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Bring back the old maps! (m)
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 10:02 AM | Message # 41
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Battle of foy classic is pure infantrie an very similar to chartes
Fall gelb is the predecesser of Siegfried line more simple
battle of Imphal bash
sittang brigde bash
Zveroboy not sure atm

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 10:42 AM | Message # 42
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Quote marduk ()
@Radio: Ok, when you do have time for the testing?
5pm is fine.

Quote Endless_Nameless ()
One suggestion though: Some maps of the pack are only fun with a lot of players and I doubt we will ever reach that with a mappack. Maybe for the final version concentrate on the smaller maps which can be played with 10 players?

Yeah, this just an alpha release of mappack, if it can be called in a such way, so we'll remove reduntant maps in final version.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 10:50 AM | Message # 43
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I had a first lock on Foy classic and Zveroboy. Here are my first suggestions.

Foy Classic:
-the map it too wide for a few players. I suggest to make the whole C- and F-area to red no-go-zones.
-there are only MG42 on German side lying around. More weapon kits should be added: 1 * Stgw 44 ZF, 1* K98/G43 ZF, remove some of the MG 42 instead
-remove two Nebelwerfer. Add one Opel Maultier with mounted Nebelwerfer instead
-add one Pak 40 and two Mortars to the city
-add two Sherman, one Springfield '03 and two Mortars to Allied mainbase
-this way the map can become a good infantry/sniper map with limited tank/anti-tank fighting, good for a few players

-88-Flak should have camouflage-paininting like on Stashuv
-E6: remove the middle 88-Flak
-remove Pz. 38 (t)
-add one 15 cm-Howitzer at Flag 3 for arty-support
-add 3 Mortars and one more Katyusha to the Russian mainbase
-good for about 10 players

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Marduk aka Postduk
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 11:35 AM | Message # 44
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To my shame, I forgot to include Road to Ramelle.

Quote marduk ()
Foy Classic:
-the map it too wide for a few players. I suggest to make the whole C- and F-area to red no-go-zones.
-there are only MG42 on German side lying around. More weapon kits should be added: 1 * Stgw 44 ZF, 1* K98/G43 ZF, remove some of the MG 42 instead
-remove two Nebelwerfer. Add one Opel Maultier with mounted Nebelwerfer instead
-add one Pak 40 and two Mortars to the city
-add two Sherman, one Springfield '03 and two Mortars to Allied mainbase
-this way the map can become a good infantry/sniper map with limited tank/anti-tank fighting, good for a few players

-88-Flak should have camouflage-paininting like on Stashuv
-E6: remove the middle 88-Flak
-remove Pz. 38 (t)
-add one 15 cm-Howitzer at Flag 3 for arty-support
-add 3 Mortars and one more Katyusha to the Russian mainbase
-good for about 10 players

Quite reasonable suggestions, agreed.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Sunday, 2015-09-20, 11:35 AM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 12:24 PM | Message # 45
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If the mappack is "officiel" I suggest to announce it in the sever messages to visit our site and download the mappack

3 maps was still in the map folder?! What did u do about that?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Sunday, 2015-09-20, 12:26 PM
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 12:33 PM | Message # 46
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
If the mappack is "officiel" I suggest to announce it in the sever messages to visit our site and download the mappack

This is a test mappack: the purpose is to find out bugs and balance issues, hence improving the maps and making final mappack.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 12:34 PM | Message # 47
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@Robert: before you post something, please read the older posts before.

Marduk: "After uploading the mappack on the server, it should be renamed to:
FSHW-Europ.ucoz.de+mappack!   or, if there is enough space:   FHSW0.522+mappack=>FHSW-Europ.ucoz.de
The download-link to the mappack must be on the frontpage in a way you can not overlook it."

Radiosmersh: "I suggest to test what we've got so far on server in order to find bugs and/or improve balance, so maps can be fixed and put in final version of mappack."

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
crazygameloverDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 1:35 PM | Message # 48
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  • Crete: It should stay as even though it was rather big, like Marduk said, it was very popular.

  • Fall Gelb: It's still a nice map and contains two French warplanes which are not seen on any other map. Might be worth keeping just for those :P

  • FHT Battle of Imphal: That maps design was a little too 'arcadey' IMO, and in terms of historical context it's just Kohima 2.0, should leave it out

  • Operation Lilliput: Since the last update, the Japanese have gotten three new light tanks. Maybe if we sprinkle some of those across the map, along with the current vehicle spawns, it might balance it a little bit. I'd really like to keep this map, though

  • Spurning Fate-1943 day: Not that great, but we have played worse maps :P Sure, lets keep it

  • Spurning Fate-1945: I agree with Marduk, it's just too unique of an atmosphere to remove. My suggestion would be to remove the fictional German nightvision vehicles (Pak40, KubelWagon, Opel Blitz, Panzer IV, ect.) and just have the Panther and Honamog w/ NV.  That way, it's less historically inaccurate and also more balanced.

