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Mappack 4 (m)
E-3Date: Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:22 PM | Message # 121
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Any help with the moon map is more than welcome.
I currently have a theory as to why it lags so bad.
I believe the collision meshes and the wrong material ID numbers are responsible for the lag.
Battlefield 1942 uses 2 collision meshes named col01 and col02.
Collision mesh 1 is usually a very low detailed object.
Collision mesh 2 has the high detail high poly count object.
The moonstag is using 2 very high detailed  collision meshes
I think if we make col01 into a low detailed object this will solve the lag issue.
However I don't have the 3ds max skills necessary to do this I'm still not good at creating 3D objects.
The material ID number I can change easily however it was my own mistake,
forgiving the wrong number to frank when I looked at the fh mosque it was using ID number 45.
I discovered it's pretty much the only object using that ID number so that was a stupid mistake sad
Bf1942 objects seem to use a whole range of numbers and not just one single number.
They can range from 45 up to 118 for static objects.
The last problem I'm facing is more of a visual problem when you look at the moonstag
from a distance you can look inside which really doesn't look good I believe the problem is in lod's.
What are lod's ? Lod's are automatically generated when you generate .sm file.
they are used to make an object lower detailed when viewed at a distance.
I don't think they are causing the lag.
when I'm viewing huge bf1942 objects in 3DS Max I've noticed that if an object is a certain size like the reichstag,
it's only using 1 lod and not the usual 5 or 6 lod's  which the fast majority of objects are using.
so if anyone has the skills to use 3DS Max you're more than welcome to join the project smile

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Saturday, 2019-04-13, 6:25 PM
mardukDate: Sunday, 2019-04-14, 5:11 PM | Message # 122
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Are you all fine with setting up the maptesting on

Saturday 20th of March - 6 PM?

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Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Sunday, 2019-04-14, 6:02 PM | Message # 123
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I'm afraid I can't give you a time schedule because my skills with 3ds max aren't very good.
with the spare time I have i will try to improve my skills but that probably will take quite a bit of time.
Frank is the only guy doing the 3D modelling at this point and he has a busy life himself as well.
so there's no way to tell when it will be ready, life is just a bitch to put it bluntly smile

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Monday, 2019-04-15, 3:29 AM
rickardsvDate: Tuesday, 2019-04-16, 5:08 AM | Message # 124
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So cut the moonstag for now, let's test the map without it like the old version, and we can test it again once everything on the moonstag is done. You don't have to postpone it all just because of one issue.

starking018Date: Tuesday, 2019-04-16, 11:08 AM | Message # 125
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I don't know if I'll be able to come this Saturday evening. Next weekend I will definitely be.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
E-3Date: Tuesday, 2019-04-16, 6:55 PM | Message # 126
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Quote rickardsv ()
So cut the moonstag for now, let's test the map without it like the old version, and we can test it again once everything on the moonstag is done. You don't have to postpone it all just because of one issue.

all good things come to those who are patient.  smile

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Tuesday, 2019-04-16, 8:10 PM
akari1121aADate: Thursday, 2019-04-18, 1:30 PM | Message # 127
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Do the event to make a new JPN mappack!
Have fun with your own map!

Event details and Discord location
starking018Date: Friday, 2019-04-19, 4:38 PM | Message # 128
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Now I can say that I can come tomorrow for testing. Are we going to do this? There's Savoy-1940 (TheAlps conversion) and at least 7 more maps mentioned in the spreadsheet that need testing.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
geclepramiDate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 7:16 PM | Message # 129
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I'm not sure if I can make it at 6PM servertime, I'll be around later though. Maybe you could run savoy not right at the start? I'd like to attend at least 1 round myself (:

bubuDate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 8:41 PM | Message # 130
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Sounds good Minnie, I will re-pack all maps now for tomorrows testing, then upload an updated version of spreadsheet and we will stick to the order in the spreadsheet. I will upload and update here once everything is ready.
mardukDate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 9:38 PM | Message # 131
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Sounds like a good plan!

