    Don´t know at which time it disapears. Maybe it´s interesting to examine the map statistics in winning loosing and then do some proper SSM in favor for the russians. I don´t want easy victories but intense battles.

    Quote Xenanab ()
    Concerning Op. Varsity:To be fair allies indeed won this round on Varsity and I would admit not to remove everything axis have. But still the Maus is displayed on so many other maps and I hardly see what justifies its existence in this townfight while it appeares on so many other levels.

    Now I would suggest to just replace it with something else.
    Somehow replace these Tiger tanks.

    Well if fair or not, allies won that map and not with only a few tickets, it was a very clear victory for the brits. Oh, very gratefull that u admit not to remove everything that axis have cry .  In this case too it would be nice to take a look on the map statistics and in addition the playercounts.
    So far I know Axis get their tanks to counter if the last flag switches to allies. And u really want to remove the Maus? Hell why ??? Using the Maus in a city is a complete different thing as on open field. There are multiple ways to the last flagg, there is no need at all to go in a fight against the Maus, just pass it in silence and get the flagg.
    BTW germans do a counterattack here and only have one single Maus without spawn feature and u want to remove it? BECAUSE OF U CAN´T SEE WHAT JUSTIFYS IT ON THIS MAP AND IT´S ON SO MUCH OTHER MAPS ????????? Xenanab, are u serious ?
    Just to thought about something: It simply is justified because this is FHSW and the Maus is a prototype and a secret weapon maybe too. And the people are here to even play and enjoy exactly THIS spirit of FHSW ... Prototypes and secret weapons. Not everytime and everywhere but in proper situations. And a Maus is more usefull in urban fighting than a T95 or a (regular) Tortoise so it makes sense to put it in action in urban fighting too.

    After looking in the map folder Maus apears on 5 maps (if I count right) for sure, maybe one additional ... from 135 maps? Whouw, thats a lot 

    Regards, Robert

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 11:21 PM | Message # 144
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    A Day of Zitadelle
  • Reinstated Ferdinand

    Added (2018-01-25, 10:21 PM)

    Quote Xenanab ()
    I must say I much more prefered the first version of this map where allies have to climb up way further to another flag.
    This. Actually, I want to try to revert current version via SSM.
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2018-01-26, 3:41 PM | Message # 145
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    I just browsed this thread and picked up some suggestions that aren´t done so far I can see on the list.
    What shall we do about that?

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:40 PM)

    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    Battle over Hokkaido:I just saw following SSM balance on Japanese forum and thought we could apply it too, as Japanese always struggle to win on this map.

    Decrease japanese Tiger spawn time from 6 to 2 minutes
    New vehicle balance:
    IS-3 → IS-1
    IS-2 → T-35E-95
    SU-85 → SU-122P
    KV-85 → KV122
    T-34/85 → T-34-85(43)x2
    PTRS Carriers → Valentine II\

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:40 PM)

    Quote xxpollenzxx ()
    Bombing the ReichGerman big ship (don't remember the name), should spawn only once.

    Allied ship (also don't remember the name) should have more time on respawn (I enjoy the almost insta-respawn, but I know isn't fair)

    And now I know you can do some changes, I'll try to pay more attention so I can comment a lil more here. tongue
    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    Way to Paris needs very desperatly some balance. All that superheavy stuff on russian side is still in there, but french don´t have even a single Tortoise.I really can´t figure out what the sense of this map outlay should be ...
    additionaly the AMX 13 is iconed on minimap as a heavy tank wacko no idea why ...
    And ... really french have a 6 pounder as AT gun at the first flaggs, a 6 pounder!!!! They must really feel fooled to run with that against a IS3 or IS4 dry its a long barreled called canuk or anything like that but neverthess. With that tank outlay on russian side at least a 17 pounder is necessary, don´t think it will be much helpfull, but really ...
    Quote marduk ()
    Eastern BlitzAdd artillery battery to Polish main base so the blue team can prepare the counterattack better when all flags have been taken by the Germans.

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:40 PM)

    Quote crazygamelover ()
    Suomussalmi-remove 1x KV2 and 1x T35. when the Russian team has an overall K/D ratio of 2:1, and a single guy in a KV can get a K/D of 49:0, you know it's a little unbalanced. (yes, I am salty)
    -add a few T-26s for russians
    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    Quote bubu ()I would remove one of the two, either KV2 or the T35, the T35 being the better option for removal. In wikipedia there is (correct me if it is wrong pls):

    I would rather replace both T-35s with T-28s, which were indeed used in Winter War and are much easier to take out. Also, two KV-2s are overkill.

    Quote marduk ()
    I suggest to remove the T-35 due to historical accuracy and add two mg-kits with anti-tank mines for the Finns.

    Finns don't have MG kit with anti-tank mines, but I think British kits with Vickers or Lewis can be used instead, though I'm not sure it will have positive impact on balance.
    Quote xxpollenzxx ()
    Way to ParisCan you set the uncap flags to 1-4? I think that is not fun to have to hold only 1 flag when they get the 5.
    And/or set the respawn of the tanks that appear on the last Flag (JT modified and ARL 44 I think), cuz they only spawn once.