    Any maps I didn't mention are because I agreed with Marduk and eye and had nothing to add. I'm so glad this is happening, it's gonna be so be great to play these maps again!

    Message edited by crazygamelover - Sunday, 2015-09-20, 1:37 PM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2015-09-20, 2:16 PM | Message # 49
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    @ Marduk ich erinnere mich das  gelesen zu haben, hatte es aber wieder vergessen, kommt ja mal vor wacko

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

    Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Monday, 2015-09-21, 1:26 PM
    crazygameloverDate: Monday, 2015-09-21, 12:35 PM | Message # 50
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    Ok, some suggestions for map tweaking:
    • Bastogne - Add 1 Chaffee and 1 M4A3(76) Sherman (Which can be found on the non-SSM'd Battle of the Bulge)
    • Foy Classic - Add a spawnpoint in F5 for the Germans
    • Carentan - Convert to pushmap, give Germans spawnable satchel kit
    • Trois Ponts - Remove 1 King Tiger
    • Stashuv - When the northern flag 2 is capped, the game crashes. This is caused by two Tiger's spawning at the same time. Remove at least 1, but we might have to remove both if that doesn't work
    • Spurning Fate - Like I said, remove the fictional nightvision vehicles (keep just Sdkfz "Falke", "Uhu", and Panthers, Stg44 Vampir. Everything else should be replace with their normal version)
    • Sittang - Add at least 1 Type 92 Heavy Armoured car, replace 1 Chi-Ha with a Type 89 Medium Tank
    • Lilliput - Add 1 Type 89 Medium Tank and a few Type 94 Light Armoured cars

    Message edited by crazygamelover - Wednesday, 2015-09-23, 0:32 AM
    mardukDate: Monday, 2015-09-21, 1:05 PM | Message # 51
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    • Crete: remove Battleships because it is historical bs and bs anyway
    • Fall Gelb: add two Pz III, add one Stuka, Stugs need to be able to switch between HEAT and HE, knife zoom doesnt work for some kits
    • Attack on Carentan: convert to pushmap, add Pzfaust-kit for Germans
    • Trois Ponts - Remove 1 King Tiger
    • Zveroboy: decrease respawn time for SU152

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 1:36 AM | Message # 52
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    Is anybody working on bringing back Operation Blacknight?
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 3:03 PM | Message # 53
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    @Ben: we decided not to use Operation Blacknight because we hardly played it.

    @Radio: could you do the changes crazy and me suggested?

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

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    Marduk aka Postduk
    Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 4:48 PM | Message # 54
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    I agree with the changes except:

    Quote marduk ()
    Fall Gelb: add two Pz III, add one Stuka, Stugs need to be able to switch between HEAT and HE, knife zoom doesnt work for some kits

    Can we leave it as it is for now please? I would like to see a few rounds before doing a lot of changes on a new map. I like that it's more inf focused and the Germans only have the mobile 88 to fight the French heavies.

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    aka eYe.ris
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 5:15 PM | Message # 55
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    @Endless: sure. But the Stug with HEAT and HE can be added, can't it?!

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 5:35 PM | Message # 56
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    Yea and zoom too. Edit: Oh I just read that HEAT rounds for Stug 3b were first introduced at the end of 1941, hmm.

    I'll try to do Crete and Fall Gelb.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 5:50 PM | Message # 57
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    Endless: "Oh I just read that HEAT rounds for Stug 3b were first introduced at the end of 1941, hmm. "
    Then leave it like it is.

    "I'll try to do Crete and Fall Gelb."
    Cool smile

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 6:21 PM | Message # 58
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    Report from Eagles Nest:
    At the moment I am struggling with two things.

    One is the problem to create a pushmap system. It is extremely confusing which items to use... And my ED42 doesn't want to load Alpenfestung for me so I can't investigate how the pushmap system with "killercage", "visible killercage" and "killercageremover" works.
    If anyone knows how to correctly use the items, I would be grateful for anyone who could give me a short instruction how to make it.

    The other issue is really strange. For some reason the editor-built-in "Spawn as paratrooper"-function does not seem to work with FHSW. I tried to boot Cretan Village to look how it is done there but guess what... ED42 crashes everytime.
    All I could find out by reading the soldierspawntemplate.con and the objectspawntemplate.con is that an customized object has to be put into the map file. It functions as an spawnable object which is able to create paratrooper spawnpoints.
    I don't know how to make that crap work...
    Does anyone of you guys have been working with these things? Could somebody help me out there?
    wewakDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 6:48 PM | Message # 59
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    Xenanab I dont have much experience personally but I hope these two links can help you?


    XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2015-09-22, 7:53 PM | Message # 60
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    Thanks for the advice on the bfmods forums wewak. Your link wasn't working but I have found a thread there, which may explain a working solution for the paratrooper spawn ;-)

    I think I now understand how a pushmap works... geez, that is some cluster**** there.
    What I still don't understand is how to reduce the radius of these killercages. You can choose between a 5m or a 25m radius... but I want a radius of about 10m.
    How can I shrink killercages? Should I use the size changing tool in ED42 ?