When you are done I will post it on the mainpage.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 10:04 PM | Message # 132
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Ok, here is list and order for tomorrow:
1. Battleaxe Vanilla
2. counterattack-1950
3. Stalingrad Vanilla
4. polish_resistance
5. Zielona Gora Vanilla
6. Warring_States_Japan
7. Savoy 1940
8. desert_hill2
9. Battle_of_Khalkhin_Gol    - This map might crash the server/cause disconnect, I'd like to test it, when we all crash, we can join back smile
10. Meigo_Sakusen-1945
11. cruik
12. Battle_of_the_Solomon
13. Battle_of_Cebu_Island
14. The_Last_Blitz

(15. Nebelwerfer hunt - we can do this as a re-test for great madness because we will be tired after 14 maps xD)

Spreadsheet: We are testing group 5 (brownish red) https://u.to/KIgwFQ

Re-upload of all maps for this maptest (included all 15 maps in this one, Minnie's Savoy as well): https://u.to/KYgwFQ

Message edited by bubu - Saturday, 2019-04-20, 8:46 AM
FranktheEraserDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 4:36 AM | Message # 133
Group: Bronze Donator
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Hi guys, my two cents. I was not able to put original Schwimmwagen, but I put a lot of new cool stuff. I guess the map needs some lightmapping, as I changed some buildings, and I dont have any map editor (due to W10) and I don't know anyone who knows how to do it (I asked). So, feel free to lightmap it if you know how.

Here it is Hellendoorn map. Have fun. Feedback would be appreciated


In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 8:47 AM | Message # 134
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Hey Frank, that's awesome! I sent you request for permission to download the file (Tomas Zb).

I will repack it to the .zip file with all 15 maps and put it in plan for today smile
FranktheEraserDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 10:44 AM | Message # 135
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Quote bubu ()
Hey Frank, that's awesome! I sent you request for permission to download the file (Tomas Zb). I will repack it to the .zip file with all 15 maps and put it in plan for today

I already gave you the permission wink Confirm that you can download it

In Soviet Russia, FHSW chooses you. Tkers must be purged. -FraNKVD-
starking018Date: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 10:44 AM | Message # 136
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Thanks. You didn't include The_Zoo, but we'd probably not have time for it today anyway.

Air Troll a.k.a. starking018
mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 11:49 AM | Message # 137
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Regarding The Zoo
Quote Bubu: "Worth adding its cousin, cruik."

I also think that map is not needed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 12:28 PM | Message # 138
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Cool, thanks Frank - I successfully downloaded it and here is repack with Hellendoorn and Zoo. I also left the cruik in and we can test it as last one if someone is still around:

Reworked order for today:
1. Battleaxe Vanilla
2. counterattack-1950
3. Stalingrad Vanilla
4. polish_resistance
5. Zielona Gora Vanilla
6. Warring_States_Japan
7. Savoy 1940
8. Hellendoorn
9. TheZoo
10. desert_hill2
11. Battle_of_Khalkhin_Gol    - This map might crash the server/cause
disconnect, I'd like to test it, when we all crash, we can join back
12. Meigo_Sakusen-1945
13. Battle_of_the_Solomon
14. Battle_of_Cebu_Island
15. The_Last_Blitz
16. Cruik

(17. Nebelwerfer hunt for lols xD)

The Zoo and Cruik: I think Cruik is the more serious version of the arcade-ish map Zoo - the only changes are in the minimap and vehicle layouts and emplacements. In the Zoo, there are vehicles grouped as animals, e.g. panthers are in one section and have an icon of panther on minimap. So really not sure about it all lol.

Message edited by bubu - Saturday, 2019-04-20, 12:31 PM
mardukDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 1:08 PM | Message # 139
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Because of the amount of maps please set round timer on 15 mins only!

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-04-20, 4:55 PM | Message # 140
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