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:41 PM)

    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    Please increase the spawn time of the allied ships on bombing the reich. Actually there is a constant ship spam axis have to defend. That skipps the whole gameplay from airmap to navalbattle

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:41 PM)

    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    I suggest to put in the map Nordwind 2 towed 17 pounder AT guns (don´t know actually if available) maybe it´s possible before this weekend.

    Added (2018-01-26, 2:41 PM)

    Quote crazygamelover ()
    As a side note, I tested Seelow Heights and Battle of Britain (objective & conquest) all for more than 30 minutes on the test server and they worked fine. Shall we try them some time on the normal server?

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2018-02-01, 6:27 PM | Message # 146
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    Bombing the Reich
  • Ships' respawn time increased to 6 minutes.

  • Replaced Maus with Jagdtiger
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2018-02-01, 8:45 PM | Message # 147
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    Oh no why replaced the Maus ... and left in T95? I do not understand ...

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    crazygameloverDate: Friday, 2018-02-02, 0:34 AM | Message # 148
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    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    Replaced Maus with Jagdtiger
    Me like. Also have you uploaded the Battle of Britain SSM?
    E-3Date: Friday, 2018-02-02, 2:27 PM | Message # 149
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    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    ReichsbannReplaced Maus with Jagdtiger

    reichsbann is only map were maus is any good
    on all other maps the maus gets killed by air and is useless sad

    I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
    and I also play cnc generals.
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2018-02-02, 4:07 PM | Message # 150
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Quote crazygamelover ()
    Me like. Also have you uploaded the Battle of Britain SSM?

    Can't recall I was talking about SSM. The thing is, It's impossible to manipulate objects files via SSM, so the only viable option would be to create modded version based on 0.55 map file and add it to the mappack. Even then, there is no guarantee it'll work as the reason of those disconnects migth be rather hidden in the mod files, not the map itself, and that's why we need to conduct test with modded version. IMO, I think we should continue this discussion in the mappack thread.

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Friday, 2018-02-02, 4:11 PM
    mardukDate: Saturday, 2018-02-03, 5:08 PM | Message # 151
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    What about El Alamein?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Saturday, 2018-02-03, 11:45 PM | Message # 152
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Quote marduk ()
    What about El Alamein?

    Almost done with it, will upload the SSM tomorrow.

    Kushira: Allies are bleeding way too fast.
    crazygameloverDate: Sunday, 2018-02-04, 4:28 AM | Message # 153
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    Quote E-3 ()
    reichsbann is only map were maus is any good
    the word you're looking for is "invincible"
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2018-02-05, 11:32 PM | Message # 154
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    Quote crazygamelover ()
    the word you're looking for is "invincible"

    I´m playing really very less on allies side, but I managed to destroy the Maus once with the calioppe from top of hill (ask E-3, maybe he remembers) there is also a T95 on that map and a P51 fighter bomber remote pick up kit. So it depends on the players to act smart enough and take that Maus out.

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    crazygameloverDate: Tuesday, 2018-02-06, 2:54 AM | Message # 155
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    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    I´m playing really very less on allies side, but I managed to destroy the Maus once with the calioppe from top of hill (ask E-3, maybe he remembers) there is also a T95 on that map and a P51 fighter bomber remote pick up kit. So it depends on the players to act smart enough and take that Maus out.
    Yeah, was just teasing  ah 

    About a week ago I was on Kabu server during Reichsbahn, and managed to kill a Maus & 4 other tanks right next to each other with the T95, all while they were shooting at me.
    Allies still lost that round though... teehee
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2018-02-06, 10:36 AM | Message # 156
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    @Radio: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/3-41-107

    Is El Alamein ready for the next event?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Thursday, 2018-02-08, 9:19 PM | Message # 157
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    El Alamein:
  • When Axis/Allies take North flag a halftruck with permanent spawn spawns at the buildings where the additional flag on Op. Rattrap is + additional
    -one stationary 88 mm gun (that also respawns when Allies take that flag)
    -two stationary PAKs (75 50 mm for Germans, 57 mm for Allies) (I thought Pak 40 will be way too powerful, so I added Pak 38 with APCR rounds instead)
    -two MG-kits with mines
    -one sniper rifle
    -one 2 cm-/Bofors-Flak on the roof
  • Added Ma. 202/Spitfire MkVb which spawn when corresponding team captures east flag (I just didn't want to bother with counterspawns, so that's it)
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2018-02-09, 0:03 AM | Message # 158
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    Brits have 2 Spitfires and axis gets a Folgore which is far worse then Spit regarding weapons and speed and handing. I vote for a Veltro instead.

    Overall the map feels nice, looking really forward to play it on Sunday thumbup thx for ur work so far Radio!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    mardukDate: Friday, 2018-02-09, 10:21 AM | Message # 159
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    @Radio: thank you! smile

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    waldhurzakDate: Saturday, 2018-02-10, 3:02 AM | Message # 160
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    stop SSMing, this shit ruined our epic maps like Kharkov Winter, before it was a great tank battle now is BOMBERs shit

    Best Bf1942 version for FHSW:
